$inputThe object ID. Each object has its own unique $oid. It is mainly used for debugging purpose.
Trick: you can test if a JavaScript object is a ZK object by examining this property, such as `if (o.$oid) alert('o is a ZK object');`
Notice: zk.Class extends from zk.Object (so a class also has $oid)
$weaveThe weave controller that is used by ZK Weaver. It is not null if it is created and controlled by ZK Weaver. In other words, it is called in the Design Mode if Widget.$weave is not null.
autagThe AU tag of this widget.
The AU tag tag is used to tag the AU requests sent by the peer widget.
For instance, if the AU tag is xxx,yyy
and the desktop's
request path (Desktop#requestPath) is /foo.zul
, then
the URL of the AU request will contain /_/foo.zul/xxx,yyy
bindThe bind level (integer).
The level in the widget tree after this widget is bound to a DOM tree (bind_). For example, a widget's bind level is one plus the parent widget's
It starts at 0 if it is the root of the widget tree (a desktop, zk.Desktop), then 1 if a child of the root widget, and son on. Notice that it is -1 if not bound.
It is mainly useful if you want to maintain a list that parent widgets is in front of (or after) child widgets. bind level.
blankThe class name of the widget. For example, zk.Widget's class name is "zk.Widget", while zul.wnd.Window's "zul.wnd.Window".
Notice that it is available if a widget class is loaded by WPD loader (i.e., specified in zk.wpd). If you create a widget class dynamically, you have to invoke register to make this member available. On the other hand, zk.Object.$class is available for all objects extending from zk.Object.
desktopThe desktop that this widget belongs to.
It is set when it is bound to the DOM tree.
Notice it is always non-null if bound to the DOM tree, while Widget.$n is always non-null if bound. For example, zul.utl.Timer.
It is readonly, and set automatically when bind_ is called.
firstThe first child, or null
if no child at all.
inWhether this widget has a peer component.
It is set if a widget is created automatically to represent a component
at the server. On the other hand, it is false if a widget is created
by the client application (by calling, say, new zul.inp.Textox()
lastThe last child, or null
if no child at all.
nThe number of children (integer).
nextThe next sibling, or null
if this widget is the last child.
parentThe parent, or null
if this widget has no parent.
previousThe previous sibling, or null
if this widget is the first child.
prologThe UUID. Don't change it if it is bound to the DOM tree, or inServer is true. Developers rarely need to modify it since it is generated automatically.
The widget name of the widget.
It is the same as this.className.substring(this.className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase()
For example, if className is zul.wnd.Window, then
widgetName is window.
Notice that className is unique while widgetName is not necessary unique.
auThe default delay before sending an AU request when fire is called (and the server has an ARAP event listener registered).
(Unit: miliseconds).
moldsthe map of all fellows of this widget.
the widget's ID (id)
global: booleanwhether to search all ID spaces of this desktop. If true, it first search its own ID space, and then the other Id spaces in this browser window (might have one or multiple desktops). If omitted, it won't search all ID spaces.
the fellow (Widget) of the specified ID of the ID space that this widget belongs to. It returns undefined
if not found.
Determines if this object is an instance of the class represented by the specified Class parameter. Example:
if (obj.$instanceof(zul.wgt.Label, zul.wgt.Image)) {
...klass: any[]the Class object to be checked. Any number of arguments can be specified.
true if this object is an instance of the class
the DOM element that this widget is bound to. It is null if it is not bound to the DOM tree, or it doesn't have the associated DOM node (for example, zul.utl.Timer).
Notice that desktop is always non-null if it is bound to the DOM tree. In additions, this method is much faster than invoking jq() (see _global_.jq, since it caches the result (and clean up at the unbind_). ```ts var n = wgt.$n(); ```
subId: stringthe sub ID of the child element
the child element of the DOM element(s) that this widget is bound to. This method assumes the ID of the child element the concatenation of uuid, -, and subId. For example,
var cave = wgt.$n('cave'); //the same as jq('#' + wgt.uuid + '-' + 'cave')[0]
Like Widget.$n, this method caches the result so the performance is much better than invoking jq() directly.
subclass: stringthe sub zclass name that cache for this widget. It returns the zclass if the subclass is empty or null, since it caches the result (and clean up at the setZclass).
var subzcls = wgt.$s('hover'); // z-xxx-hover will be return
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments. It is like Function's call() that takes any number of arguments.
Example: ```ts multiply: function (n) { return this.$super('multiply', n + 2); } ```
the object being returned by the method of the superclass.
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments. It is like Function's call() that takes any number of arguments.
It is similar to ZKObject.$super, but this method works even if the superclass calls back the same member method. In short, it is tedious but safer.
Example: ```ts foo.MyClass = zk.$extends(foo.MySuper, { multiply: function (n) { return this.$super(foo.MyClass, 'multiply', n + 2); } ```
Notice that the class specified in the first argument is not the super class having the method. Rather, it is the class that invokes this method.
the object being returned by the method of the superclass.
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments. It is like Function's apply() that takes an array of arguments.
Example: ```ts multiply: function () { return this.$supers('multiply', arguments); } ```
the object being returned by the method of the superclass.
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments. It is like Function's apply() that takes an array of arguments.
It is similar to zk.Object.$supers, but this method works even if the superclass calls back the same member method. In short, it is tedious but safer.
Example: ```ts foo.MyClass = zk.$extends(foo.MySuper, { multiply: function () { return this.$supers(foo.MyClass, 'multiply', arguments); } ```
Notice that the class specified in the first argument is not the super class having the method. Rather, it is the class that invokes this method.
the object being returned by the method of the superclass.
Specifies a function that shall be called after the object is initialized, i.e., after zk.Object.$init is called. This method can be called only during the execution of zk.Object.$init.
It is an advance feature that is used to allow a base class to do something that needs to wait for all deriving classes have been initialized.
Invocation Sequence:
the function to register for execution later
Append a child widget. The child widget will be attached to the DOM tree automatically, if this widget has been attached to the DOM tree, unless this widget is zk.Desktop. In other words, you have to attach child widgets of zk.Desktop manually (by use of, say, replaceHTML).
whether the widget was added successfully. It returns false if the child is always the last child (lastChild).
Binds this widget. It is called to associate (aka., attach) the widget with the DOM tree.
Notice that you rarely need to invoke this method, since it is called automatically (such as replaceHTML and appendChild).
Notice that you rarely need to override this method, either. Rather, override bind_ instead.
Checks if this widget can be activated (gaining focus and so on).
opts: Partial<{ the options. Allowed values:
return false if it is not a descendant of
{@link _global_.zk#currentModal}.
Clears the cached nodes (by Widget.$n).
Fire a widget event. An instance of zk.Event is created to represent the event.
The event listeners for this event will be called one-by-one unless zk.Event#stop is called.
If the event propagation is not stopped (i.e., zk.Event#stop not called) and inServer is true, the event will be converted to an AU request and sent to the server. Refer to ZK Client-side Reference: AU Requests: Client-side Firing for more information.
the event name, such as onClick
data: unknownthe data depending on the event (zk.Event).
opts: EventOptionsthe options. Refer to zk.Event#opts
timeout: numberthe delay before sending the non-deferrable AU request (if necessary). If not specified or negative, it is decided automatically. It is ignored if no non-deferrable listener is registered at the server.
the event being fired.
Fire a widget event.
the event to fire
timeout: numberthe delay before sending the non-deferrable AU request (if necessary). If not specified or negative, it is decided automatically. It is ignored if no non-deferrable listener is registered at the server.
the event being fired, i.e., evt.
Sets the focus to this widget. This method will check if this widget can be activated by invoking canActivate first.
Notice: don't override this method. Rather, override focus_, which this method depends on.
timeout: numberhow many milliseconds before changing the focus. If not specified or negative, the focus is changed immediately,
whether the focus is gained to this widget.
Forces the rendering if it is deferred. A typical way to defer the render is to specify setRenderdefer with a non-negative value. The other example is some widget might be optimized for the performance by not rendering some or the whole part of the widget. If the rendering is deferred, the corresponding DOM elements (Widget.$n) are not available. If it is important to you, you can force it to be rendered.
Notice that this method only forces this widget to render. It doesn't force any of its children. If you want, you have invoke forcerender one-by-one
The derived class shall override this method, if it implements the render deferring (other than setRenderdefer).
Converts a coordinate related to the browser window into the coordinate related to this widget.
the X coordinate related to the browser window
the Y coordinate related to the browser window
the coordinate related to this widget (i.e., [0, 0] is the left-top corner of the widget).
Called by insertChildHTML_ to find the location to place the DOM element of the child. More precisely, the node returned by getCaveNode is the parent DOM element of the child's DOM element.
this.$n('cave') || this.$n()
You can override it to return whatever DOM element you want.
the index of the child widget to return. 0 means the first child, 1 for the second and so on.
skipHidden: booleanwhether to skip hidden child widgets, defaults to false.
the child widget at the specified index or null if no such index.
Notice this method is not good if there are a lot of children since it iterates all children one by one.
the child index of this widget. By child index we mean the order of the child list of the parent. For example, if this widget is the parent's first child, then 0 is returned.
Notice that getChildAt is called against the parent, while this method called against the child. In other words, `w.parent.getChildAt(w.getChildIndex())` returns `w`.
Notice this method is not good if there are a lot of children since it iterates all children one by one.
the ID of the popup (zul.wgt.Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
(no context menu).
the identifier of this widget, or null if not assigned. It is the same as id.
getthe ID of the popup (zul.wgt.Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
(no popup).
the DOM element that is used to hold the text, or null if this widget doesn't show any text.
return null (no text node).
<p>For example, {@link updateDomStyle_} will change the style
of the text node, if any, to make sure the text is displayed correctly.
<p>See also <a href="http://books.zkoss.org/wiki/ZK_Client-side_Reference/Component_Development/Client-side/Text_Styles_and_Inner_Tags">ZK Client-side Reference: Text Styles and Inner Tags</a>.
the ID of the popup (zul.wgt.Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment. The tooltip will automatically disappear when the mouse is moved away.
(no tooltip).
Inserts a child widget before the reference widget (the sibling
the child widget
sibling: Widget<HTMLElement>the sibling widget (the 'insert' point where the new widget will be placed before). If null or omitted, it is the same as appendChild
ignoreDom: booleanwhether the widget was added successfully. It returns false if the child is always the last child (lastChild).
whether to automatically hide this component if a popup or dropdown is overlapped with it.
If an iframe contains PDF or other non-HTML resource, it is possible that it obscues the popup that shall be shown above it. To resolve this, you have to specify autohide="true" to this component, and specify the following in the page: ```html
Includes an inline frame.
Unlike HTML iframe, this component doesn't have the frameborder property. Rather, use the CSS style to customize the border (like any other components).