Class Title

    • Constructor Detail

      • Title

        public Title()
    • Method Detail

      • getAlign

        public String getAlign()
        Returns the horizontal alignment of the title. Can be one of "left", "center" and "right".

        Defaults to center.

      • setAlign

        public void setAlign​(String align)
        Sets the horizontal alignment of the title. Can be one of "left", "center" and "right".

        Defaults to center.

      • isFloating

        public boolean isFloating()
        Returns when the title is floating, the plot area will not move to make space for it.

        Defaults to false.

      • setFloating

        public void setFloating​(boolean floating)
        Sets when the title is floating, the plot area will not move to make space for it.

        Defaults to false.

      • getMargin

        public Number getMargin()
        Returns the margin between the title and the plot area, or if a subtitle is present, the margin between the subtitle and the plot area.

        Defaults to 15.

      • setMargin

        public void setMargin​(Number margin)
        Sets the margin between the title and the plot area, or if a subtitle is present, the margin between the subtitle and the plot area.

        Defaults to 15.

      • getStyle

        public <K,​V> Map<K,​V> getStyle()
        Returns CSS styles for the title. Use this for font styling, but use align, x and y for text alignment.

        Defaults to:

         color: #3E576F; fontSize: 16px;
        Type Parameters:
        K - type for the key

        if style was set using setStyle(String), type will be String

        if style was set using setStyle(Map), type will be the same as the type from the key of the map

        if style was not set, default style will be applied, and type will be String

        V - type for the value

        if style was set using setStyle(String), type will be String

        if style was set using setStyle(Map), type will be the same as the type from the key of the map

        if style was not set, default style will be applied, and type will be String

      • setStyle

        public void setStyle​(String style)
        Sets CSS styles for the title. Use this for font styling, but use align, x and y for text alignment.

        This method allows simple settings like

         label.setStyle("fontWeight: 'bold'; color: 'white'; textShadow: '0px 1px 2px black'");

        In the format of CSS key:value, and ";" separating multiple key:value pairs, if you have more a complex CSS styling, we recommend using setStyle(Map)

        style - one or many CSS key:value pairs in a single line string format
      • setStyle

        public <K,​V> void setStyle​(Map<K,​V> style)
        Sets CSS styles for the title. Use this for font styling, but use align, x and y for text alignment.

        This method allows complex styling like:

         Map<String, Object> styles = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         styles.put("fill", "#E8E8EA");
         styles.put("stroke", "#6E6E78");
         styles.put("stroke-width", "1");
         styles.put("r", "0");
         Map<String, Object> states = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         Map<String, String> hover = new HashMap<String, String>();
         hover.put("fill", "#F4F4F6");
         hover.put("stroke", "#6E6E78");
         hover.put("stroke-width", "1");
         hover.put("r", "0");
         states.put("hover", hover);
         styles.put("states", states);
         Map<String, String> style = new HashMap<String, String>();
         style.put("color", "#4D5663");
         style.put("fontSize", "12px");
         style.put("fontFamily", "'Arial'");
         style.put("fontWeight", "normal");
         style.put("padding", "10px");
         styles.put("style", style);
        which will generate the final results like:
             "fill": "#E8E8EA",
             "stroke": "#6E6E78",
             "stroke-width": "1",
             "r": "0",
                     "fill": "#F4F4F6",
                     "stroke": "#6E6E78",
                     "stroke-width": "1",
                     "r": "0"
                 "color": "#4D5663",
                 "fontSize": "12px",
                 "fontFamily": "'Arial'",
                 "fontWeight": "normal",
                 "padding": "10px"
        Type Parameters:
        K - Type for the key, usually String
        V - Type for the value, usually String. For nested maps, use Object or any other type.
        style - the style object
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Returns the title of the chart. To disable the title, set the text to null.

        Defaults to "Chart title.

      • setText

        public void setText​(String text)
        Sets the title of the chart. To disable the title, set the text to null.

        Defaults to "Chart title.

      • isUseHTML

        public boolean isUseHTML()
        Returns whether to use HTML to render the text.

        Default: false.

        useHTML whether to use HTML to render the text
      • setUseHTML

        public void setUseHTML​(boolean useHTML)
        Sets whether to use HTML to render the text.
        useHTML - whether to use HTML to render the text
      • getVerticalAlign

        public String getVerticalAlign()
        Returns the vertical alignment of the title. Can be one of "top", "middle" and "bottom". When a value is given, the title behaves as floating.

        Defaults to "top".

      • setVerticalAlign

        public void setVerticalAlign​(String verticalAlign)
        Sets the vertical alignment of the title. Can be one of "top", "middle" and "bottom". When a value is given, the title behaves as floating.

        Defaults to "top".