
From Documentation
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A <code>gmaps</code> is a maps component that wraps the famous Google Maps service that you can control it and embedded it in your ZK web application page in pure Java. Inside the <code>gmap</code>, you can manipulate your maps and add contents to the maps to create convenient locality related web application. You can add <code>ginfo</code> to represent an anchored information window for the maps. You can add multiple <code>gmarker</code>s to indicate a special location. You can add <code>gpolyline</code> and <code>gpolygon</code> to indicate a path or an area. You can also overlay <code>gimage</code> and <code>gscreen</code> to indicate very special places.
A <code>gmaps</code> is a maps component that wraps the famous Google Maps service that you can control it and embedded it in your ZK web application page in pure Java. Inside the <code>gmap</code>, you can manipulate your maps and add contents to the maps to create convenient locality related web application. You can add <code>ginfo</code> to represent an anchored information window for the maps. You can add multiple <code>gmarker</code>s to indicate a special location. You can add <code>gpolyline</code> and <code>gpolygon</code> to indicate a path or an area. You can also overlay <code>gimage</code> and <code>gscreen</code> to indicate very special places.
= Setup =
This component requires you to include a separate dependency before using it:
<source lang='xml'>
Check [ ZK CE repository] for available version.

Latest revision as of 02:34, 23 December 2024


Check our Maven repository for the latest version.


Components: gmaps, ginfo, gmarker, gpolyline, gpolygon, gimage, and gscreen.

A gmaps is a maps component that wraps the famous Google Maps service that you can control it and embedded it in your ZK web application page in pure Java. Inside the gmap, you can manipulate your maps and add contents to the maps to create convenient locality related web application. You can add ginfo to represent an anchored information window for the maps. You can add multiple gmarkers to indicate a special location. You can add gpolyline and gpolygon to indicate a path or an area. You can also overlay gimage and gscreen to indicate very special places.


This component requires you to include a separate dependency before using it:


Check ZK CE repository for available version.


Configure in Application Scope

Since 4.0.0

In zk.xml



Important: Since 2016 an API Key is mandatory in order to use the gmaps API. The APIKey is defined as a global JS variable as in the examples below. Also check out the trouble shooting section. NOTE: You'll have to upgrade to version 3.0.4 (older versions don't work anymore)

See Example below.

Client ID

You can specify a client-id at client attribute:

<gmaps client="YOUR_CLIENT_ID"/>


ZKComRef Gmaps Example.png

 <window title="Gmaps Demo" border="normal" width="520px">
	<script type="text/javascript" content="zk.googleAPIkey='Your-Google-API-Key';"/>

	<!-- you may wish to specify the version of google map API manually for some reason, 
		use version="[version]" to do it.
		ex: <gmaps version="3.25" id="mymap" ... /> -->
	<gmaps id="mymap" width="500px" height="300px" showSmallCtrl="true">
		<ginfo id="myinfo" open="true">
				Hello, <a href="">ZK</a>.
		<gmarker id="mymark" lat="37.4410" lng="-122.1490">
				Hello, <a href="">ZK</a> on top of Gmarker.
		<attribute name="onMapClick">
			Gmarker gmarker = event.getGmarker();
			if (gmarker != null) {



Since 3.0.0

Specify which protocol to load the Maps API. Currently it supports http for insecure connections and https for secure connections.

Supported Events

Event Type
Event: SelectEvent

Notifies one that the user has selected a new item(can be Ginfo, Gpolyline, or Gpolygon) in the gmaps.

Event: InfoChangeEvent

Notifies that the current open information window has changed(opened/closed)

Event: MapDropEvent

Notifies that some component is dragged and dropped on the gmaps or gmarker component with latitude and longitude information.




Event: MapMouseEvent

Notifies that some mouse action has been applied on the gmaps or gmarker component with latitude and longitude information.

Event: MapMoveEvent

Notifies that the view center (latitude, longitude) of the gmaps has been moved.

Event: MapTypeChangeEvent

Notifies that the map type of the gmaps has been changed.

Event: MapZoomEvent

Notifies that the zoom level of the gmaps has been changed.

Work with MVVM

3.0.4 already includes the addon.xml below, you don't need to add it manually.

Since 6.0.0

For work with ZK6 MVVM, it is required to create an addon xml and add the server annotation as follows:

( You can download the sample project [here] )


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- The name of this addon. It must be unique -->
	<!-- Specifies what other addon this depends
	<!-- Which language this addon will be added to -->
	<!-- Add bind annotation to gmaps -->

then add it into WEB-INF/zk.xml


Supported Children

* Ginfo,  Gmarker, Gpolyline, Gpolygon, Gimage, Gscreen, Gcircle

Trouble Shooting

Starting from June 2016, an API key is required to use Google Maps APIs. If you are seeing the following error in your JS console, please obtain an API key from Google.

   Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError

For more information please refer to this link.

Note that ZK GMaps integrates ZK and Google Maps, allowing developers to include Google Maps inside a ZK application easily. Google Maps itself is a 3rd party library and is licensed under its own terms and conditions.

Last Update : 2024/12/23

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.