
From Documentation



A component to handle a huge data sets and provides the same and as many as the functionalities of Listbox including selection, sorting, keystroke navigation, ROD(rendering-on-demand), and so on..


ZKComRef Biglistbox.PNG

<biglistbox hflex="1" vflex="1">
    <!-- Template example
    <template name="heads">
    <div class="images_${matrixInfo[0]%28}" title="x=${matrixInfo[0]},y=${matrixInfo[1]}">${each[matrixInfo[0]]}</div>
    <template name="rows">
     <div class="images_${matrixInfo[0]%28}" title="x=${matrixInfo[0]},y=${matrixInfo[1]}">${each[matrixInfo[0]]}</div>
    </template> -->

As you can see, we utilize two attributes - rowIndex & colIndex from the matrixInfo object to receive the current index during template rendering phase.

Supported Events

Event Type
Event: SelectEvent

Represents an event cause by user's the list selection is changed at the client.

Event: SortEventExt

Represents an event that indicates a sorting request to data for Biglistbox and provides more information about the column index.

Event: ScrollEventExt

Represents an event caused by that user is scrolling or has scrolled at the client for Biglistbox component and provides more information about the position X and Y data.

Event: ScrollEventExt

Represents an event caused by that user is scrolling or has scrolled the X-axis at the client for Biglistbox component and provides more information about the position X and Y data.

Event: ScrollEventExt

Represents an event caused by that user is scrolling or has scrolled the Y-axis at the client for Biglistbox component and provides more information about the position X and Y data.

Event: CellClickEvent

Represents an event that indicates a clicking on a cell data for a matrix data component like Biglistbox, and provides more information about the row index and the column index.

Event: Event

Notifies one that the model's data has been rendered.

Supported Molds

  • The default mold

Supported Children


Use Cases

Version Description Example Location
6.0.1+ Handling a Trillion Data Using ZK Small Talks

Version History

Last Update : 2012/03/29

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.