- Demonstration: Radiogroup
- Java API: Radiogroup
- JavaScript API: Radiogroup
Used to group multiple radio buttons. In one radiogroup. Only one radio button may be selected at a time.
<window title="Radiobox & Radio Demo">
<radiogroup onCheck="fruit.value = self.selectedItem.label">
<radio label="Apple" />
<radio label="Orange" />
<radio label="Banana" />
You have selected :
<label id="fruit" style="color:red" />
Note: To support the versatile layout, a radio group accepts any kind of children , including Radio. On the other hand, the parent of a radio, if any, must be a radio group.
Radiogroup as an ancestor of radio
ZK groups a radio components into the same radio group if the share the same ancestor, not just direct parent. It allows a more sophisticated layout. For example,
<radio label="radio 1"/>
<radio label="radio 2"/>
<radio label="radio 3"/>
<radio label="radio 4"/>
<radio label="radio 5"/>
<radio label="radio 6"/>
A row of a grid as a radio group
[since 5.0.4]
Sometimes it is not possible to make the radiogroup component as an ancestor of all radio components. For example, each row of a grid might be an independent group. To solve this, you have to assign the radiogroup component to the radio component explicitly by use of Radio.setRadiogroup(String) or Radio.setRadiogroup(Radiogroup).
Most popular
<radio label="Java"/>
<radio label="Groovy"/>
<radio label="C#"/>
Most fun
<radio label="Open Source"/>
<radio label="Social Networking"/>
<radio label="Searching"/>
Supported events
None | None |
Supported Children
Use cases
Version | Description | Example Location |
5.0 | Radiogroup and selection | |
5.0 | Radiogroup, data binding and TypeConverter | |
Version History
Version | Date | Content |
5.0.4 | August 2010 | Allow a radio component associated with a non-ancestor radiogroup. |