Features and Usages

From Documentation
Revision as of 06:56, 5 August 2013 by Hawk (talk | contribs) (→‎Auto Fill)

Features and Usages

Spreadsheet User Interface Overview


The above screenshot is Spreadsheet user interface, and each part of above is introduced as follows:

  1. Toolbar
    The toolbar contains all commonly-used functions including setting cell's style, alignment, border, background color, font, font color, merging (and unmerging) cells, sorting, auto filter, protection and grid line visibility. It has 2 tabs, another tab is used to insert charts, images, and hyperlinks:
  2. Formula bar
    It displays editing text or formula of current selected cell and can be used to enter or edit a formula or data.
  3. Sheet Area
    It displays the content of current selected sheet, and you usually perform most editing operations in this area.
  4. Context menu
    Right clicking on a cell, a column header, or a row header pops up a context menu. It contains most options of the toolbar and works like a shortcut.
  5. Sheet bar
    A list of all sheets of this book. You can navigate to any sheet by clicking on it. Click Essentials-feature-addSheet.png can add a new sheet. Right clicking on a sheet pops a context menu: Essentials-feature-sheet-contextmenu.png and it allows you to delete, rename, protect, and move the clicking sheet.


We will introduce usages of some features.

Hot Key

Hot Key
Ctrl+B bold
Ctrl+C copy
Ctrl+D clear content
Ctrl+I Italic
Ctrl+U underline
Ctrl+V paste
Ctrl+X cut
Delete clear content

Auto Fill

Auto fill is a handy feature to fill cells with data in particular pattern based on selected cells. Text will be copied and numbers and dates will be increased (or decreased).

To use this, You should select one or more cells and drag the fill handle across or down the cells that you want to fill.


Fill cells after dragging right.
