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Revision as of 03:48, 23 December 2024 by Jumperchen (talk | contribs) (deprecated since 10.2.0, please use Client MVVM instead.)
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Icon info.png Note: The content of this page has been deprecated/removed in the latest version.


  • Available for ZK:
  • ee.png


Fragment is a ZK component which developers can combine native HTML elements with ZK data binding syntax to make the static page to be dynamic.


To manipulate HTML elements dynamically, ZK supports several ways in addition to this component. Please refer to ZK_Developer's_Reference/UI_Patterns/HTML_Tags for more details.


ZKComRef Fragment Example.png

    <fragment viewModel="@id('vm') @init('org.zkoss.fragment.demo.VM2')" validationMessages="@id('vmsgs')"
              form="@id('fx') @load(vm) @save(vm, before='submit') @validator(vm.formValidator)"
              prop1="@bind(fx.prop1)" prop1err="@bind(vmsgs['fkey1'])"
              prop2="@bind(fx.prop2)" prop2err="@bind(vmsgs['fkey2'])"><![CDATA[
        <p><input type="text" value="@bind(prop1)"/><span textContent="@load(prop1err)"/></p>
        <p><input type="text" value="@bind(prop2)"/><span textContent="@load(prop2err)"/></p>
        <button onclick="@command('submit')">Submit</button>

Data Binding

With Fragment Component, you can bind the properties of ViewModel. For instance, you can use ZK MVVM data binding to access the ViewModel on the native HTML elements.

Enclose with CDATA

Remember to mark the fragment content with the CDATA section to avoid being parsed by server-side binder and causing problems:


Supported Bindings

These are the supported annotations:

  • @save
 syntax: @save([limited EL-expression])
  • @load
 syntax: @load(limited EL-expression)
  • @bind
 syntax: @bind(limited EL-expression)
  • @command
 syntax: @command(mybean.myproperty, [arbitraryKey]=[limited EL-expression])
  • @global-command
 syntax: @global-command(mybean.myproperty, [arbitraryKey]=[limited EL-expression])

Limited EL-expression

Inside a fragment, it only supports partially, limited data binding expressions including bean dot notation, arithmetic operator, !, and ==

Put HTML as text content

This component also provides a virtual textContent attribute for HTML elements to insert data into the tag.

    <fragment viewModel="@id('vm') @init('org.zkoss.zktest.test2.F85_ZK_3681_Command_VM')"
            <input type="checkbox" onchange="@command('onCheck', checked=event.checked)" />
            Check this checkbox: <span textContent="@load(status)"/>

            <button onclick="@global-command('callGlobal', text='Hello', num=1)">Call global (1)</button>
            <button onclick="@global-command('callGlobal', text='World', num=2)">Call global (2)</button>

Shadow Elements

In this example, we use if and forEach tags together for condition and collection rendering.

    <fragment viewModel="@id('vm') @init('org.zkoss.zktest.test2.F85_ZK_3681_Shadow_VM')"
            <h1>My Issue List</h1>
                <forEach items="@load(issues)">
                    <!-- There's a pre-defined variable "each" for convenience. -->
                        <!-- @bind(each) is wrong because each is just a temp variable in loops. -->
                        <input type="checkbox" checked="@load(each.isDone)" />
                        <if test="@load(each.isDone)">
                            <strike>[<span textContent="@load("/>]
                            <span textContent="@load(each.description)"/></strike>
                        <!-- No else for now. -->
                        <if test="@load(!each.isDone)">
                            [<span textContent="@load("/>]
                            <span textContent="@load(each.description)"/>

Data Validation

Server-side Property/Form Validation

To ensure data is correct and useful, we can leverage ZK's validators.

    <fragment viewModel="@id('vm') @init('org.zkoss.fragment.demo.VM1')" validationMessages="@id('vmsgs')"
              prop1="@bind(vm.prop1) @validator(vm.validator1)"
        <input type="text" value="@bind(prop1)"/>
        <span textContent="@load(prop1err)"/>

You can get the invalid message by assigning a self-defined key as an alias. In order to access invalidate messages by HTML elements, you can simply bind the messages onto Fragment properties.

Here we can use form-binding and form validators to validate all the fields.

    <fragment viewModel="@id('vm') @init('foo.BarVM')" validationMessages="@id('vmsgs')"
     form="@id('fx') @load(vm.currentUser) @save(vm.currentUser, before='submit') @validator('formBeanValidator', prefix='p_')"
     name="@bind(" nameerror="@bind(vmsgs['p_name'])"><![CDATA[
     <input type="text" value="@bind(name)"/><span textContent="@load(nameerror)"/>
     <button onclick="@command('submit')">Submit</button>

Client-side Property Validation

This component also provides a new @jsvalidator running at client side, accepting custom JavaScript functions for validation. The benefit is that there is no need to send requests to the server for each validation. However, since the validation logic will be exposed at client side, some simple check, such as empty checking or range checking, is recommended. The usage is like @validator but it is effective only when applying HTML elements.


 syntax: @jsvalidator(validation_function_name)

The following is the definition of custom JavaScript function.

ValidationFunction(val, vmsgs)
* val: The input data.
* vmsgs: 
   The validation message holder object. You can add an invalidate message by adding a new property. 
   If you want to clear the specific message, assign an empty string to the property.
* Returns: Boolean. True if the data is valid.

You can use an implicit object (vmsgs) to get the client-side invalid messages. The @jsvalidator has its own validation message holder not shared with server-side.

    <fragment viewModel="@id('vm') @init('foo.BarVM')" someprop="@bind(vm.prop1)"><![CDATA[
        <input type="text" value="@bind(someprop) @jsvalidator('validateExample')"/>
        <span textContent="@load(vmsgs['foo'])"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function validateExample(val, vmsgs) {
            var isValid = someValidationProcess(val);
            vmsgs['foo'] = isValid ? '' : 'Invalid value';
            return isValid;

The Differences Between @validator and @jsvalidator

Catalogue @validator @jsvalidator
Validate at Server side Client side
ZK form validation Supported Not supported
Validation message holder Initialized in validationMessages An implicit vmsgs object
  1. @validator relies on the server, while @jsvalidator relies on the browser.
  2. @jsvalidator does not support form validation.
  3. The validation message holders are not the same.

For security concerns, we recommend you to use server-side @validator in most cases and choose client-side @jsvalidator if the validation needs an instant feedback such as password strength, number range, and so on.

Event Handling

The command of ViewModel can be invoked by attaching DOM events with @command or @global-command on HTML elements. Once the DOM event is triggered (i.g. clicked or changed), the command of ViewModel will be executed and receive the corresponding event object.

You can get more details from the event object such as mouse cursor position, pressed keys, entered text, and selected text.

ZK Event object DOM event
MouseEvent onclick
KeyEvent onkeydown
InputEvent onchange
CheckEvent onchange (checkbox)
oninput (checkbox)
SelectionEvent onselect
DropEvent ondrop
Event onblur
  • For further details about how to retrieve the event object, please refer to Retrieve Event Object directly.


  • content: specify the content of this component.
  • src: specify the URI of an external content file. The file encoding is assumed to be UTF-8.
  • recoverId: specify the recover ID.

Supported Events

Event Type
Event: Event

Represents an event sent back to the server caused by an offline recovery.

Supported Children


Use Cases

Version Description Example Location
8.5+ Data binding, Shadow elements Client Binding with ZK MVVM for your eyes only
8.5+ Data validation, Event handling Advanced Usage of Fragment Component

Version History

Last Update : 2024/12/23

Version Date Content
8.5 2017/09/21 Add the new Fragment component
10.2.0 2024/12/23 ZK-5824: separate fragment widget into an independent library or another jar

Last Update : 2024/12/23

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.