
From Documentation
Revision as of 11:00, 18 November 2010 by Tomyeh (talk | contribs)


<?function-mapper class="..." 
  [arg0="..."] [arg1="..."] [arg2="..."] [arg3="..."]?>

Specifies the function mapper that will be used by the EL expressions to resolve unknown function. The specified class must implement the FunctionMapper interface.

You can specify multiple variable resolvers with multiple function-mapper directives. The later declared one has higher priority.

Notice that the function-mapper directives are evaluated before the init directives.



A class name that must implement the FunctionMapper interface. Unlike the init directive, the class name cannot be the class that is defined in zscript codes.

arg0, arg1...


You could specify any number of arguments. If not specified, the default constructor is assumed. If specified, it will look for the constructor with the signature in the following order:

  1. Foo(Map args)
  2. Foo(Object[] args)
  3. Foo()

If the first signature is found, the arguments with the name and value are passed to the constructor as an instance of Map. If the second signature is found, the values of arguments are passed to the constructor as an array of objects. For example,

<?function-mapper class="foo.Foo" whatever="anything"?>

Prior to ZK 3.6.2, only the second signature is checked if one or more argument is specified, and it assumes arg0 as the first argument, arg1 as the second, and so on.

Version History

Version Date Content

Last Update : 2010/11/18

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.