Create and Run ZK Application with Maven Artifacts

From Documentation

ZK Maven Project Overview


How to create Maven web project

Create Maven Project

  • [File] -> [New] -> [Other] --> [Maven Project]
    ZK Installation Guide Maven step1.png
  • Check Create a simple Project
    ZK Installation Guide Maven step2.png
  • Fill the first 4 field (you can change them later) --> Click [Finish]
    ZK Installation Guide Maven step3.png

Add Web Project Facet (WTP Support)

  1. Create new folder under /src/main/ named webapp
  2. Right Click on your Maven Project -> Choose Properties -> Choose Project Facets -> Check Dynamic Web Module
  • Note: if it showing Covert facet from..., simply click it to enable facet.
    ZK Installation Guide Maven web1.png
  1. Click Further configuration available' --> input the Context Root and Content Directory --> Check Generate web.xml deployment descriptor
  • ZK Installation Guide Maven web2.png

How to run Maven project on Run-Jetty-Run