From Documentation
- Demonstration:
- Java API: Chosenbox
- JavaScript API: Combobutton
- JavaScript API: Chosenbox
- Style Guide: Chosenbox
- Available for ZK:
A component that similar to Combobox but handle the multi-selection and the select order.
ListModelList model = ListModelLists.
<chosenbox id="lbxThree" width="440px"
model="${model}" />
Mouseless Entry Chosenbox
- Press UP and DOWN to move the focus up and down by one option.
- Press LEFT and RIGHT to move focus between selected item(s) and the input field.
- Press ESC to clear input and close drop-down list.
- Press DELETE to delete the focused item and move focus to next item if any or input field.
- Press BACKSPACE to delete the focused item and move focus to previous item if any or input field.
- Press ENTER or specified separator to select the focused option.
- creatable: specify whether send event to server when user input an inexist value then press ENTER or separator. Default: false
- createMessage: displayed in popup if nothing match to the input value and creatable is true, the syntax "{0}" will be replaced with the input value at client side.
- disabled: specify whether it is disabled. Default: false
- emptyMessage: displayed as place holder in input if nothing selected and not focused.
- model: specify the ListModel of this chosenbox. If you set ListModelList to it, All the content will send to client side and process at client side, this is pretty fast with few items but will cause performance issue at client side if there are lots of items (e.g., 40000 or more) in model. If you set ListSubMmodel to it, The content of drop-down list will not rendered to client side, and is blank without input, server will provide the 'matched' content after user input, this will cause some delay at client side cause by the server processing time and network transfer time.
- name: specify the name of the input element of this component.
- noResultsText: displayed in popup if nothing match to the input value and creatable is false, the syntax "{0}" will be replaced with the input value at client side.
- open: specify whether open the drop-down list. Default: false
- tabindex: specify he tab order of the input node of this component. Default: 0
- separator: the separate chars will work as 'Enter' key, it will not considered as input value but send onSerch or onSelect while key up. Supports: 0-9, A-Z (case insensitive), and ,.;'[]/\-=.
Supported Events
Event: SelectEvent
Represents an event cause by user's the selection is changed at the client. | |
Event: OpenEvent
Represents an event that indicates a the open state is changed at the client. | |
Event: InputEvent
Represents an event that indicates user input an inexist value then press ENTER or separator. | |
Event: InputEvent
Represents an event caused by that user is input text. |
- Inherited Supported Events: HtmlBasedComponent
Supported Molds
- The default mold
Supported Children
Use Cases
Version | Description | Example Location |
6.0.1+ | Creatable Chosenbox | Chosenbox – A beautiful and powerful multiple combobox |
Version History
Version | Date | Content |
6.0.1 | April 3, 2012 | Add the new Chosenbox component |