Binding in Special Attribute

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< User:Hawk
Revision as of 03:24, 15 March 2013 by Hawk (talk | contribs)


  • MVVM/Advanced/Parameter
  • MVVM/Advanced/Binding in Special Attributes

Special Attribute Issue

ZK Bind is a post-processing work on components after they are created. ZK Bind can control most attributes to change a component's status. But there are some special attributes that ZK Bind can't work on them because those attributes' value are determined and fixed when components are created such as if and forEach. Therefore, binding on these special attributes takes no effect on components.

The "if" Versus the "visible"

Assume that an user's permission is unchanged when he visits the page and only the user with "admin" permission can see the "Delete" button. Then we can write a binding on if as follows:

	<!-- "if" usage  -->
	<button label="Edit" />	
	<button label="Delete" if="@load(vm.currentUser.admin)"/>

On the page above, those users without "admin" permission can't see the "Delete" button. Even if you assign the user with "admin" permission through a command, the "Delete" will not appear. But if you visit the page again after assigning the user "admin" permission, the button will appear.

  • if = ${vm.currentUser.admin}

The "forEach" Versus Children Binding

  • forEach -> children binding