New Features of ZK Spreadsheet 2.0

From Documentation


Rich Functionality

Menu of Functions


Change Style by toolbar button

Change Style by Quick Style menu

Rich Texts and Bullet Texts in a Cell

Muti-Sheets Supported Tabs

Quick Keyboard Shortcut

Adding Hyperlink

Drag and Drop Editing of Selected Range

Inserting or Deleting Row/Column/Cell

Auto Fill Cells

Support Copy/Paste/PasteSpecial

Support Ascending/Descending/Customizing Sorting


Selection and Highlight

Manipulating Rows and Columns


Custom Row and Column Title

Hide/Unhide Row Headers and/or Column Headers


Freezing Row and Column

Hide and Unhide Rows and Columns

Maximum Rows and Columns

Loading Cell on Demand


Display or Hide Grid Lines


Support showing chart


PDF Exporting

Support exporting Excel Chart to PDF


ZK Spreadsheet supports numerous events such as Editing Events, Key Events, Mouse Events, Selection Events and Hyperlink Event. You can listen to these events to develop highly interactive spreadsheet applications. If you want to know more detail, please reference Implement ZK Spreadsheet Event Listeners

Editing Events

There are three editing events that ZK Spreadsheet supports: onStartEditing, onStopEditing, onEditboxEditing.

Key Events

Users can write key event listeners for key events such as ctrl+C, ctrl+V and so on.


Mouse Events

There are two types of Mouse events. One is cell mouse events such as onCellClick, onCellDoubleClick and onCellRightClick; and the other is header mouse events such as onHeaderClick, onHeaderDoubleClick and onHeaderRightClick. The following image is a sample for introducing onCellDoubleClick event.


Selection Events

Users can write selection event listeners for listening user selecting cell(s), column(s) or row(s). A very simple example is like following picture, formula bar and name box are selection event listeners of spreadsheet. When user select a cell, selection event will be triggered. The value of selected cell will be displayed on formula bar, and the name box will show cell name of current cell.


Hyperlink Event

ZK Spreadsheet supports hyperlink event: This event will be triggered after user clicked hyperlink on ZK Spreadsheet.


Built-in Functions

formula functions for Matrix operations

Math formula functions

Statistical formula functions

Text formula functions

Information formula functions

Date & Time functions

Logical formula functions

Financial Formula Functions

Engineering Formula Functions

Custom Functions

Java Bean Binding



Use Excel sheets as styling templates for ZK Spreadsheet