
From Documentation



Default: none
[Since 5.0.0]

It specifies a directory, where ZK will load the so-called Class-Web Resources (CWR), in addition to the class path. CWR includes JavaScript files, CSS files, and other resources that are specified in the form of ~./xxx.

By default, ZK only searches the class path for the required CWR. By specifying a directory here, ZK will search the directory first and then the class path. It implies a developer can override the default behavior by providing a file with the same name.

Notice: don't put security sensitive files in the directory specified here, since they can be accessed externally.

For example, assume we have a JavaScript package called foo.great and we want to put it to WEB-INF/cwr. Then, we have to specify the following in WEB-INF/zk.xml:


Then, you can place zk.wpd and required JavaScript files under the WEB-INF/cwr/js/foo/great directory.

Overriding JAR's JavaScript Files

Though rarely needed, you could override a JavaScript file of a JAR file with this option. For example, suppose you want to replace zul/inp/Textbox.js that is part of zul.jar, then you don't have to re-package zul.jar.

Rather, you could specify this library property as described above, and place the modified version of Textbox.js under the /WEB-INF/cwr/js/zul/inp directory. Then, ZK will load /WEB-INF/cwr/js/zul/inp/Textbox.js you placed rather than the default one in zul.jar.

Last Update : 2011/01/21

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