From Documentation
#created by Ziga ( 11 November 2006
#Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Potix Corporation
# Error #
1000={0} ni bila najdena.
1001=Pot ZUML strani mora biti specificirana v zk_page parametru.
Failed to load {0}
Cause: {1}
The page or component you request is no longer available: {0}.
This is normally caused by timeout, or opening too many Web pages.
You have to reload the page and try again.
1020=Napaka pri nadaljevanju {0}.
2000=Nepravilna zahteva: komponenta je zahtevana za {0}
2001=Nepravilna zahteva: napačni podatki, {0}, for {1}
The anonymous identifier, {0}, is not locatable.
To make it locatable, please assign an identifier to it first.
The anonymous identifier cannot be part of a path: {0}.
Please specify an identifier first.
3000={0} ni bila najdena.
3100=Too many suspended event processing threads.
3101=Too many concurrent requests