Understanding the Theming Subsystem
The collection of the components' styles and associated images is called a theme. Theme controls the overall look and feel of a page composed of ZK components. For example, all the components using the standard sapphire theme have the same blue-ish glow appeal.
Information about a Theme
Apart from having a name, a theme could be associated with many attributes. Standard themes have additional attributes like a more descriptive name for displaying purposes, a priority value to help the system choose the theme to use, and a origin of the theme's resources (i.e. CSS and image files). Web developers could also add more information about a theme, if so desired.
Registering your Theme
Before using a theme, it must be registered so that the system knows about its existence and where to retrieve its resources (from a jar file or from a folder). Web developers could also modify the theme registration process by writing a ThemeRegistry, if their application requires it.
Switching Themes
The user could switch to any registered themes by setting a cookie or a library property. Web developers could also add other ways for setting the current theme by writing a custom ThemeResolver.
Providing Theme Resources
After switching to another theme, ThemeProvider is responsible for getting the correct stylesheets to the client. This is done by manipulating the list of widget stylesheets comprising the theme. Web developers could create a custom ThemeProvider to change the caching for the widget stylesheets, inject additional widget stylesheets, reject unwanted widget stylesheets, and/or replace some widget stylesheets with another set.
Resolving Theme URLs
Themes comprises of stylesheets and images. The URLs for those resources must be resolved once the theme changes. There are utility methods created for this purpose.