
From Documentation
Revision as of 09:01, 22 November 2019 by Jeanher (talk | contribs) (→‎MarkScale)


  • Available for ZK:
  • http://www.zkoss.org/product/zkhttp://www.zkoss.org/whyzk/zkeeVersion pe-ee.png
since 9.0.0


A rangeslider component represents a slider with a start and an end value. A rangeslider accepts a range of value starting from 0 to a certain maximum value. The default maximum value of rangeslider is 100. You can change the maximum allowed value by setting the max property. Notice that the value of max property is always larger than the value of min property.


ZKComRef Rangeslider.png

  <rangeslider startValue="10" endValue="90"/>
  <separator />
  <rangeslider orient="vertical" startValue="20" endValue="80" markScale="20" />



If the rangeslider is disabled, then users can not drag the slider buttons.


Sets the orient either "horizontal" or "vertical" to display rangslider.


Sets the marks information for displaying value marks (Default: "20"). By default, the value marks will be displayed every 20 starting from the minimum value. (if min is 0, then it displays "0 20 40 ...")


Rangeslider supports maximal position, which can be changed by the max property as follows. (Default: 100)


Rangeslider supports minimal position, which can be changed by the min property as follows. (Default: 0)

StartValue, EndValue

Represent the range value of Rangeslider. (Default: 0)


By default, the rangeslider will scroll to the position continuously when a user drags it. If you prefer to scroll a discrete fixed amount on each step, you can set the amount of value of the step property.


The tooltip displays the value of slider buttons in rangeslider. If the tooltipvisible is true, the tooltips of the slider buttons would be always visible. (Default: false)

Supported Events

Event Type
Event: RangeValueChangeEvent

Denotes the range value of a component has been changed by the user.

Supported Children


Use Cases

Version Description Example Location

Version History

Last Update : 2019/11/22

Version Date Content
9.0.0 November, 2019 Rangeslider was introduced.

Last Update : 2019/11/22

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.