Modal Windows

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Revision as of 07:38, 8 July 2022 by Hawk (talk | contribs) ((via JWB))

Modal Windows with Servlet Thread

When the event is processed in the Servlet thread (default), the execution cannot be suspended. Thus, the modal window behaves the same as the highlited window (Window.doHighlighted()). At the client side, the visual effect is the same: a semi-transparent mask blocks the end user from access components other than the modal window. However, at the server side, it works just like the overlapped mode – it returns immediately without waiting for user's closing the window.

 win.doModal(); //returns once the mode is changed; not suspended

The "next" message will be printed to the console before the end user closes the modal window.

Migrate Your Code from Event Thread

With the Event thread, you might write your business logic right after doModal().

doMyTask(); //your business logic, need to move it for a servlet thread

Since now servlet thread doesn't stop at doModal(), you need to move your code to another place. You can put it at:

  • Window's onClose event listener
  • add a button in the modal window and call doMyTask() in an onClick listener and close the modal window.

Modal Windows with Event Thread

If the event thread is enabled, Window.doModal() will suspend the current thread. Thus, the "next" message won't be shown, until the modal window is closed.

When the event thread is suspended, the Servlet thread will be resumed and continue to loork another event thread to process other events, if any. Thus, the end user still have the control (such that he can close the modal window if he want).

Version History

Version Date Content

Last Update : 2022/07/08

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.