Alphafix for IE6
From Documentation
IE6 failed to render a PNG with alpha transparency correctly. Please refer to here for more information.
ZK provides the fix, but you have to turn it on by specifying a JavaScript variable called jq.IE6_ALPHAFIX For example,
<?script content="jq.IE6_ALPHAFIX='.png';"?>
<button image="foo.png"/>
where .png
causes all PNG images to be fixed. If you want to fix certain images, you can do as follows
<?script content="jq.IE6_ALPHAFIX='more.png|-trans.png'?>
If <?script?>
doesn't work, you can try using a regular script-component:
<script type="text/javascript">jq.IE6_ALPHAFIX='.png';</script>
<button image="foo.png" />
If you prefer to use plain Java instead of ZUL files, you can instantiate a Script component and append it to another component:
Script alphafix = new Script();