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Quarkus is a Java framework geared to create Kubernetes deployable applications, as well as cloud-based applications and self-contained services runnable from a single package (such as microservices)

For general information regarding ZK usage in Quarkus, please refer to the smalltalk Small Talks/2023/May/Creating and deploying ZK Apps with Quarkus

Quarkus specific configuration


Since 10.1.0 Starting from ZK 10.1.0, ZK provides a plugin to support quarkus-websockets. ZK Quarkus websocket support is activated by adding the zk-quarkus plugin to the project:


Then, websockets can be activated in the same way as other ZK applications. Refer to the websocket guide for more information.

ZK Developer's Reference/Integration/Miscellaneous/Websocket Channel

Quarkus ArC / CDI Beans

Quarkus ArC uses CDI bean resolution internally. Currently, the ZK CDI delegating resolver implementation is incompatible with the CDI version used by Quarkus.

To use Quarkus ArC / CDI Beans in ZK 10.0.0, please use the QuarkusCdiDelegatingVariableResolver available on this tracker ticket

Last Update : 2024/12/20

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