ArraysX |
Utilities for handling arrays.
CacheMap<K,V> |
The cache map.
CacheMap.Value<V> |
The class to hold key/value.
Checksums |
Checksum relevant utilities.
Cleanups |
Utilities to clean up resources when the application is stopping.
CollectionsX |
The collection related utilities.
CollectionsX.ArrayCollection<E> |
An readonly collection on top of an array.
CollectionsX.ArrayEnumeration<E> |
An enumeration on top of an array.
CollectionsX.ArrayIterator<E> |
An iterator on top of an array.
CollectionsX.ArrayList<E> |
An readonly list on top of an array.
CollectionsX.ArrayListIterator<E> |
CollectionsX.CollectionEnumeration<E> |
An enumeration on top of a collection or iterator.
CollectionsX.EnumerationIterator<E> |
An iterator that iterates thru an Enumeration.
CollectionsX.OneCollection<E> |
A collection that contains only one element.
CollectionsX.OneEnumeration<E> |
An enumeration that enumerates one element.
CollectionsX.OneIterator<E> |
An iterator that iterates one element.
Dates |
Utilities for java.util.Date
DualCollection<T> |
A combination of two collections into a collection.
EmptyCacheMap<K,V> |
An empty cache map.
FastReadArray<T> |
An array of objects that are fast to read but a bit slower to add and
FastReadCache<K,V> |
A CacheMap that the possibility to have cache hit is much more than
FilterMap<K,V> |
A map that allows the value to be evaluated before returning (so called
IdentityComparator<T> |
The comparator uses == and System.identifyHashCode to compare two objects.
IdentityHashSet<T> |
Like java.util.InternalHashMap, it uses == and System.identityHashCode
for doing HashSet.
Locales |
The locale relevant utilities.
Maps |
Utilities for process Map.
Maps.SerializableEntry<K,V> |
A serializable implement of Map.Entry
MultiCache<K,V> |
NotableLinkedList<E> |
Pair<X,Y> |
A pair of keys.
TimeZones |
Utilities to access time-zone.
Utils |
Generic utilities.
WaitLock |
A simple lock used to implement load-on-demand mechanism.