Class Scopes

  • public class Scopes
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utilities to manage the current scope (Scope).

    Since 10.0.0, there two library properties to control the scope lock cache:

    1. org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Scopes.maxLockSize: the maximum number of locks to be cached. (Default: 10,000)
    2. org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Scopes.maxTimeout: the maximum time a lock can be cached in minutes after accessing it. (Default: 60 minutes)
    • Method Detail

      • getLockForScopeIfAny

        public static java.lang.Object getLockForScopeIfAny​(Scope scope)
        Returns a consistent lock for a given scope, if available.

        The method returns a lock object specific to the provided scope, allowing for fine-grained synchronization control. If no lock is associated with the scope, the method returns a fallback lock instead.

        Usage of this method is preferred over manual synchronization or lock management, as it provides a standardized approach to handling concurrency in a scope-based context.

        scope - The scope for which the lock is to be acquired.
        The lock object associated with the given scope, if any; otherwise, a static fallback lock.
      • beforeInterpret

        public static final Scope beforeInterpret​(Scope scope)
        Prepares implicit variable before calling Page.interpret(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Scope).

        Typical use:

                final Scope scope = Scopes.beforeInterpret(comp);
                try {
                Scopes.setImplicit("some", value);
                page.interpret(zslang, zscript, scope); //it will push scope as the current scope
                } finally {

        Another example:

                try {
                constr.validate(comp); //if constr might be an instance of a class implemented in zscript
                } finally {

        If you need to set some implicit variables, you can invoke setImplicit(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) between beforeInterpret(org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Scope) and afterInterpret().

        scope - the scope, never null.
        the scope used for interpretation. It is the same as the scope parameter if it is not null. Otherwise, a temporary scope is created.
      • getCurrent

        public static final Scope getCurrent​(Page page)
        Returns the current scope. The current scope is the event target's scope if this thread is processing an event (Event.getTarget(). Otherwise, the scope of the page specified is assumed.

        This method is used only to implement Interpreter. You rarely need to access it other than implementing an interpreter.

        page - the page. It is used if beforeInterpret(org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Scope) is not called before. If null, the current page (ExecutionCtrl.getCurrentPage() is assumed.