Anchornav |
A anchornav component
Anchornav synchronizes the scrolling position on a page or within ZK containers (Div, Window, etc.)
Barcode |
Represents a barcode
Barcodescanner |
A Barcode scanner
Only works for Chrome, Firefox and Edge. iOS Safari is supported since 11.
Biglistbox |
A component to handle a huge data sets and provides the same and as many as
the functionalities of Listbox including selection,
sorting, keystroke navigation, ROD(rendering-on-demand), and so on.
Camera |
A camera, use to record video and take snapshot, have a preview screen.
Cardlayout |
A layout allow end user change view like change card.
Cascader<E> |
A Cascader is a dropdown list in tree structure, and it supports TreeModel.
Chosenbox |
A component that similar to Combobox but handle the multi-selection and the select order.
Coachmark |
A coachmark component.
Cropper |
An image cropper that can select a range to get the cropped result.
DefaultStepModel<E> |
A simple step data model that uses Step to represent a stepbar.
DefaultTristateTreeModel<E> |
A simple tristate tree data model that uses TreeNode to represent a tree.
Drawer |
A drawer.
Dropupload |
A component can handle drag files into it, and upload files to server.
Filedownload |
More filedownload utilities, such as resumable filedownload.
Fragment |
A component that let developers combine native HTML elements with ZK data binding syntax to
make the static page to be dynamic.
GoldenLayout |
A docker type layout component.
GoldenPanel |
A GoldenPanel component.
Lineitem |
A lineitem.
Linelayout |
A linelayout component for stylistically displaying chronological information.
Multislider |
A Multislider.
Nav |
A container is used to display navitems, it should be placed inside a
Navbar .
Navbar |
A container that usually contains nav elements.
Navitem |
Navseparator |
Used to create a separator between menu items.
Organigram |
A container which can be used to draw a hierarchical organizational chart,
you can specify a TreeModel to render the data.
Orgchildren |
An orgchildren.
Orgitem |
An orgitem.
Orgnode |
An orgnode.
Portalchildren |
The column of Portallayout.
Portallayout |
A portal layout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each
column may contain one or more panel.
Rowchildren |
Rowchildren component is used for placing components inside the grid created by rowlayout component.
Rowlayout |
Divide the parent container into a row of equal-width columns separated by spacings.
Scrollview |
A container that can scroll containing elements on touch devices.
Searchbox<E> |
A dropdown list that allows users to search and select items.
Signature |
A signature pad for user to sign a signature on it with save, undo, clear method.
Splitlayout |
A layout container which is used to divide a component into two components.
Step |
A step is used for displaying user navigation, it should be placed inside a Stepbar .
Stepbar |
A stepbar.
Tablechildren |
The cell of Tablelayout.
Tablelayout |
Tablelayout lay outs a container as an HTML table whose columns can be
specified, and rowspan and colspan of its child can also be specified to
create complex layouts within the table.
Tbeditor |
A component which is similar to ckeditor but is lightweight and efficient.
Timepicker |
An input box for holding a time (a Date Object), but only Hour, Minute, Second are used.
Video |
A video player.