A |
The same as HTML A tag.
Absolutechildren |
A container component that can contain any other ZK component and can only
be contained as direct child of Absolutelayout component.
Absolutelayout |
An Absolutelayout component can contain absolute positioned multiple
absolutechildren components.
AbstractChartModel |
AbstractGroupsModel<D,H,F,E> |
AbstractGroupsModel.DefaultSelectionControl<E> |
A default selection control implementation for AbstractGroupsModel ,
by default it assumes all elements are selectable.
AbstractListModel<E> |
AbstractListModel.DefaultSelectionControl<E> |
A default selection control implementation for AbstractListModel ,
by default it assumes all elements are selectable.
AbstractSimpleDateTimeConstraint<T extends java.lang.Comparable<? super T>> |
A skeleton of simple date/time constraint.
AbstractTreeModel<E> |
AbstractTreeModel.DefaultSelectionControl<E> |
A default selection control implementation for AbstractTreeModel ,
by default it assumes all elements are selectable.
AbstractTreeModel.Path |
Represents a tree path.
Anchorchildren |
Anchorlayout |
Area |
ArrayComparator<E> |
Compares the specified element of the array.
Attributes |
Common attributes used for implementation.
Audio |
An audio clip.
Auxhead |
Used to define a collection of auxiliary headers ( Auxheader ).
Auxheader |
An auxiliary header.
Bandbox |
A band box.
Bandpopup |
The popup that belongs to a Bandbox instance.
Borderlayout |
A border layout is a layout container for arranging and resizing
child components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
Box |
A box.
Button |
A button.
Calendar |
A calendar.
Captcha |
The generic captcha component.
Caption |
Cell |
The generic cell component to be embedded into Row or Vbox
or Hbox for fully control style and layout.
Center |
A center region of a borderlayout.
Chart |
The generic chart component.
Checkbox |
A checkbox.
Column |
A single column in a Columns element.
Columns |
Defines the columns of a grid.
Combobox |
A combobox.
Combobutton |
A combo button.
Comboitem |
An item of a combo box.
Datebox |
An edit box for holding a date.
Decimalbox |
An edit box for holding BigDecimal.
DefaultTreeModel<E> |
A simple tree data model that uses TreeNode to represent a tree.
DefaultTreeNode<E> |
A general-purpose node in a tree data structure.
Detail |
The detail component is used to display a detailed section where a master row and
multiple detail rows are on the same row.
DialModel |
A data model to be used with dial chart.
DialModelRange |
DialModelScale |
A set of information of a scale in a Dial chart.
Div |
The same as HTML DIV tag.
Doublebox |
An edit box for holding an float point value (double).
Doublespinner |
An edit box for holding a constrained double.
East |
An east region of a border layout.
FieldComparator |
Filedownload |
File download utilities.
Fileupload |
A fileupload dialog used to let user upload a file.
Foot |
Defines a set of footers ( Footer ) for a grid ( Grid ).
Footer |
A column of the footer of a grid ( Grid ).
Frozen |
A frozen component to represent a frozen column or row in grid, like MS Excel.
GanttModel |
A data model for Gantt chart.
GanttModel.GanttTask |
A Task in an operation series; a helper class used in GanttModel .
Grid |
A grid is an element that contains both rows and columns elements.
Group |
Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Grid.
Groupbox |
Groups a set of child elements to have a visual effect.
Groupfoot |
Groupfoot serves as a summary row of group.
GroupsModelArray<D,H,F,E> |
Hbox |
A hbox.
Hlayout |
A horizontal layout
Html |
A component used to embed the browser native content (i.e., HTML tags)
into the output sent to the browser.
Idspace |
Just like DIV tag but implements IdSpace.
Iframe |
Includes an inline frame.
Image |
An image.
Imagemap |
An image map.
Include |
Includes the result generated by any servlet, not limited to a ZUML page.
Inputgroup |
An inputgroup.
Intbox |
An edit box for holding an integer.
Label |
A label.
Layout |
A layout.
LayoutRegion |
A layout region in a border layout.
Listbox |
A listbox.
Listcell |
A list cell.
Listfoot |
Listfooter |
A column of the footer of a list box ( Listbox ).
Listgroup |
Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Listbox.
Listgroupfoot |
Listgroupfoot serves as a summary listitem of listgroup.
Listhead |
A list headers used to define multi-columns and/or headers.
Listheader |
The list header which defines the attributes and header of a column
of a list box.
Listitem |
A list item.
ListitemComparator |
A comparator used to compare Listitem , if not live data,
or the data themselves, if live data.
ListModelArray<E> |
ListModelList<E> |
ListModelMap<K,V> |
ListModels |
ListModelSet<E> |
Longbox |
An edit box for holding an integer.
Menu |
An element, much like a button, that is placed on a menu bar.
Menubar |
A container that usually contains menu elements.
Menuitem |
Menupopup |
A container used to display menus.
Menuseparator |
Used to create a separator between menu items.
Messagebox |
Represents the message box.
Messagebox.ClickEvent |
The event that will be received by the listener when the user clicks a button.
A no-dom component with comment scope
North |
A north region of a border layout.
Paging |
Paging of long content.
Panel |
Panel is a container that has specific functionality and structural components
that make it the perfect building block for application-oriented user interfaces.
Panelchildren |
Panelchildren is used for Panel component to manage each child who will
be shown in the body of Panel.
Popup |
A container that is displayed as a popup.
Progressmeter |
A progress meter is a bar that indicates how much of a task has been completed.
Radio |
A radio button.
Radiogroup |
A radio group.
Rating |
A rating component provides a icon based rating input.
Row |
A single row in a Rows element.
RowComparator |
A comparator used to compare Row , if not live data,
or the data themselves, if live data.
Rows |
Defines the rows of a grid.
Script |
A component to generate script codes that will be evaluated at the client.
Selectbox |
A light weight dropdown list.
Separator |
A separator.
SimpleCategoryModel |
SimpleConstraint |
The default constraint supporting no empty, regular expressions and so on.
SimpleDateConstraint |
A simple date constraint.
SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint |
A simple double spinner constraint.
SimpleGroupsModel<D,H,F,E> |
SimpleHiLoModel |
A HiLo data model implementation of HiLoModel .
SimpleListModel<E> |
SimpleLocalDateConstraint |
A simple LocalDate constraint.
SimpleLocalTimeConstraint |
A simple LocalTime constraint.
SimplePieModel |
A Pie chart data model implementation of PieModel .
SimpleSingleValueCategoryModel |
SimpleSpinnerConstraint |
A simple spinner constraint.
SimpleXYModel |
A XY data model implementation of XYModel .
SimpleXYModel.XYPair |
SimpleXYZModel |
A XYZ data model implementation of XYZModel .
Slider |
A slider.
South |
A south region of a border layout.
Space |
Space is a Separator with the orient default to "vertical".
Span |
The same as HTML SPAN tag.
Spinner |
An edit box for holding a constrained integer.
Splitter |
An element which should appear before or after an element inside a box
( Box , Vbox and Hbox ).
Style |
The style component used to specify CSS styles for the owner desktop.
Tab |
A tab.
Tabbox |
A tabbox.
Tabpanel |
A tab panel.
Tabpanels |
A collection of tab panels.
Tabs |
A collection of tabs ( Tab ).
Textbox |
A textbox.
Timebox |
An input box for holding a time (a java.util.Date Object), but only Hour & Minute are used.
Timer |
Fires one or more Event after
a specified delay.
Toolbar |
A toolbar.
Toolbarbutton |
A toolbar button.
Track |
A representation of <track> .
Tree |
A container which can be used to hold a tabular
or hierarchical set of rows of elements.
Treecell |
A treecell.
Treechildren |
A treechildren.
Treecol |
A treecol.
Treecols |
A treecols.
Treefoot |
Treefooter |
A column of the footer of a tree ( Tree ).
Treeitem |
A treeitem.
TreeitemComparator |
A comparator used to compare Treeitem , if not live data,
or the data themselves, if live data.
Treerow |
A treerow.
Vbox |
A vbox.
Vlayout |
A vertical layout
WaferMapModel |
A semiconductor wafer map data model to be used with wafermap chart.
WaferMapModel.IntPair |
West |
A west region of a border layout.
Window |
A window.