Class AccessibilityPoint

    • Constructor Detail

      • AccessibilityPoint

        public AccessibilityPoint()
    • Method Detail

      • getDateFormat

        public String getDateFormat()
        Returns the date format to use for points on datetime axes when describing them to screen reader users.

        Defaults to the same format as in tooltip.

      • setDateFormat

        public void setDateFormat​(String dateFormat)
        Sets the date format to use for points on datetime axes when describing them to screen reader users.

        Defaults to the same format as in tooltip.

      • getDateFormatter

        public org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue getDateFormatter()
        Returns the formatter function to determine the date/time format used with points on datetime axes when describing them to screen reader users.

        Default: null

      • setDateFormatter

        public void setDateFormatter​(org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue dateFormatter)
        Sets the formatter function to determine the date/time format used with points on datetime axes when describing them to screen reader users.

        Receives one argument, point, referring to the point to describe. Should return a date format string compatible with setDateFormat(String).

      • isDescribeNull

        public boolean isDescribeNull()
        Returns whether or not to describe points with the value null to assistive technology, such as screen readers.

        Default: true

      • setDescribeNull

        public void setDescribeNull​(boolean describeNull)
        Sets whether or not to describe points with the value null to assistive technology, such as screen readers.
      • getDescriptionFormatter

        public org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue getDescriptionFormatter()
        Returns the formatter function to use instead of the default for point descriptions.
      • setDescriptionFormatter

        public void setDescriptionFormatter​(org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue descriptionFormatter)
        Sets the formatter function to use instead of the default for point descriptions.

        Receives one argument, point, referring to the point to describe. Should return a string with the description of the point for a screen reader user. If false is returned, the default formatter will be used for that point.

        Note: Prefer using accessibility.point.valueDescriptionFormat instead if possible, as default functionality such as describing annotations will be preserved.

        Default: null

      • getDescriptionFormat

        public String getDescriptionFormat()
        Returns the format to use for describing the data series group to assistive

        Default: null

      • setDescriptionFormat

        public void setDescriptionFormat​(String descriptionFormat)
        Sets the format to use for describing the data series group to assistive
      • getValueDecimals

        public Number getValueDecimals()
        Returns decimals to use for the values in the point descriptions.

        Default: null

      • setValueDecimals

        public void setValueDecimals​(Number valueDecimals)
        Sets decimals to use for the values in the point descriptions. Uses tooltip.valueDecimals if not defined.
      • getValueDescriptionFormat

        public String getValueDescriptionFormat()
        Returns the format to use for describing the values of data points to assistive technology - including screen readers. The point context is available as {point}.

        Other available context variables include {index}, {value}, and {xDescription}.

        Additionally, the series name, annotation info, and description added in point.accessibility.description is added by default if relevant. To override this, use the accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter option.

        Default: "{xDescription}{separator}{value}".

      • setValueDescriptionFormat

        public void setValueDescriptionFormat​(String valueDescriptionFormat)
        Sets the format to use for describing the values of data points to assistive technology - including screen readers. The point context is available as {point}.

        Other available context variables include {index}, {value}, and {xDescription}.

        Additionally, the series name, annotation info, and description added in point.accessibility.description is added by default if relevant. To override this, use the accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter option.

      • getValuePrefix

        public String getValuePrefix()
        Returns the prefix to add to the values in the point descriptions. Uses tooltip.valuePrefix if not defined.

        Default: null

      • setValuePrefix

        public void setValuePrefix​(String valuePrefix)
        Sets the prefix to add to the values in the point descriptions. Uses tooltip.valuePrefix if not defined.

        Default: null

      • getValueSuffix

        public String getValueSuffix()
        Returns the suffix to add to the values in the point descriptions. Uses tooltip.valueSuffix if not defined.

        Default: null

      • setValueSuffix

        public void setValueSuffix​(String valueSuffix)
        Sets the suffix to add to the values in the point descriptions. Uses tooltip.valueSuffix if not defined.

        Default: null