Class Lang

    • Constructor Detail

      • Lang

        public Lang()
    • Method Detail

      • getAccessibility

        public LangAccessibility getAccessibility()
        Returns the configure the accessibility strings in the chart. If null, create a new one.
      • setAccessibility

        public void setAccessibility​(LangAccessibility accessibility)
        Sets the configure the accessibility strings in the chart.
      • setNoData

        public void setNoData​(String noData)
        Sets the message for no data.
      • getNoData

        public String getNoData()
        Returns the message for no data.

        Default: "No data to display"

      • getDrillUpText

        public String getDrillUpText()
        Returns the text for the button that appears when drilling down, linking back to the parent series. The parent series' name is inserted for {}.

        Defaults to "Back to {}".

      • setDrillUpText

        public void setDrillUpText​(String drillUpText)
        Sets the text for the button that appears when drilling down, linking back to the parent series. The parent series' name is inserted for {}.

        Defaults to "Back to {}".

      • getContextButtonTitle

        public String getContextButtonTitle()
        Returns exporting module menu. The tooltip title for the context menu holding print and export menu items.

        Default: "Chart context menu".

      • setContextButtonTitle

        public void setContextButtonTitle​(String contextButtonTitle)
        Sets exporting module menu. The tooltip title for the context menu holding print and export menu items.
      • getDownloadJPEG

        public String getDownloadJPEG()
        Returns exporting module only. The text for the JPEG download menu item.

        Default: "Download JPEG image".

      • setDownloadJPEG

        public void setDownloadJPEG​(String downloadJPEG)
        Sets exporting module only. The text for the JPEG download menu item.
      • getDownloadPDF

        public String getDownloadPDF()
        Returns exporting module only. The text for the PDF download menu item.

        Default: "Download PDF document".

      • setDownloadPDF

        public void setDownloadPDF​(String downloadPDF)
        Sets exporting module only. The text for the PDF download menu item.
      • getDownloadPNG

        public String getDownloadPNG()
        Returns exporting module only. The text for the PNG download menu item.

        Default: "Download PNG image".

      • setDownloadPNG

        public void setDownloadPNG​(String downloadPNG)
        Sets exporting module only. The text for the PNG download menu item.
      • getDownloadSVG

        public String getDownloadSVG()
        Returns exporting module only. The text for the SVG download menu item.

        Default: "Download SVG vector image".

      • setDownloadSVG

        public void setDownloadSVG​(String downloadSVG)
        Sets exporting module only. The text for the SVG download menu item.
      • getLoading

        public String getLoading()
        Returns the loading text that appears when the chart is set into the loading state following a call to Charts.showLoading(String).

        Default: "Loading...".

      • setLoading

        public void setLoading​(String loading)
        Sets the loading text that appears when the chart is set into the loading state following a call to Charts.showLoading(String).
      • getMonths

        public List<String> getMonths()
        Returns an array containing the months names. Corresponds to the %B format in Charts.setDateFormat(String, Number, boolean).

        Default: [ "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" , "November" , "December"].

      • getNumericSymbols

        public List<String> getNumericSymbols()
        Returns Metric prefixes used to shorten high numbers in axis labels. Replacing any of the positions with null causes the full number to be written. Setting setNumericSymbols(List) to null disables shortening altogether.

        Default: "[ "k" , "M" , "G" , "T" , "P" , "E"]".

      • setNumericSymbols

        public void setNumericSymbols​(List<String> numericSymbols)
        Sets Metric prefixes used to shorten high numbers in axis labels. Replacing any of the positions with null causes the full number to be written. Setting setNumericSymbols(List) to null disables shortening altogether.
      • getPrintChart

        public String getPrintChart()
        Returns exporting module only. The text for the menu item to print the chart.

        Default: "Print chart".

      • setPrintChart

        public void setPrintChart​(String printChart)
        Sets exporting module only. The text for the menu item to print the chart.
      • getResetZoom

        public String getResetZoom()
        Returns the text for the label appearing when a chart is zoomed.

        Default: "Reset zoom".

      • setResetZoom

        public void setResetZoom​(String resetZoom)
        Sets the text for the label appearing when a chart is zoomed.
      • getResetZoomTitle

        public String getResetZoomTitle()
        Returns the tooltip title for the label appearing when a chart is zoomed.

        Default: "Reset zoom level 1:1".

      • setResetZoomTitle

        public void setResetZoomTitle​(String resetZoomTitle)
        Sets the tooltip title for the label appearing when a chart is zoomed.
      • getShortMonths

        public List<String> getShortMonths()
        Returns a list containing the months names in abbreviated form. Corresponds to the %b format in Charts.setDateFormat(String, Number, boolean).

        Default: "[ "Jan" , "Feb" , "Mar" , "Apr" , "May" , "Jun" , "Jul" , "Aug" , " Sep" , "Oct" , "Nov" , "Dec"]".

      • getThousandsSep

        public String getThousandsSep()
        Returns the default thousands separator used in the Charts.setNumberFormat(Number, Number, String, String) method unless otherwise specified in the function arguments. Since Highcharts 4.1 it defaults to a single space character, which is compatible with ISO and works across Anglo-American and continental European languages.

        Default: " ".

      • setThousandsSep

        public void setThousandsSep​(String thousandsSep)
        Sets the default thousands separator used in the Charts.setNumberFormat(Number, Number, String, String) method unless otherwise specified in the function arguments. Since Highcharts 4.1 it defaults to a single space character, which is compatible with ISO and works across Anglo-American and continental European languages. Defaults to " ".
      • getWeekdays

        public List<String> getWeekdays()
        Returns an array containing the weekday names.

        Default: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday* ", "Saturday"].

      • setWeekdays

        public void setWeekdays​(List<String> weekdays)
        Sets an array containing the weekday names.