Interface IDoublespinner

    • Field Detail

      • DEFAULT

        static final IDoublespinner DEFAULT
        Constant for default attributes of this immutable component.
    • Method Detail

      • withValue

        IDoublespinner withValue​(java.lang.Double value)
        Description copied from interface: IInputElement
        Returns a copy of this immutable component with the specified value.

        Sets the value of the input component.

        Specified by:
        withValue in interface IInputElement<IDoublespinner,​java.lang.Double>
        value - The value of the input component.

        Default: null.

        A modified copy of the this object
      • getWidgetClass

        default java.lang.String getWidgetClass()
        Returns the client widget class.

        Default: "zul.inp.Doublespinner"

        Specified by:
        getWidgetClass in interface IComponent<IDoublespinner>
      • getStep

        default double getStep()
        Returns the step of doublespinner

        Default: 1.0

      • withStep

        IDoublespinner withStep​(double step)
        Returns a copy of this immutable component with the specified step.

        Sets the step of doublespinner

        step - The step of the doublespinner

        Default: 1.0.

        A modified copy of the this object
      • isButtonVisible

        default boolean isButtonVisible()
        Returns whether the button (on the right of the doublespinner) is visible.

        Default: true.

      • withButtonVisible

        IDoublespinner withButtonVisible​(boolean buttonVisible)
        Returns a copy of this immutable component with the specified buttonVisible.

        Sets whether the button (on the right of the doublespinner) is visible.

        buttonVisible - false to disable the button visibility.

        Default: true.

        A modified copy of the this object
      • of

        static IDoublespinner of​(java.lang.Double value)
        Returns the instance with the given value.
        value - The double value of the spinner
      • of

        static IDoublespinner of​(double value)
        Returns the instance with the given value.
        value - The double value of the spinner
      • ofCols

        static IDoublespinner ofCols​(int cols)
        Returns the instance with the given cols.
        cols - The cols which determines the visible width
      • ofConstraint

        static IDoublespinner ofConstraint​(java.lang.String constraint)
        Returns the instance with the given constraint.
        constraint - The doublespinner constraint
      • ofId

        static IDoublespinner ofId​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns the instance with the given id.
        id - The id to identify this component