Package org.zkoss.zul

Class Html

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, Component, Scope, ComponentCtrl

    public class Html
    extends XulElement
    A component used to embed the browser native content (i.e., HTML tags) into the output sent to the browser. The browser native content is specified by setContent(java.lang.String).

    Notice that Html generates HTML SPAN to enclose the embedded HTML tags. Thus, you can specify the style (HtmlBasedComponent.getStyle()), tooltip XulElement.getTooltip() and so on.

    <html style="border: 1px solid blue"><![CDATA[
      <li>It is in a SPAN tag.</li>

    The generated HTML tags will look like:

    <SPAN id="xxx" style="border: 1px solid blue">
      <li>It is in a SPAN tag.</li>

    Since SPAN is used to enclosed the embedded HTML tags, so the following is incorrect.

       <td> <-- Incomplete since it is inside SPAN -->

    If you need to generate the HTML tags directly without enclosing with SPAN, you can use the Native namespace, Refer to ZK Developer's Reference for more information.

    A non-XUL extension.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Html

        public Html()
        Constructs a Html component to embed HTML tags.
      • Html

        public Html​(java.lang.String content)
        Constructs a Html component to embed HTML tags with the specified content.
    • Method Detail

      • getContent

        public java.lang.String getContent()
        Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags).
      • setContent

        public void setContent​(java.lang.String content)
        Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags).

        Default: empty ("").

        Deriving class can override it to return whatever it wants other than null.

        Security Note

        Unlike other methods, the content assigned to this method is generated directly to the browser without escaping. Thus, it is better not to have something input by the user to avoid any XSS attach.