ZK 8.5.2 release notes

PE/EE Released on Jul. 31, 2018

ZK 8.5.2 is an updated release for ZK 8.5. 8.5.2 comes with 30 new features and 100 bug fixes, key features includes able to handle destroyed ViewModel, Calendar supports those constraints as Datebox, and Grid/Listbox provide an API to scroll itself by item index.

ZK 8.5 is a major release that takes the best of ZK 8 and continues to push the innovation envelope. A major improvement on MVVM data binding at the client side enlivened pure HTML content with minimal effort. The Fragment component, in combination with Service workers, allows caching and managing offline user data and easier Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) building.

Please note that this version is released for PE/EE customers & ZOL users.

Getting Simpler and Richer

New Feature Highlight

  • ZK-1148 - Able to handle the destroyed of a ViewModel.
  • ZK-3619 - Calendar supports those constraints as Datebox
  • ZK-3952 - Grid/Listbox provide an API to scroll itself by item index

What's New

  • New Features
    • ZK-1148 - Able to handle the destroyed of a ViewModel.
    • ZK-2459 - Add BindUtils postNotifyChange method accepting multiple property names
    • ZK-3047 - Improving the z-tabs-content style
    • ZK-3181 - redundant requests filtering with clientInfo listeners
    • ZK-3272 - Display file size message with the most readable unit
    • ZK-3278 - Dropupload can limit max uploading file count
    • ZK-3291 - preserve feature/bugfix ids in zkThemeTemplate project
    • ZK-3292 - Include maven src jars to FL versions in the EE repository
    • ZK-3310 - Improve client rendering performance when opening nodes
    • ZK-3324 - multiple ZKBIND annotations at a field undecided
    • ZK-3329 - Collapsible Borderlayout region in slide or open mode only
    • ZK-3529 - Add title label to collapsed borderlayout region if title is set
    • ZK-3538 - Do not change focus when opening a Treeitem
    • ZK-3564 - Slider snap to multiple of step when dragging
    • ZK-3569 - Popup slide-in direction change depending on position relative to input
    • ZK-3619 - Calendar supports those constraints as Datebox
    • ZK-3624 - Spinner - improve initial value
    • ZK-3688 - Add min-z-index property to modal windows
    • ZK-3704 - Decimalbox supports Indian numbering system format
    • ZK-3823 - org.zkoss.lang.Library must not use synchronized blocks
    • ZK-3824 - Provide a content-type control for AU response
    • ZK-3844 - Include the latest 4.x font awesome icon
    • ZK-3846 - use date format in data constraint error messages and localize range separator
    • ZK-3852 - chosenbox supports inplace edit
    • ZK-3875 - Multiline Textbox fires onOK event when pressing enter key which is configurable
    • ZK-3886 - Provide an alternative download feature for mobile iOS devices
    • ZK-3952 - Grid/Listbox provide an API to scroll itself by item index
    • ZK-3953 - update zel implementation
    • ZK-3955 - Allow custom-attribute setting for checkmarkDeselectOthers
    • ZK-3979 - WS support tomcat's request recycle

  • Bugs fixed
      • ZK-3058 - Filedownload adds the session id to the file name
      • ZK-3268 - uploader and dropupload progress update interval are different.
      • ZK-3321 - Put error message on hold if set on non-visible components
      • ZK-3503 - double right-click detected in FF
      • ZK-3587 - focus new listitem in ROD listbox
      • ZK-3599 - Grid.Renderer gets an incorrect method of a RowRender
      • ZK-3613 - ZK EE jars contain a repository reference to ZK CE maven repository
      • ZK-3630 - shadow components inside a Listbox' template cause an exception
      • ZK-3635 - Blur after tabbing out of non-input widget in bandpopup closes the popup
      • ZK-3641 - Iframe autohide not working consistently
      • ZK-3646 - href with mailto in chrome remove target frame too early
      • ZK-3665 - Notifications not always closing on ios safari
      • ZK-3691 - Listgroups are selected by the selectAll checkmark in listbox
      • ZK-3698 - NPE in Decimalbox.setValue(String)
      • ZK-3702 - Combowidget components with autodrop trigger popup on non content relevant keys
      • ZK-3727 - opening a popup shrinks parent iframe's width
      • ZK-3733 - listbox with listgroup causes ie11 long running script warning
      • ZK-3734 - Doublebox with format attribute specified doesn't trigger a numeric keyboard in iPad
      • ZK-3736 - Datebox popup is set to visible:false when closed by another popup closing itself
      • ZK-3738 - Tree SelectEvent.getSelectedObjects() inconsistent with TreeModel.getSelection()
      • ZK-3749 - ListElResolver does not support standard EL syntax
      • ZK-3766 - Bandpopup checking horizontal position similar to vertical position
      • ZK-3771 - AFTER_PAGE_DETACHED callback doesn't work for Window component
      • ZK-3788 - frozen grid doesn't show scrollbar at first loading
      • ZK-3792 - enter am but Datebox converts it to PM
      • ZK-3811 - PathELResolver.getValue cause a NPE
      • ZK-3814 - Java 8 default interface methods not recognized as managed bean properties in EL
      • ZK-3815 - zscript causes MethodNotFoundException when calling a static method in EL
      • ZK-3828 - @DependsOn + EL with enum causes PropertyNotFoundException
      • ZK-3829 - using the annotation namespace sometimes fails to initialize the value
      • ZK-3838 - users can paste non-digital characters into a intbox
      • ZK-3841 - listheader setVisible(false) makes items "tall"
      • ZK-3843 - wire an event listener doesn't work for a Listitem in HtmlMacroComponent
      • ZK-3848 - Check more for lang-addon.xml when there is <extends> without <depends>
      • ZK-3850 - a hidden column increases a row height
      • ZK-3851 - frozen row hover style issue
      • ZK-3858 - Window inside a <center> with autoscroll true doesn't resize itself correctly
      • ZK-3861 - ListModelList setActivePage doesn't change Grid paging in MVVM pattern
      • ZK-3862 - Popups auto close with auto filled password fields at a page
      • ZK-3864 - frozen overlap with position: relative/absolute
      • ZK-3865 - incorrect flex calculation with margins
      • ZK-3867 - nested shadow component order
      • ZK-3868 - failing format patterns
      • ZK-3870 - wrong theme css class at body element
      • ZK-3871 - shadow components inside a Listbox doesn't work in nested way
      • ZK-3878 - missing import org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys in zkex osgi bundle
      • ZK-3881 - shadow components inside a Listbox doesn't work in parallel way
      • ZK-3884 - a grid with a frozen column cuts the text in the last column
      • ZK-3885 - dynamically added nested borderlayout triggers onBind twice
      • ZK-3894 - sendRedirect from DesktopInit omits contextPath
      • ZK-3895 - wrong implementation in the widget function zul.tab.Tabbox.isRight()
      • ZK-3896 - Datebox failing format patterns (containing weekday)
      • ZK-3903 - Caption duplicating label when changing icon sclass
      • ZK-3905 - listbox selectAll checkbox stops synchronizing
      • ZK-3906 - colorbox not initializing hex value in palette popup
      • ZK-3907 - session timeout message ignores application wide preferred locale
      • ZK-3908 - vertical toolbar has sometimes <br> between items
      • ZK-3910 - ZK destroys all iframes elements on some containers when changing DOM location
      • ZK-3911 - On binder BinderImpl line 333 change getDeclaredMethods for getMethods for MatchMedia inheritance
      • ZK-3912 - tab component replaces manual tooltiptext
      • ZK-3914 - listbox empty message sizing with hidden columns (wrong colspan)
      • ZK-3915 - Automatic session timeout causes exceptions with websockets enabled
      • ZK-3916 - Automatic session timeout redirects unreliable with websockets enabled
      • ZK-3917 - zktheme pom file corrupted
      • ZK-3918 - colorbox palette/picker input: copy/paste/home/end not working
      • ZK-3919 - NPE fileupload when using Websockets (Tomcat)
      • ZK-3920 - listbox wrong scroll-height caused by focus-a position
      • ZK-3921 - ROD grid loses scroll position when hiding/showing columns
      • ZK-3924 - stuck notification message
      • ZK-3925 - notification message affects panel size after maximize
      • ZK-3926 - Typo in Borderlayout animation.disabled property
      • ZK-3927 - listbox column alignment with hflex=min columns
      • ZK-3928 - tree item selection changes scroll position
      • ZK-3931 - user agent information missing during websocket request
      • ZK-3932 - zul.sel.Listbox.setSelInView() tries to access non-existing DOM element
      • ZK-3934 - hidden columns shifting cells
      • ZK-3935 - look up an application scope event queue causes an exception when a session unavailable
      • ZK-3936 - Combobox size in tree
      • ZK-3937 - Update listbox documentation select-all checkmark
      • ZK-3943 - popup wrong position
      • ZK-3944 - Getting IllegalStateException: can only add one element
      • ZK-3945 - Popup's z-index doesn't work properly
      • ZK-3946 - JS error: treeitem client ROD with hidden children
      • ZK-3949 - Setting image attribute of caption to empty string or null cause it to display a missing image
      • ZK-3950 - Accordion mold tabbox doesn't properly resize when adding or removing items dynamically
      • ZK-3951 - Grid doesn't render on demand when visibleRows specified
      • ZK-3956 - popup causes spacing vlayout
      • ZK-3965 - Callback issues in radiogroup with model after ZK-3818
      • ZK-3968 - the widget of a custom component that implements IdSpace doesn't have _fellows initialized
      • ZK-3969 - MVVM viewmodel name bleed into include / other idspace
      • ZK-3972 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/zkoss/zk/ui/util/forEachStatus caused by import Handler
      • ZK-3973 - potentially locked resource files
      • ZK-3974 - spinner doesn't prevent users from violating its constraint
      • ZK-3975 - grouped listbox scroll wrong scrollbar pos
      • ZK-3976 - Tree with treecol fails to open/close nodes
      • ZK-3980 - show a notification produces a javascript error
      • ZK-3988 - HtmlMacroComponent compose() doesn't resolve @Wire before doAfterCompose
      • ZK-4001 - new feature title on collapse borderlayout region missing style in some themes
      • ZK-4002 - H/Vlayout prevents submenu from opening after ZK-3956
      • ZK-4006 - tooltiptext doesn't work on Tab