Interface ComponentCtrl

All Known Implementing Classes:
A, A, Abbr, Absolutechildren, Absolutelayout, AbstractComponent, AbstractTag, Acronym, Address, Anchorchildren, Anchorlayout, Applet, Area, Area, Audio, Auxhead, Auxheader, B, Bandbox, Bandpopup, Base, Big, Biglistbox, Blockquote, Body, Borderlayout, Box, Br, Button, Button, Calendar, Captcha, Caption, Caption, Cardlayout, Cell, Center, Center, Chart, Checkbox, Chosenbox, Cite, Code, Col, Colgroup, Colorbox, Column, Columnchildren, Columnlayout, Columns, Combobox, Combobutton, Comboitem, ContentTag, Datebox, Dd, Decimalbox, Del, Detail, Dfn, Dir, Div, Div, Dl, Doublebox, Doublespinner, Dropupload, Dt, East, Em, Embed, Fieldset, Fileupload, Fileupload, FileuploadDlg, Fisheye, Fisheyebar, Flash, Font, Foot, Footer, FooterElement, Form, FormatInputElement, Frozen, Fusionchart, Grid, Group, Groupbox, Groupfoot, H1, H2, H3, H4, Hbox, Head, HeaderElement, HeadersElement, Hlayout, Hr, Html, Html, HtmlBasedComponent, HtmlMacroComponent, HtmlNativeComponent, I, Idspace, Iframe, Iframe, Image, Imagemap, Img, Include, Input, InputElement, Ins, Intbox, Isindex, Jasperreport, Kbd, Label, Label, LabelElement, LabelImageElement, Layout, LayoutRegion, Legend, Li, Link, Listbox, Listcell, Listfoot, Listfooter, Listgroup, Listgroupfoot, Listhead, Listheader, Listitem, Longbox, Map, Menu, Menu, Menubar, Menuitem, Menupopup, Menuseparator, MeshElement, MessageboxDlg, MessageboxDlg.Button, Meta, Nobr, North, NumberInputElement, Object, Ol, Optgroup, Option, P, Paging, Panel, Panelchildren, Popup, Portalchildren, Portallayout, Pre, Progressmeter, Q, Radio, Radiogroup, Raw, Row, Rows, S, Samp, Script, Script, Scrollview, Select, Selectbox, Separator, Slider, Small, South, Space, Span, Span, Spinner, Splitter, Strong, StubComponent, StubsComponent, Style, Style, Sub, Sup, Tab, Tabbox, Table, Tablechildren, Tablelayout, Tabpanel, Tabpanels, Tabs, Tbody, Td, Text, Textarea, Textbox, Tfoot, Th, Thead, Timebox, Timer, Title, Toolbar, Toolbarbutton, Tr, Transformer, Tree, Treecell, Treechildren, Treecol, Treecols, Treefoot, Treefooter, Treeitem, Treerow, Tt, Ul, Var, Vbox, Vlayout, West, Window, XmlMacroComponent, XmlNativeComponent, XulElement, Zkhead

public interface ComponentCtrl

An addition interface to Component that is used for implementation or tools.

Application developers rarely need to access methods in this interface.


Field Summary
static int CE_BUSY_IGNORE
          Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event can be ignored by the server when the server is busy.
          Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event can be ignored by the server when the server receives the same AU requests but not processed yet.
static int CE_IMPORTANT
          Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event is important and the client must send it back even if no listener is registered.
          Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event is no deferrable, i.e., the event has to be sent back immediately.
          Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event an be ignored by the server when the server receives consecutive AU requests.
Method Summary
 void addAnnotation(java.lang.String annotName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> annotAttrs)
          Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with addAnnotation(String, String, Map)
 void addAnnotation(java.lang.String propName, java.lang.String annotName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> annotAttrs)
          Adds an annotation to the specified property of this component.
 void addEventHandler(java.lang.String name, EventHandler evthd)
          Adds an event handler.
 void addSharedEventHandlerMap(EventHandlerMap evthds)
          Adds a map of event handlers which is shared by other components.
 void beforeChildAdded(Component child, Component insertBefore)
          Called before adding a child.
 void beforeChildRemoved(Component child)
          Called before removing a child.
 void beforeParentChanged(Component parent)
          Called before changing the parent.
 boolean disableClientUpdate(boolean disable)
          Sets whether to disable the update of the client widgets of this component and its descendants.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAnnotatedProperties()
          Returns a read-only list of the name of properties that are associated at least one annotation (never null).
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAnnotatedPropertiesBy(java.lang.String annotName)
          Returns a read-only list of the names of the properties that are associated with the specified annotation (never null).
 Annotation getAnnotation(java.lang.String annotName)
          Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with getAnnotation(String, String).
 Annotation getAnnotation(java.lang.String propName, java.lang.String annotName)
          Returns the annotation associated with the definition of the specified property, or null if not available.
 java.util.Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations()
          Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with getAnnotations(String).
 java.util.Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations(java.lang.String propName)
          Returns a read-only collection of all annotations (Annotation) associated with the specified property.
 java.util.Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations(java.lang.String propName, java.lang.String annotName)
          Returns the annotations associated with the definition of the specified property.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> getClientEvents()
          Returns a map of event information that the client might send to this component.
 ZScript getEventHandler(java.lang.String evtnm)
          Returns the event listener of the specified name, or null if not found.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getEventHandlerNames()
          Returns a readonly collection of event names (String), or an empty collection if no event name is registered.
 EventListenerMap getEventListenerMap()
          Returns the map of event handlers and listeners defined in this component.
 java.lang.Object getExtraCtrl()
          Returns the extra controls that tell ZK how to handle this component specially.
 void onChildAdded(Component child)
          Called when a child is added.
 void onChildRemoved(Component child)
          Called when a child is removed.
 void onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage)
          Called when this component is attached to a page.
 void onPageDetached(Page page)
          Called when this component is detached from a page.
 WrongValueException onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)
          Notifies that an WrongValueException instance is thrown, and WrongValueException.getComponent() is the component causing the exception.
 void redraw( out)
          Render (a.k.a., redraw) this component and all its descendants.
 void service(AuRequest request, boolean everError)
          Handles an AU request.
 void service(Event event, Scope scope)
          Handles an event.
 void sessionDidActivate(Page page)
          Notification that the session, which owns this component, has just been activated (a.k.a., deserialized).
 void sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
          Notification that the session, which owns this component, is about to be passivated (a.k.a., serialized).
 void setDefinition(ComponentDefinition compdef)
          Sets the component definition.
 void setDefinition(java.lang.String defname)
          Sets the component definition by specifying the name.

Field Detail


static final int CE_IMPORTANT
Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event is important and the client must send it back even if no listener is registered.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CE_NON_DEFERRABLE
Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event is no deferrable, i.e., the event has to be sent back immediately. It is meaningful only used with CE_IMPORTANT

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CE_BUSY_IGNORE
Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event can be ignored by the server when the server is busy.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE
Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event can be ignored by the server when the server receives the same AU requests but not processed yet. In other words, the server will remove the duplicate AU requests if it was queued.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CE_REPEAT_IGNORE
Returned by getClientEvents() to indicate the event an be ignored by the server when the server receives consecutive AU requests. In other words, the server will remove the first request if it receives an event listed in this map consecutively.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void setDefinition(ComponentDefinition compdef)
Sets the component definition.

The component definition affects how a component behaves. Developers rarely need to call this method. If a wrong definition is assigned, the result is unpredictable (and hard to debug). It is mainly designed for developing tools.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if compdef is null


void setDefinition(java.lang.String defname)
Sets the component definition by specifying the name.

defname - the name of the component definition
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if defname is null
DefinitionNotFoundException - if the component definition not found


void beforeChildAdded(Component child,
                      Component insertBefore)
Called before adding a child. If a component accepts only certain types of children, it shall override this method and throw an exception for an illegal child.

child - the child to be added (never null).
insertBefore - another child component that the new child will be inserted before it. If null, the new child will be the last child.


void beforeChildRemoved(Component child)
Called before removing a child. If a component denies a certain child to be removed, it shall override this method to avoid it.

child - the child to be removed (never null)


void beforeParentChanged(Component parent)
Called before changing the parent. If a component can be a child of certain parents, it shall override this method and throws an exception for an illegal parent.

parent - the new parent. If null, it means detachment.


void onChildAdded(Component child)
Called when a child is added. If a component want to optimize the update, it might do something different. Otherwise, it does nothing.

Note: onChildAdded(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component) is called in the request-processing phase.

It is not a good idea to throw an exception in this method, since it is in the middle of modifying the component tree.



void onChildRemoved(Component child)
Called when a child is removed. If a component want to optimize the update, it might do something different. Otherwise, it simply does nothing.

It is not a good idea to throw an exception in this method, since it is in the middle of modifying the component tree.



void onPageAttached(Page newpage,
                    Page oldpage)
Called when this component is attached to a page.

If a component is moved from one page to another, onPageAttached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page) is called with both pages. Note: onPageDetached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page) is not called in this case.

Note: this method is called even if the component is attached to a page implicitly thru, say, Component.setParent(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component).

It is not a good idea to throw an exception in this method, since it is in the middle of modifying the component tree.

newpage - the new page (never null).
oldpage - the previous page, if any, or null if it didn't belong to any page.


void onPageDetached(Page page)
Called when this component is detached from a page.

If a component is moved from one page to another, onPageAttached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page) is called with both pages. Note: onPageDetached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page) is not called in this case. In other words, onPageDetached(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page) is called only if a component is detached from a page (not belong to any other page).

Note: this method is called even if the component is detached to a page implicitly thru, say, Component.setParent(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component).

It is not a good idea to throw an exception in this method, since it is in the middle of modifying the component tree.

page - the previous page (never null)


ZScript getEventHandler(java.lang.String evtnm)
Returns the event listener of the specified name, or null if not found.

See Also:


void addEventHandler(java.lang.String name,
                     EventHandler evthd)
Adds an event handler. Note: it is OK to add multiple event handlers to the same event. They are evaluated one-by-one. On the other hand, Component.setWidgetListener(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) will overwrite the previous listener if the event name is the same.

See Also:
Component.setWidgetListener(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


void addSharedEventHandlerMap(EventHandlerMap evthds)
Adds a map of event handlers which is shared by other components. In other words, this component shall have all event handlers defined in the specified map, evthds. Meanwhile, this component shall not modify evthds, since it is shared. The caller shall not change annots after the invocation, too

evthds - a map of event handler
See Also:
Component.setWidgetListener(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getEventHandlerNames()
Returns a readonly collection of event names (String), or an empty collection if no event name is registered.

See Also:


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> getClientEvents()
Returns a map of event information that the client might send to this component. The key of the returned map is a String instance representing the event name, and the value an integer representing the flags (a combination of CE_IMPORTANT, CE_BUSY_IGNORE, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE and CE_REPEAT_IGNORE).

Default: return the collection of events added by getClientEvents().



Annotation getAnnotation(java.lang.String annotName)
Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with getAnnotation(String, String).


Annotation getAnnotation(java.lang.String propName,
                         java.lang.String annotName)
Returns the annotation associated with the definition of the specified property, or null if not available.

If there are multiple annotation with the given name, this method will merge them before return. If you prefer to get all of them without merging, please use getAnnotations(String, String) instead. For example,

<textbox value="@bind(abc, param1=foo1) @bind(xyz, param2=foo2)">

This method will return a single annotation with three attributes: value=xyz, param1=foo1 and param2=foo2. On the other hand, getAnnotations(String, String) will return a two-element collections.

Notice that the property is not limited the 'real' property. For example, the following statement is correct though button doesn't have setFoo method. And, you can retrieve it by use of this method (getAnnotation("foo", "bind"))

<button foo="@bind(whatever=123)"/>

Furthermore, you can declare it as custom-attribute. For example, the following is equivalent to the above.

  <custom-attribute foo="@bind(whatever=123}">

propName - the property name, e.g., "value". If null, this method returns the annotation(s) associated with this component (rather than a particular property).
annotName - the annotation name
See Also:
getAnnotations(String, String)


java.util.Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations(java.lang.String propName,
                                                java.lang.String annotName)
Returns the annotations associated with the definition of the specified property. It never returns null.

Notice that the property is not limited the 'real' property. For example, the following statement is correct though button doesn't have setFoo method. And, you can retrieve it by use of this method (getAnnotation("foo", "bind"))

<button foo="@bind(whatever=123)"/>

Furthermore, you can declare it as custom-attribute. For example, the following is equivalent to the above.

  <custom-attribute foo="@bind(whatever=123}">

propName - the property name, e.g., "value". If null, this method returns the annotation(s) associated with this component (rather than a particular property).
annotName - the annotation name
See Also:
getAnnotation(String, String)


java.util.Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations()
Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with getAnnotations(String).


java.util.Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations(java.lang.String propName)
Returns a read-only collection of all annotations (Annotation) associated with the specified property. It never returns null.

propName - the property name, e.g., "value". If null, this method returns the annotation(s) associated with this component (rather than a particular property).


java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAnnotatedPropertiesBy(java.lang.String annotName)
Returns a read-only list of the names of the properties that are associated with the specified annotation (never null).


java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAnnotatedProperties()
Returns a read-only list of the name of properties that are associated at least one annotation (never null).


void addAnnotation(java.lang.String annotName,
                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> annotAttrs)
Deprecated. As of release 6.0.0, replaced with addAnnotation(String, String, Map)


void addAnnotation(java.lang.String propName,
                   java.lang.String annotName,
                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> annotAttrs)
Adds an annotation to the specified property of this component.

If the given property is null, the annotation is associated to this component, rather than a particular property.

Unlike Java, you can add annotations dynamically, and each component has its own annotations.

propName - the property name. If null, the annotation is associated with the component (rather than a particular property).
annotName - the annotation name (never null, nor empty).
annotAttrs - a map of attributes, or null if no attribute at all. This method will make a copy of annotAttrs, so the caller can use it after the invocation.


void sessionWillPassivate(Page page)
Notification that the session, which owns this component, is about to be passivated (a.k.a., serialized).

Note: only root components are notified by this method.


void sessionDidActivate(Page page)
Notification that the session, which owns this component, has just been activated (a.k.a., deserialized).

Note: only root components are notified by this method.


java.lang.Object getExtraCtrl()
Returns the extra controls that tell ZK how to handle this component specially.

Application developers need NOT to access this method.

There are a set of extra controls: org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.render.

The first package is used if the content of a component can be changed by the user at the client. It is so-called the client controls.

The second package is used to control how to render a component specially.

Override this method only if you want to return the extra controls.

null if no special handling required. If the component requires some special controls, it could return an object that implements one or several interfaces in the org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.render package. For example, Cropper.


WrongValueException onWrongValue(WrongValueException ex)
Notifies that an WrongValueException instance is thrown, and WrongValueException.getComponent() is the component causing the exception. It is a callback and the component can store the error message, show up the custom information, or even 'eat' the exception.

ex - the exception being thrown (never null)
the exception to throw, or null to ignore the exception In most cases, just return ex


void redraw( out)
Render (a.k.a., redraw) this component and all its descendants.

It is called in the redrawing phase by the kernel, so it is too late to call Component.invalidate(), AbstractComponent.smartUpdate(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) or AbstractComponent.response( in this method.



void service(AuRequest request,
             boolean everError)
Handles an AU request.

Notice: don't invoke this method directly. Rather, invoke DesktopCtrl.service(AuRequest, boolean) instead. This method is designed to be overridden.

To send responses to the client, use AbstractComponent.smartUpdate(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object), AbstractComponent.response( or Component.invalidate(). To handle the AU requests sent from the client, override this method.

Application developer can plug the custom service to handle the AU request by calling Component.setAuService(

everError - whether any error ever occurred before processing this request.
See Also:


void service(Event event,
             Scope scope)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Handles an event. This method will invoke the event handlers registered in a ZUML page, the event listeners registered in Java, and the event handlers declared as part of the component.

event - the event to handle
scope - the scope to evaluate the zscript, if any. (see also Page.interpret(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Scope).


boolean disableClientUpdate(boolean disable)
Sets whether to disable the update of the client widgets of this component and its descendants.

By default, if a component is attached to a page, modifications that change the visual representation will be sent to the client to ensure the consistency.

Though rarely needed, you can disable the synchronization of the visual representation, if you prefer to update the client in a batch or the modification is caused by the client.


Also notice that, with Component.invalidate(), it is easy to synchronize the content of a component (and its descendants) to the client.

whether it has been disabled before this invocation, i.e., the previous disable status


EventListenerMap getEventListenerMap()
Returns the map of event handlers and listeners defined in this component. This method is rarely used, but it is useful if you'd like to retrieve the behavior of the event handling of this component (and if you don't have the reference to the component)


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