Interface GroupsSortableModel<D>

All Known Implementing Classes:
GroupsModelArray, SimpleGroupsModel

public interface GroupsSortableModel<D>

An extra interface that can be implemented with GroupsModel to control the sorting and grouping of the data model.

D: the type of the data.


Method Summary
 void group(java.util.Comparator<D> cmpr, boolean ascending, int colIndex)
          Groups and sorts the data by the specified column.
 void sort(java.util.Comparator<D> cmpr, boolean ascending, int colIndex)
          It called when Listbox or Grid has to sort the content.

Method Detail


void sort(java.util.Comparator<D> cmpr,
          boolean ascending,
          int colIndex)
It called when Listbox or Grid has to sort the content.

After sorting, this model shall notify the instances of ListDataListener (registered thru ListModel.addListDataListener(org.zkoss.zul.event.ListDataListener)) to update the content. Typically you have to notify with

new ListDataEvent(this, ListDataEvent.CONTENTS_CHANGED, -1, -1)
to denote all data are changed (and reloading is required).

The comparator assigned to, say, Listheader.setSortAscending(java.util.Comparator) is passed to method as the cmpr argument. Thus, developers could use it as a tag to know which column or what kind of order to sort. Notice that the comparator is capable to sort under the order specified in the ascending parameter. In other words, you could ignore the ascending parameter (which is used only for providing additional information)

cmpr - the comparator assigned to Listheader.setSortAscending(java.util.Comparator) and other relative methods. If developers didn't assign any one, the default comparator is used. Notice that it is capable to sort the data in the correct order, you could ignore the ascending parameter.
ascending - whether to sort in the ascending order (or in the descending order, if false). Notice that it is used only to provide additional information. To sort the data correctly, you could count on the cmpr parameter only.
colIndex - the index of the column


void group(java.util.Comparator<D> cmpr,
           boolean ascending,
           int colIndex)
Groups and sorts the data by the specified column. It only called when Listbox or Grid has the sort function.

cmpr - the comparator assigned to Column.setSortAscending(java.util.Comparator) and other relative methods. If developers didn't assign any one, the method is returned directly.
ascending - whether to sort in the ascending order (or in the descending order)
colIndex - the index of the column

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