Class | Description |
A |
The A tag.
Abbr |
The ABBR tag.
Acronym |
The ACRONYM tag.
Address |
The ADDRESS tag.
Area |
The AREA tag.
B |
The B tag.
Base |
The BASE tag.
Big |
The BIG tag.
Blockquote |
Body |
The BODY tag.
Br |
The BR tag.
Button |
The BUTTON tag.
Caption |
The CAPTION tag.
Center |
The CENTER tag.
Cite |
The CITE tag.
Code |
The CODE tag.
Col |
The COL tag.
Colgroup |
Dd |
The DD tag.
Del |
The DEL tag.
Dfn |
The DFN tag.
Dir |
The DIR tag.
Div |
The DIV tag.
Dl |
The DL tag.
Dt |
The DT tag.
Em |
The EM tag.
Embed |
The EMBED tag.
Fieldset |
Filedownload |
File download utilities.
Fileupload |
A fileupload dialog used to let user upload a file.
Font |
The FONT tag.
Form |
The FORM tag.
H1 |
The H1 tag.
H2 |
The H2 tag.
H3 |
The H3 tag.
H4 |
The H4 tag.
Head |
The HEAD tag.
Hr |
The HR tag.
Html |
The HTML tag.
I |
The I tag.
Iframe |
The IFRAME tag.
Img |
The IMG tag.
Input |
The input tag.
Ins |
The INS tag.
Isindex |
The ISINDEX tag.
Kbd |
The KBD tag.
Label |
The LABEL tag.
Legend |
The LEGEND tag.
Li |
The LI tag.
Link |
The LINK tag.
Map |
The MAP tag.
Menu |
The MENU tag.
Messagebox |
Represents the message box.
Meta |
The META tag.
Nobr |
The NOBR tag.
Object |
The OBJECT tag.
Ol |
The OL tag.
Optgroup |
Option |
The OPTION tag.
P |
The P tag.
Pre |
The PRE tag.
Q |
The Q tag.
Raw |
The raw component used to generate raw HTML elements.
S |
The S tag.
Samp |
The SAMP tag.
Script |
The SCRIPT tag.
Select |
The SELECT tag.
Small |
The SMALL tag.
Span |
The SPAN tag.
Strong |
The STRONG tag.
Style |
The STYLE tag.
Sub |
The SUB tag.
Sup |
The Sup tag.
Table |
The TABLE tag.
Tbody |
The TBODY tag.
Td |
The TD tag.
Text |
Represents a piece of text (of DOM).
Textarea |
Tfoot |
The TFOOT tag.
Th |
The TH tag.
Thead |
The THEAD tag.
Title |
The TITLE tag.
Tr |
The TR tag.
Tt |
The TT tag.
Ul |
The UL tag.
Var |
The VAR tag.
Version |
The version of the ZK ZHTML component set.
Zkhead |
The component used to generate CSS and JavaScrpt declarations.
ZHTML component set.
Currently, zhtml depends on zul, but it is not necessary. If we implement Fileupload and Messagebox in different way, such dependence could be removed. This might be important when we support XAML and user might want to minimize the foot print.
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