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$() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
A short cut for looking up ZK Widget from jQuery object.
$() - Static method in class _global_.zk
A shortcut of Widget.$() function.
$(Object, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zkbind
Retrieves the binder if any.
$(Object) - Static method in class zk.Desktop
Returns the desktop of the specified desktop ID, widget, widget UUID, or DOM element.
$(Object, Map) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Retrieves the widget.
$$(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns an array of DOMElement that matches.
$addAll(Array) - Method in class _global_.Array
Adds all elements of the given array to this array.
$camel() - Method in class _global_.String
Returns a copy of this string by converting dashes into a camel-case equivalent.
$class - Variable in class zk.Object
The class that this object belongs to.
$clone() - Method in class _global_.Array
Clones this array.
$contains(Object) - Method in class _global_.Array
Returns true if this list contains the specified element.
$default(Map, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Provides the default values for the specified options.
$equals(Object) - Method in class _global_.Array
Returns whether obj is an array, the length is the same, and each element in obj is the same as each element of this array.
$extends(Class, Map, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Defines a class.
$f(String, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the fellow of the specified ID of the ID space that this widget belongs to.
$f(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the fellow of the specified ID of the ID space that this widget belongs to.
$f() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the map of all fellows of this widget.
$import(String, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Imports a package or class, and load it if fn is specified.
$import(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Imports a class or a package.
$inc(int) - Method in class _global_.String
Returns a copy of the first character of a string by increasing its value.
$indexOf(Object) - Method in class _global_.Array
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
$init(Object) - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
$init(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class zk.Desktop
$init(Object, DOMElement, Map) - Method in class zk.Draggable
$init(Map) - Method in class zk.eff.FullMask
The constructor of the full mask object.
$init(DOMElement) - Method in class zk.eff.KeyboardTrap
The constructor.
$init(Map) - Method in class zk.eff.Mask
The constructor.
$init(Widget, String, Object, Map, Event) - Method in class zk.Event
$init(Object) - Method in class zk.Long
$init() - Method in class zk.Object
The constructor.
$init(Map, boolean) - Method in class zk.Page
$init(Object, DOMElement, Map) - Method in class zk.Swipe
The Constructor.
$init(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
The constructor.
$init(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
$init(Dropupload, String, Object) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploader
$init(DropUploader, Object) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadViewer
$init(String, Map) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Toast
$init(Grid) - Method in class zul.grid.RowIter
$init(Object, String, String) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleConstraint
$init(Object, Widget) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDateConstraint
$init(Object, Widget) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleLocalTimeConstraint
$init() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
$init(Listbox) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemIter
$init(Tree) - Method in class zul.sel.TreeItemIter
$init(Widget, DOMElement, String) - Method in class zul.Upload
$init(Upload, String, DOMElement, String) - Method in class zul.Uploader
$init(Uploader, String) - Method in class zul.UploadViewer
$instanceof(Class) - Method in class zk.Object
Determines if this object is an instance of the class represented by the specified Class parameter.
$intercepts(Class, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Intercepts a widget, when specific method has been called, the interceptor would be called first.
$n(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the child element of the DOM element(s) that this widget is bound to.
$n() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the DOM element that this widget is bound to.
$o() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the owner of the ID space that this widget belongs to, or null if it doesn't belong to any ID space.
$oid - Variable in class zk.Object
The object ID.
$package(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Defines a package.
$remove(Object) - Method in class _global_.Array
Removes the specified object from this array.
$s() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the sub zclass name that cache for this widget.
$service() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the service instance from the current widget, if any.
$sub(String) - Method in class _global_.String
Returns the difference between the first character of this string and the first character of the specified string.
$super(Class, String, Object...) - Method in class zk.Object
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments.
$super(String, Object...) - Method in class zk.Object
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments.
$supers(Class, String, Array) - Method in class zk.Object
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
$supers(String, Array) - Method in class zk.Object
Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments.
$toLocaleString() - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
Returns a Locale-dependent string for this big decimal(for human's eye).
$toLocaleString() - Method in class zk.Long
Returns a Locale-dependent string for this long integer.
$toString() - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
Returns a string for this big decimal (per the original form).
$toString() - Method in class zk.Long
Returns a string for this long integer To have a Locale-dependent string, use Long.$toLocaleString() instead.
$void() - Static method in class _global_.zk
A does-nothing-but-returns-false function.
$weave - Variable in class zk.Widget
The weave controller that is used by ZK Weaver.


A - Class in zul.wgt
The same as HTML A tag.
Absolutechildren - Class in zul.layout
A container component that can contain any other ZK component and can only be contained as direct child of Absolutelayout component.
Absolutelayout - Class in zul.layout
An Absolutelayout component can contain absolute positioned multiple absolutechildren components.
absolutize() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Makes the position of the first selected element as absolute.
ACCEPT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Actions - Class in zk.eff
A collection of actions that can be used with Widget.setAction(_global_.String).
ADD - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
addAft(Widget, String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet after the specified widget (as sibling).
addAft(Widget, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet after the specified widget (as sibling).
addAuRequest(Desktop, Event) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Add the AU request to the ajax queue.
addBfr(Widget, String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet before the specified widget (as sibling).
addChd(Widget, String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Adds the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet as the last child of the specified widget.
addDataHandler(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Adds data attribute handler
addFile(DropUploader) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Adds the file item to upload.
addFile(Uploader) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Adds the file item to upload.
addOptions(Map) - Method in class zk.Event
Adds the additions options to Event.opts.
addToolbar(String, Toolbar) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Adds the toolbar of the panel by these names, "tbar", "bbar", and "fbar".
after(Object, Desktop) - Method in class _global_.jq
Insert content after each of the matched elements.
after(String, Function) - Method in class zk.Service
Registers a callback after some command executed.
after(String, Function) - Method in class zkbind.Binder
Registers a callback after some command executed.
afterAnima_(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Invoked after an animation (e.g., jqzk.slideDown(zk.Widget, _global_.Map)) has finished.
afterAnimate(Function, int) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Executes a function only when no animation is taking place.
afterAuResponse(Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Adds a function that will be executed after onResponse events are done.
afterCloseAnima_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
The handling after the closing effect of popup.
afterInit(Function) - Method in class zk.Object
Specifies a function that shall be called after the object is initialized, i.e., after Object.$init() is called.
afterKeyDown_(Event, boolean) - Method in class zul.Widget
Called after Widget.doKeyDown_(zk.Event) is called and the event propagation is not stopped.
afterLoad(String, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Declares a function that shall be executed only if the specified package(s) are loaded (and zk.loading is 0).
afterLoad(Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Declares a function that shall be executed after all requested packages are loaded (i.e., zk.loading is 0).
afterMount(Function, int) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Adds a function that will be executed after the mounting is done.
afterOpenAnima_() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Toast
The handling after the opening effect of toast.
afterOpenAnima_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
The handling after the opening effect of popup.
afterParentChanged_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after the parent has been changed.
afterResize(Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Adds a function that will be executed after all of the onSize events are done.
AGAIN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
agent - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The user agent of the browser.
air - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Adobe AIR.
ajaxErrorHandler(Object, int, String, int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Implements this function to be called if the request fails.
ajaxResourceURI(String, String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Encodes and returns the resource URI from Class-Web Resources (CWR).
ajaxSettings - Static variable in class _global_.zAu
A map of Ajax default setting used to send the AU requests.
ajaxURI(String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Encodes and returns the URI to communicate with the server.
alert(String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Shows up a message.
alert(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows an alert to indicate some error occurs.
alerting - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether an OS-level modal dialog is opened.
all - Static variable in class zk.Desktop
A map of all desktops (readonly).
all - Static variable in class zk.wgt.WidgetInfo
A map (Map) of widget informations (readonly).
ALLCANDIDATES - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ALPHANUMERIC - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ALT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ALTGRAPH - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Anchorchildren - Class in zul.layout
The children of Anchorlayout.
Anchorlayout - Class in zul.layout
An anchorlayout lays out a container which can resize it's children base on its width and height
Default Widget.getZclass(): z-anchorlayout.
Anchornav - Class in zkmax.nav
An anchornav widget.
animating() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns whether there is some animation taking place.
append(Object, Desktop) - Method in class _global_.jq
Append content to inside of every matched element.
appendAttr(String, Object, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Appends an attribute.
appendAttr(String, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Appends an attribute.
appendChild(Widget, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Append a child widget with more control.
appendChild(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Append a child widget.
Applet - Class in
A generic applet component.
appName - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The application's name, which will be initialized as server-side's WebApp.getAppName().
APPSWITCH - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Area - Class in zul.wgt
An area of a Imagemap.
Array - Class in _global_
An array is a special variable, whcih can hold more than one value.
ARROWDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ARROWLEFT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ARROWRIGHT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ARROWUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ATTN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AuCmd0 - Class in zk
The AU command handler for processes commands not related to widgets, sent from the server.
AuCmd1 - Class in zk
The AU command handler for processes commands related to widgets, sent from the server.
auDelay - Static variable in class zk.Widget
The default delay before sending an AU request when, zk.Object, _global_.Map, int) is called (and the server has an ARAP event listener registered).
Audio - Class in
An audio clip.
AUDIOBALANCELEFT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOBALANCERIGHT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOBASSBOOSTDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOBASSBOOSTTOGGLE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOBASSBOOSTUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOBASSDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOBASSUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOFADERFRONT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOFADERREAR - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOSURROUNDMODENEXT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOTREBLEDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOTREBLEUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOVOLUMEDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOVOLUMEMUTE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
AUDIOVOLUMEUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
auStopped - Variable in class zk.Event
Indicates whether to stop the sending of the AU request to the server.
autag - Variable in class zk.Widget
The AU tag of this widget.
Auxhead - Class in zul.mesh
Used to define a collection of auxiliary headers (Auxheader).
Auxheader - Class in zul.mesh
An auxiliary header.


BACKSPACE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Bandbox - Class in zul.inp
A band box.
Bandpopup - Class in zul.inp
The popup that belongs to a Bandbox instance.
Barcode - Class in zkmax.barcode
A component to support barcode rendering.
Barcodescanner - Class in zkmax.barscanner
A Barcode scanner Only works for Chrome, Firefox and Edge. iOS Safari is supported since 11.
before(Object, Desktop) - Method in class _global_.jq
Insert content before each of the matched elements.
beforeCtrlKeys_(Event) - Method in class zul.Widget
Called before a control key is pressed.
beforeHideOnUnbind() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Fixes DOM elements when a widget's unbind_ is called and it will hide the DOM element (display="none" or visibility="hidden").
beforeParentChanged_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called before the parent is changed.
beforeRedraw(Calendar) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Called before Widget.redraw(_global_.Array) is invoked.
beforeSend(String, Event, Desktop) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Called before sending an AU request.
beforeSendAU_(Widget, Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Callback before sending an AU request.
beforeUnload(Function, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Adds a function that will be executed when the browser is about to unload the document.
BigDecimal - Class in zk
A big decimal.
Biglistbox - Class in zkmax.big
A component to handle a huge data sets and provides the same and as many as the functionalities of Listbox including selection, sorting, keystroke navigation, ROD(rendering-on-demand), and so on.
bind(Desktop, Skipper, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Binds this widget.
bind_(Desktop, Skipper, Array, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Callback when this widget is bound (aka., attached) to the DOM tree.
bindChildren_(Desktop, Skipper, Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Binds the children of this widget.
bindDoubleTap_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Bind double click event to the widget on tablet device.
Binder - Class in zkbind
A data binder utile widget.
bindLevel - Variable in class zk.Widget
The bind level (readonly) The level in the widget tree after this widget is bound to a DOM tree (Widget.bind_(zk.Desktop, zk.Skipper, _global_.Array, boolean)).
bindMissingAncestors(Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Recursively bind ancestors that are currently unbound (i.e., `desktop` is falsy).
bindSwipe_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Bind swipe event to the widget on tablet device.
bindTapHold_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Bind right click event to the widget on tablet device.
bookmark(String, boolean) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Sets a bookmark
booted - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether ZK Client Engine has been booted and created the initial widgets.
borderHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the border height of the first matched element.
Borderlayout - Class in zul.layout
A border layout is a layout container for arranging and resizing child components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
borders() - Static method in class _global_.jq
A map of the border style names: {l: 'border-left', t: 'border-top'...}.
borderWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the border width of the first matched element.
Box - Class in
A box.
BRIGHTNESSDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
BRIGHTNESSUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
BROWSERBACK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
BROWSERFAVORITES - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
BROWSERFORWARD - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
BROWSERHOME - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
BROWSERREFRESH - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
BROWSERSEARCH - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
BROWSERSTOP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Buffer - Class in zk
A string concatenation implementation to speed up the rendering performance in the modern browsers, except IE or MS's Edge.
build - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The build of ZK, such as '08113021'
busy - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates if the application is busy.
Button - Class in zul.wgt
A button.
ButtonRenderer - Class in zul.wgt
The renderer used to render buttons of a window.


calcSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Calculates the size.
Calendar - Class in zul.db
A calendar.
CALL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
CAMERA - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Camera - Class in
A camera, use to record video and take snapshot, have a preview screen.
CAMERAFOCUS - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
canActivate(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Checks if this widget can be activated (gaining focus and so on).
CANCEL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
cancel(int) - Method in class zul.Upload
Cancels the fileupload if the fileupload is progressing.
cancel() - Method in class zul.Uploader
Cancels the uploader to upload.
Canvas - Class in zk.canvas
Utilities to create and manipulate the canvas element.
CAPSLOCK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Captcha - Class in zul.wgt
The generic captcha component.
Caption - Class in zul.wgt
A header for a Groupbox.
Cardlayout - Class in zkmax.layout
A layout allow end user change view like change card.
Cascader - Class in zkmax.inp
A Cascader is a dropdown list in tree structure, and it supports TreeModel.
cave - Variable in class zul.Scrollbar
The container object for this scrolling that user can scroll the whole content
Cell - Class in zul.wgt
The generic cell component to be embedded into Row or Box for fully control style and layout.
cellAriaLabel(Calendar, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Returns the label of a date cell.
cellHTML(Calendar, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Returns the HTML fragment representing a day cell.
cellIndex() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Retrieves the index of the first selected (table) cell in the cells collection of a (table) row.
cellps0 - Static variable in class _global_.zUtl
A shortcut of ' cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"'.
center(Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Positions the first selected element at the particular location of the browser window.
CENTER - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The center layout constraint (middle of container).
Center - Class in zul.layout
A center region of a borderlayout.
cfmClose(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Sets the message used to confirm the user when he is closing the browser window.
CHANNELDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
CHANNELUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Chart - Class in zul.wgt
The generic chart component.
Checkbox - Class in zul.wgt
A checkbox.
checkClientSort_(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Check the status whether can be sort in client side.
checkScrollable() - Method in class
Returns whether the menubar scrolling is enabled in horizontal orient.
checkValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Sets bound value if the value out of range
checkValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Sets bound value if the value out of range
Chosenbox - Class in zkmax.inp
A component that similar to Combobox but handle the multi-selection and the select order.
Class - Class in zk
Represents a class.
classes() - Static method in class _global_.zk
A map of all classes, Map<int oid, zk.Class cls>.
className - Variable in class zk.Desktop
The class name (zk.Desktop).
className - Variable in class zk.Macro
The class name (zk.Macro).
className - Variable in class zk.Native
The class name (zk.Native)
className - Variable in class zk.Page
The class name (zk.Page).
className - Variable in class zk.RefWidget
The class name (zk.RefWidget).
className - Variable in class zk.Widget
The class name of the widget.
cleanDrag_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Cleans up the widget to make it un-draggable.
cleanVisibility() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Cleans, i.e., reset, the visibility (of the CSS style) for the matched elements.
CLEAR - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
clear() - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes all children.
clear() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Clear the signature.
clear() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
clears the tree children.
clearBusy() - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Removes the busy message covering the whole browser.
clearBusy(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Removes the busy message covering the specified widget.
clearCache() - Method in class zk.Widget
Clears the cached nodes (by Widget.$n(_global_.String)).
clearErrorMessage(boolean, boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Clears the error message and the error status.
clearSelection() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Clears the current selection in the browser window.
clearSelection() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Clears the selection.
clearSelection() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Clears the selection.
clearSelection() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Clears the selection.
clearSelection() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Clears the selection.
clearStyles() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Clears the CSS styles (excluding the inherited styles).
clearWrongValue(String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Closes the all error messages related to the specified widgets.
clickPointer - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The last position that the mouse was clicked (including left and right clicks).
clientHeightCeil() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the actual client height rounded "up" to the closest integer.
clientHeightDoubleValue() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the client height.
clientInfo(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Asks the client information.
clientWidthCeil() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the actual client width rounded "up" to the closest integer.
clientWidthDoubleValue() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the client width.
cloneDrag_(Draggable, Offset) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called to create the visual effect representing what is being dragged.
CLOSE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
close() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Closes the list of items.
close() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Closes the list of items.
close() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Close the drop down list
close() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Closes the nav.
close() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Closes the drawer.
close() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Toast
Closes this toast at the client.
close(Map) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Closes the list of combo items (Comboitem if it was dropped down.
close(String, int) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Closes the fileupload
close() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Close the dropdown widget of the Combobutton.
close(Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Closes this popup at the client.
closeAnima_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
The effect for closing the popup.
closePalette() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Close the palette of this colorbox
closePalette() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Close the palette of colorbox
closePicker() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Close the colorpicker of this colorbox
closePicker() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Close the colorpicker of this colorbox
cmd0 - Static variable in class _global_.zAu
The AU command handler that handles commands not related to widgets.
cmd1 - Static variable in class _global_.zAu
The AU command handler that handles commands releated to widgets.
cmOffset() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the cumulative offset of the first matched element from the top left corner of the document.
Coachmark - Class in zkmax.nav
A coachmark component.
CODEINPUT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
coerceFromString_(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
coerceToString_(Object) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Color - Class in zkex.inp
Defines a color for a colorbox (Colorbox).
Colorbox - Class in zkex.inp
A Colorbox used to retrieve an input that the user can select a color.
Colorpalette - Class in zkex.inp
A palette popup window that will appear after click the arrow of the (Colorbox).
Colorpicker - Class in zkex.inp
A picker popup window that will appear after click the color ball of the Colorpalette (Colorpalette).
Column - Class in zul.grid
A single column in a Columns element.
Columnchildren - Class in zkex.layout
The column of Columnlayout.
Columnlayout - Class in zkex.layout
A columnlayout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each column may contain one or more component.
ColumnMenupopup - Class in zul.mesh
The Columns' Menu popup
ColumnMenuWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a column menu widget.
Columns - Class in zul.grid
Defines the columns of a grid.
Combobox - Class in zul.inp
A combobox.
Combobutton - Class in zul.wgt
A combo button.
Comboitem - Class in zul.inp
An item of a combo box.
ComboWidget - Class in zul.inp
A skeletal implementation for a combo widget.
command(String, Array, Map, int) - Method in class zk.Service
Post a command to the service
command(String, Map, Map, int) - Method in class zkbind.Binder
Post a command to the binder
compareItemPos_(ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
This method should be overridden by its subwidget.
COMPOSE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
confirm() - Static method in class _global_.jq
It is the same as window.confirm, except it will set zk.alerting so widgets know to ignore onblur (since the focus will be back later).
confirmRetry(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Called to confirm the user whether to retry, when an error occurs.
contained - Static variable in class zk.Page
An array of contained pages (i.e., a standalone ZK page but included by other technology).
ContainerWidget - Class in zul
A ContainerWidget.
contentAttrs_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
This method is required only if IMG is placed in the inner.
ContentHandler - Class in zkex.inp
a content handler of a Menu Available in ZK PE and EE
contentHeight(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the content height of the element, which substracted the height of its CSS border or padding, unlike jqzk.revisedHeight(int, boolean), the contentHeight will ignore the box-sizing with border-box.
contentWidth(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the content width of the element, which substracted the width of its CSS border or padding, unlike jqzk.revisedWidth(int, boolean), the contentWidth will ignore the box-sizing with border-box.
Context - Class in zk.canvas
The context of the canvas.
Context() - Constructor for class zk.canvas.Context
CONTEXTMENU - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
CONTROL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
control - Variable in class zk.Draggable
The control object for this draggable.
control - Variable in class zul.WScroll
The control object for this scrolling that user can scroll the whole content
CONVERT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
convertDataURLtoBlob() - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Converts the dataURL to Blob object.
copy(Object, Object, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Copies a map of properties (or options) from one object to another and copies the original value to another map.
copy(Object, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Copies a map of properties (or options) from one object to another.
COPY - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
countRecordTime() - Method in class
Compare record time and record length limit, if record time equals record length limit, fire LengthLimitExceed event.
create(int, int) - Static method in class zk.canvas.Canvas
Creates a canvas element.
create(Widget, String, Map, Function) - Static method in class zk.zuml.Parser
Parse the iZUML into widgets
createAt(String, Map, Map, Function) - Static method in class zk.zuml.Parser
Parse the iZUML into widgets
createWidgets(Array, Function, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Creates widgets based on an array of JavaScritp codes generated by Component.redraw() at the server.
Cropper - Class in
An image cropper that can select a range to get the cropped result.
CRSEL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
css(DOMElement, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
An override function that provide a way to get the style value where is defined in the CSS file or the style object, rather than the computed value.
css3 - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it supports CSS3.
currentDelta() - Method in class zk.Draggable
[left, right] of this node.
currentFocus - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The widget that gains the focus now, or null if no one gains focus now.
currentModal - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The topmost modal window, or null if no modal window at all.
currentPointer - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The position of the mouse (including mouse move and click).
currentTarget - Variable in class zk.Event
Indicates the target which is handling this event.
cut(Map, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Retrieves and removes the value of the specified name of the given map.
CUT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys


d2j(Date) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Marshalls the Date object into a string such that it can be sent back to the server.
data - Variable in class zk.Event
The data which depends on the event.
Date - Class in _global_
The Date object is used to work with dates and times.
Datebox - Class in zul.db
An edit box for holding a date.
DateboxCtrl - Class in zul.db
The extra control for the Datebox.
dayView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the dayView for this calendar
DEAD - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
debounce(Function, int, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Creates and returns a new debounced version of the passed function which will postpone its execution until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.
debugLog(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
If in debug-js, use console log to display an log message to indicate an debug log.
decadeView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the decadeView for this calendar
DECIMAL - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used for decimal sign.
DECIMAL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Decimalbox - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding BigDecimal.
decodeXML(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Decodes the XML string into a normal string.
defaultAnimaOpts(Widget, Map, Array, boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Initializes the animation with the default effect, such as firing the onSize watch.
deferRedraw_(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Utilities for handling the so-called render defer (Widget.setRenderdefer(int)).
deferRedrawHTML_(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Renders a fake DOM element that will replace with the correct element after the deferring time is up.
define(Class, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Defines the setter and getter methods.
DELETE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
depends(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Declare a package that must be loaded when loading another package.
Desktop - Class in zk
A desktop.
desktop - Variable in class zk.Widget
The desktop that this widget belongs to (readonly).
destroy(String, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zEmbedded
Destroy zk desktop in specific DOM id
destroy(Desktop) - Static method in class zk.Desktop
Destroy the desktop
destroy() - Method in class zk.Draggable
Destroys this draggable object.
destroy() - Method in class zk.eff.FullMask
Removes the full mask.
destroy() - Method in class zk.eff.KeyboardTrap
Removes the keyboard trap.
destroy() - Method in class zk.eff.Mask
Removes the mask.
destroy() - Method in class zk.Service
Destroy this binder.
destroy() - Method in class zk.Swipe
Destroys this swipe-able object.
destroy() - Method in class zkbind.Binder
Destroy this binder.
destroy() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Destroys the resource of the ContentHandler
destroy() - Method in class zul.inp.Errorbox
Destroys the errorbox
destroy() - Method in class zul.Upload
Destroys the fileupload.
destroy(Object) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Destroys the uploader to upload
destroy(boolean) - Method in class zul.Uploader
Destroys the uploader to upload.
destroy() - Method in class zul.UploadViewer
Destroys the upload viewer.
destroyProgressbox(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
detach() - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes this widget (from its parent).
detachChildren() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Detaches all child elements and return them as an array.
Detail - Class in zkex.grid
The detail component is used to display a detailed section where a master row and multiple detail rows are on the same row.
Dimension - Class in _global_
A dimension.
dimension(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the dimension of the specified element.
disabled(Calendar, int, int, int, Date) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Tests if the specified date is disabled.
disableESC() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Disable the default behavior of ESC.
disableSelection() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Disallows the user to select a portion of its content.
Div - Class in zul.wgt
The same as HTML DIV tag.
DIVIDE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
DnD - Class in zk
Drag-and-drop utility.
doBlur_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
A utility to simplify the listening of onBlur.
doClick_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user clicks on a widget or a child widget.
doCmds(String, Array) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Process the specified commands.
doDoubleClick_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user double-clicks on a widget or a child widget.
doEmbedded() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as embeded with other components (Default).
doFocus_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
A utility to simplify the listening of onFocus.
doHighlighted() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as highlited.
doKeyDown_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses down a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
doKeyPress_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
doKeyUp_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses up a key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
domAttrs_(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the HTML attributes that is used to generate DOM element of this widget.
domClass_(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the class name(s) used for the DOM element of this widget.
domContent_() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
A combination of icon ([[#domImg_]]) and label ([[#domLabel_]]).
domContent_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the HTML content of the label and image.
DOMElement - Class in _global_
Represents a DOM element.
domEvent - Variable in class zk.Event
The DOM event that causes this widget event, or null if not available.
domIcon_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the icon font class name with HTML content.
domImage_() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns the HTML span content.
domImage_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the HTML image content.
domLabel_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the encoded label.
domListen_(DOMElement, String, Object, String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Registers an DOM event listener for the specified DOM element (aka., node).
doModal() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as a modal dialog.
doMouseDown_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses down the mouse button on this widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseMove_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user moves the mouse pointer over this widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseOut_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user moves the mouse pointer out of a widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseOver_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user moves the mouse pointer on top of a widget (or one of its child widget).
doMouseUp_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user presses up the mouse button on this widget (or one of its child widget).
domStopped - Variable in class zk.Event
Indicates whether to stop the native DOM event.
domStyle_(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the style used for the DOM element of this widget.
domTarget - Variable in class zk.Event
The DOM element that the event is targeting, or null if not available.
domTextStyleAttr_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the style attribute that contains only the text related CSS styles.
domTooltiptext_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the tooltiptext for generating the title attribute of the DOM element.
domUnlisten_(DOMElement, String, Object, String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Un-registers an event listener for the specified DOM element (aka., node).
doOverlapped() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as overlapped with other components.
doPaste_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user paste text to this widget which has been the focused (Widget.focus(int)).
doPopup() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Makes this window as popup, which is overlapped with other component and auto-hiden when user clicks outside of the window.
doResizeScroll_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Resize zul.Scrollbar size after child added/removed or hide/show.
doRightClick_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user right-clicks on a widget or a child widget.
doSelect_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user clicks or right-clicks on widget or a child widget.
doSelect_(Event) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgnode
Select on icon will toggle open state of Orgitem that owning this node, otherwise, it will toggle selected state of Orgitem that owning this node.
doSwipe_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the user swipe left/right/up/down this widget.
doSyncScroll() - Static method in class _global_.jq
To invoke the doSyncScroll method of the registered objects.
doTooltipOut_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the mouse is moved out of this widget.
doTooltipOver_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Called when the mouse is moved over this widget.
Doublebox - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding an float point value (double).
Doublespinner - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding a constrained double.
doubleValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Returns the value in double.
download(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Asks the client to download the resource at the specified URL.
Draggable - Class in zk
A draggable object used to make a DOM element draggable.
drawBackground() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Draws the background color and image of signature.
Drawer - Class in zkmax.wgt
A drawer.
dropEffect_(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called to have some visual effect when the user is dragging a widget over this widget and this widget is droppable.
Dropupload - Class in zkmax.wgt
A widget can handle drag files into it, and upload files to server.
DropUploader - Class in zkmax.wgt
Default file uploader for Dropupload.
DropUploadManager - Class in zkmax.wgt
Default file upload manager to manage the uploading files in a panel.
DropUploadViewer - Class in zkmax.wgt
Default file viewer to see the upload status.


easing() - Static method in class zul.WScroll
Sets the easing animation function for the scrolling effects.
EAST - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The east layout constraint (right side of container).
East - Class in zul.layout
An east region of a border layout.
echo(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Asks the client to echo back an AU request, such that the server can return other commands.
echo2(Widget, String, Object) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Ask the client to echo back an AU request with the specified evant name and the target widget.
echoGx(String, String, String...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Ask the client to echo back globally.
effects_ - Variable in class zk.Widget
A map of objects that are associated with this widget, and they shall be removed when this widget is unbound (Widget.unbind(zk.Skipper, boolean)).
EISU - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
EJECT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
empty() - Method in class _global_.jq
Removes all children of the matched element from the DOM.
enableESC() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Enables the default behavior of ESC (i.e., stop loading from the server).
enableFullScreen() - Method in class
Use full screen mode.
enableSelection() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Allows the user to select a portion of its content.
encloseChildHTML_(Widget, boolean, Array) - Method in class
Enclose child with HTML tag such as TR or TD, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
encloseChildHTML_(Widget, Array) - Method in class
Enclose child with HTML tag such as DIV, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
encloseChildHTML_(Map) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Enclose child with HTML tag with TD and DIV, and return a HTML code or add HTML fragments in out array.
encode(int, Event, Desktop) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns the content to send to the server.
encodeXML(String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Encodes the string to a valid XML string.
encodeXMLAttribute(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Encodes the string to a valid XML attribute string.
END - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
end(boolean) - Method in class zul.Uploader
Ends the uploader to upload.
ENDCALL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
endProcessing() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Clears a flag, zk.processing, to indicate that it the processing has done.
endsWith(String) - Method in class _global_.String
Returns whether this string ends with the specified postfix.
ENTER - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
enterPressed_(Event) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Called when the user presses enter when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
enterPressed_(Event) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Called when the user presses enter when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
enterPressed_(Event) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Called when the user presses enter when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
ERASEEOF - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
error(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Display an error message to indicate an error.
error(String, String, int) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Shows the error message of the fileupload
Errorbox - Class in zul.inp
A error message box that is displayed as a popup.
errorDismiss() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Closes all error messages shown by zk.error(_global_.String).
ESCAPE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
escPressed_(Event) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Called when the user presses escape key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
escPressed_(Event) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Called when the user presses escape key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
escPressed_(Event) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Called when the user presses escape key when this widget has the focus (Widget.focus(int)).
evalJSON(String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Decodes a JSON string to a JavaScript object.
Event - Class in jq
A DOM event.
Event - Class in zk
The class representing a widget event (aka., a ZK event).
EXECUTE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
EXSEL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
extraBind_(String, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Associates UUID with this widget.


F1 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F10 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F11 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F12 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F13 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F14 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F15 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F16 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F17 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F18 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F19 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F2 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F20 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F3 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F4 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F5 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F6 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F7 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F8 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
F9 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ff - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 3.6) if it is Firefox, such as Firefox.
File - Class in _global_
The File interface provides information about files and allows JavaScript in a web page to access their content.
File() - Constructor for class _global_.File
Fileupload - Class in zul.wgt
A fileupload widget is the same as Button
FileuploadDlg - Class in zul.fud
A FileuploadDlg.
filterMetaData(Map) - Static method in class jq.Event
Returns only the properties that are meta data, such as altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey and which.
filterTextStyle(Map, Array) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the text-relevant style of the specified styles (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
filterTextStyle(String, Array) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the text-relevant style of the specified style (same as HTMLs.getTextRelevantStyle in Java).
FINALMODE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
FIND - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
FINISH - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
finish(int) - Method in class zul.Upload
Finishes the fileupload if the fileupload is done.
fire(String, Object, Map, Object...) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Fires an watch that invokes all listeners of the watch.
fire(DOMElement, String) - Static method in class jq.Event
Fires a DOM element.
fire(String, Object, Map, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Fire a widget event.
fireDown(String, Object, Map, Object...) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Fires an watch but invokes only the listeners that are a descendant of the specified origin.
fireOnChange(Map) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Fires the onChange event.
fireOnSelect(Widget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Fires the onSelect event.
fireShown(Widget, int) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Fires beforeSize, onShow, onFitSize, onSize and afterSize
fireSized(Widget, int) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Fires beforeSize, onFitSize, onSize and afterSize
fireX(Event, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Fire a widget event.
firstChild - Variable in class zk.Widget
The first child, or null if no child at all (readonly).
Fisheye - Class in
A fisheye item.
Fisheyebar - Class in
A fisheye bar is a bar of Fisheye that is a menu similar to the fish eye menu on the Mac OS.
fixAnchor_(int[]) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
May need fix anchor.
fixFaker_() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Fixes the faker (an visible row for adjusting column), if any.
fixSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
private method
Flash - Class in
A generic flash component.
FN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
FNLOCK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
focus(int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Sets the focus to the first matched element.
focus(Widget) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Set the focus to the specified widget.
focus(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the focus to this widget.
focus_(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called by Widget.focus(int) to set the focus.
focusOut() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Move the focus out of any element.
Foot - Class in zul.grid
Defines a set of footers (Footer) for a grid (Grid).
Footer - Class in zul.grid
A column of the footer of a grid (Grid).
FooterWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a footer.
forcerender() - Method in class zk.Widget
Forces the rendering if it is deferred.
FormatWidget - Class in zul.inp
A skeletal implementation for an input box with format.
Fragment - Class in zkmax.wgt
A component that let developers combine native HTML elements with ZK data binding syntax to make the static page to be dynamic.
frames(Window) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns all descendant frames of the given window.
fromPageCoord(int, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Converts a coordinate related to the browser window into the coordinate related to this widget.
Frozen - Class in zul.mesh
A frozen component to represent a frozen column or row in grid, like MS Excel.
FullMask - Class in zk.eff
A mask covers the browser window fully.
Function - Class in _global_
A function will be executed by an event or by a call to the function.
Fusionchart - Class in zkmax.fusionchartz
The Fusionchart component.


gecko - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 3.5) if it is Gecko-based browsers, such as Firefox.
get(Object, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Retrieves a value from the specified property.
get(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Retrieves a value from the specified property.
getAction() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the client-side action.
getActiveIndex() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Stepbar
Return the index of the active step.
getActivePage() - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Returns the active page (starting from 0).
getActivePage() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the active page (starting from 0).
getActivePage() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the active page (starting from 0).
getAlign() - Method in class
Returns the alignment of cells of a box in the 'opposite' direction (null, start, center, end).
getAlign() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the horizontal alignment of the whole row.
getAlign() - Method in class
Returns the alignment of an applet according to surrounding elements.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns the horizontal alignment of this footer.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Returns the horizontal alignment of this column.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Returns the horizontal alignment.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Div
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getAlign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Returns the alignment of any children added to this toolbar.
getAllowedKeys_() - Method in class zul.inp.NumberInputWidget
Returns a string of keystrokes that are allowed.
getAnchor() - Method in class zul.layout.Anchorchildren
Returns the anchor setting.
getAnchorUuid() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Return the anchor uuid of widget.
getAnimationSpeed(Object) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Get the value of animation speed assigned through client attribute "data-animationspeed"
getArchive() - Method in class
Returns the location of an archive file (URL).
getArea() - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Returns the area name of this panel.
getAscitem() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
Returns the menuitem with ascending label
getAspectRatio() - Method in class
Returns the aspect ratio of the crop area.
getAttachEdge() - Method in class
Returns the attach edge.
getAuRequests(Desktop) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns all pending AU requests.
getAutodisable() - Method in class
Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this menuitem.
getAutodisable() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this anchor.
getAutodisable() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this button.
getAutodisable() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns a list of checkbox component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this checkbox.
getAutodisable() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user clicks this button.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the background color of the signature pad.
getBackgroundImage() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the background image URI of signature pad.
getBackSpace() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Returns the spacing with the next lineitem.
getBadgeText() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Returns the badge text of the nav
getBadgeText() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns the badge text of the navitem
getBarWidth() - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Returns the width of single bar (only for 1D barcode).
getBgcolor() - Method in class
Gets the background color of Flash movie.
getBodyWidgetIterator() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the tree item iterator.
getBodyWidgetIterator() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the list item iterator.
getBodyWidgetIterator() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns the tree item iterator.
getBorder() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the border.
getBorder() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns the border.
getBorder() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the border.
getCaveNode() - Method in class zk.Widget
Called by Widget.insertChildHTML_(zk.Widget, zk.Widget, zk.Desktop) to find the location to place the DOM element of the child.
getCell(int, int) - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the specified cell, or null if not available.
getCharset() - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Returns the character enconding of the source.
getChildAt(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Return the child widget at the specified index.
getChildIndex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the child index of this widget.
getClass(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Returns the class of the specified widget's name.
getClassName(String) - Static method in class zk.wgt.WidgetInfo
Returns the class name of the widget.
getClearLabel() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the label on clear button.
getCmargins() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the collapsed margins, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
getCode() - Method in class
Return the applet class to run.
getCodebase() - Method in class
Return a relative base URL for applets specified in Applet.setCode(_global_.String) (URL).
getCollapse() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns the collapse of this button.
getCollapse() - Method in class
Returns the collapse of this button.
getColor() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
getColor() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpicker
Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
getCols() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the columns' size of the viewport.
getCols() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the cols.
getColspan() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Rowchildren
The number of columns to occupy
getColspan() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablechildren
Returns number of columns to span this header.
getColspan() - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Returns number of columns to span this header.
getColspan() - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Returns number of columns to span this cell.
getColspan() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Returns number of columns to span this cell.
getColspan() - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Returns number of columns to span.
getColumn() - Method in class zul.grid.Footer
Returns the column that is in the same column as this footer, or null if not available.
getColumns() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablelayout
Returns number of rows to span this header.
getColumns() - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Returns the number of columns to freeze.
getColWidth() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the width of the single column Default: 60px
getConfig() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Tbeditor
Returns the current configuration
getConsistencyBufferSize() - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Returns the consistency buffer size (used in 1D barcode).
getConsistencyThreshold() - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Returns the consistency threshold (used in 1D barcode).
getConstraint() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Returns the constraint, or null if no constraint at all.
getConstraint() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the constraint of this component.
getConstraint() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the constraint, or null if no constraint at all.
getConstraint() - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Returns the constraint, or null if no constraint at all.
getConstraint() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the constraint, or null if no constraint at all.
getConstraints() - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Returns the constraints in JSON format String, About allowed constraints setting, see Default: null.
getConstraints() - Method in class
Returns the constraints in JSON format String, About allowed constraints setting, see Default: null.
getContent() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
getContent() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Return the content of widget, it's visible depends on detection setting.
getContent() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Return the HTML source content.
getContent() - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
getContent() - Method in class
Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
getContent() - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Returns the content of the script element.
getContent() - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Returns the content of this style tag.
getContent() - Method in class zul.wgt.Html
Returns the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags).
getContentSclass() - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Returns the style class used for the content block.
getContentSclass() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns the style class used for the content block of the groupbox.
getContentSclass() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the style class used for the content block.
getContentStyle() - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Returns the CSS style for the content block of the window.
getContentStyle() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns the CSS style for the content block of the groupbox.
getContentStyle() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the CSS style for the content block of the window.
getContext() - Method in class zul.Widget
Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
getCoords() - Method in class zul.wgt.Area
Returns the coordination of this area.
getCreateMessage() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the create message of this component.
getCrossOrigin() - Method in class
Returns the Cross-Origin setting of the image.
getCrossorigin() - Method in class
Returns the crossorigin of this video tag.
getCssflex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns whether using css flex in this component or not.
getCtrlKeys() - Method in class zul.Widget
Returns what keystrokes to intercept.
getCurpos() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the current position of the slider.
getCurrentMargins_() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the current margins.
getDataHandler() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns the dataHandler from the given name
getDataXML() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Get the XML string of the chart data.
getDataXMLPath() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Get the url of the chart data .xml file.
getDateFormat() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the Date format of the specified format
getDefaultDateTime() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the default datetime if the value is empty.
getDefaultTzone() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns default time zone that this calendar belongs to.
getDelay() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Returns the delay, the number of milliseconds between successive action events.
getDescitem() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
Returns the menuitem with descending label
getDescription() - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Returns the description (never null).
getDetection() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Return the setting of drag detection area.
getDevicePixelRatio() - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns the ratio of the resolution in physical pixels to the resolution in CSS pixels for the current display device.
getDir() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns the direction.
getDir() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the direction.
getDir() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the direction.
getDisplayedTimeZones() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns a list of the time zones that will be displayed at the client and allow user to select.
getDraggable() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the identifier of a draggable type for this widget, or null if not draggable.
getDragMessage_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the message to show when an user is dragging this widget, or null if it prefers to clone the widget with Widget.cloneDrag_(zk.Draggable, _global_.Offset).
getDragNode() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the DOM element of this widget that can be dragged.
getDragOptions_(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the options used to instantiate Draggable.
getDrop(Draggable, Offset, Event) - Static method in class zk.DnD
Returns the widget to drop to.
getDrop_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the widget if it allows to drop the specified widget (being dragged), or null if not allowed.
getDroppable() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the identifier, or a list of identifiers of a droppable type for this widget, or null if not droppable.
getDropTarget(Event, Draggable) - Static method in class zk.DnD
Returns the drop target from the event, or the element from the event's ClientX and ClientY.
getElementsById(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Returns all elements with the given ID.
getElementsByName(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Returns all elements with the given widget name.
getElementValue(DOMElement) - Static method in class zk.xml.Utl
Returns the concatenation of the text nodes under the specified DOM element.
getEmptyMessage() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the emptyMessage, it will be displayed if no selected items while not focused.
getEmptyMessage() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the message to display when there are no items
getEmptyMessage() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the message to display when there are no items
getEmptySearchMessage() - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Returns the message to display when no matching results was found
getEnclosingTag() - Method in class zk.Macro
Returns the tag name for this macro widget.
getEnclosingTag() - Method in class zul.wgt.Include
Returns the enclosing tag
getEncodedText() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns the encoded text.
getErrorAcceptance() - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Returns the error acceptance (used in 1D barcode).
getErrorboxIconSclass() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the custom style icon class name applied to the errorbox, if any.
getErrorboxSclass() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the custom style class name applied to the errorbox, if any.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the error message that is caused when user entered invalid value, or null if no error at all.
getErrorMesssage() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
use getErrorMessage() instead.
getErrorURI(int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns the URI for the specified error.
getField(String) - Method in class
Returns the value of the specified filed.
getFileItem(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Returns the file item.
getFileItem(String) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Returns the file item.
getFirstCell() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the first treecell.
getFirstNode_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the first DOM element of this widget.
getFirstScale() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Linelayout
Returns the scale of space occupied by the first area.
getFlags() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleConstraint
Returns the constraint flags Object which has many attribute about constraint, For example, f.NO_POSITIVE = true.
getFloatZIndex_(DOMElement) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the z-index of a floating widget.
getFocusCell(DOMElement) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the index of the cell including the child got focus.
getFontSize() - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Returns the fontSize of barcode (only for 1D barcode).
getFormat() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the format of this component.
getFormat() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the full date format of the specified format
getFormat() - Method in class zul.inp.FormatWidget
Returns the format.
getFrontSpace() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Returns the spacing with the previous lineitem.
getFrozenCols() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the size of the frozen columns.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Column
Returns the grid that contains this column.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Columns
Returns the grid that contains this columns.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Foot
Returns the grid that contains this column.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Footer
Returns the grid that this belongs to.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the grid that contains this row.
getGrid() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns the grid that contains this rows.
getGroup() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the group that this row belongs to, or null.
getGroupCount() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns the number of groups.
getGroupCount() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the number of listgroup
getGroupCount() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the number of Optgroup.
getGroupitem() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
Returns the menuitem with group label
getGroups() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns a list of all Group.
getGroups() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns a list of all Listgroup.
getGroups() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns a list of all Optgroup.
getH() - Method in class
Returns the height of the crop area in pixel.
getHeaderWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns the column that is in the same column as this footer, or null if not available.
getHeadWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the self's head widget.
getHeadWidgetClass() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the head widget class.
getHeadWidgetClass() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the head widget class
getHeadWidgetClass() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns the head widget class. i.e.
getHeight() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the height of this widget.
getHeight() - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Returns height of the barcode component.
getHeights() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns the heights.
getHex() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns the color (in string as #RRGGBB).
getHflex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Return horizontal flex hint of this widget.
getHost(String, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns the URI of the server (so called host) for the specified package.
getHover() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Returns the URI of the hover image.
getHoverImage() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the URI of the hover image.
getHref() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
getHref() - Method in class
Returns the href.
getHref() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
getHref() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
getHref() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks this button.
getHspace() - Method in class
Returns the horizontal spacing around an applet.
getHspace() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getHue() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns the color hue
getIconSclass() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Returns the iconSclass name of this Timepicker.
getIconSclass() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Step
Returns the icon font
getIconSclass() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the iconSclass name of this Datebox.
getIconSclass() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns the iconSclass name of this ComboWidget.
getIconSclass() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the icon font
getIconSclass() - Method in class zul.wgt.Rating
Returns the iconSclass.
getId() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the identifier of this widget, or null if not assigned.
getImage() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the image URI.
getImage() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the image of the Treecell it contains.
getImageNode() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the image node if any.
getImageNode() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Returns the image node if any.
getIndex() - Method in class
Returns the index of this panel, or -1 if it doesn't belong to any tabs.
getIndex() - Method in class
Returns the index of this panel, or -1 if it doesn't belong to any tabpanels.
getInnerWidth() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the inner width of this component.
getInplaceCSS() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the CSS style of inplace if inplace is not null
getInputAttributes() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the additional attributes which is set by setinputAttributes(inputAttributes).
getInputNode() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the input node of this widget
getInputType() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpicker
Returns the input type of RGB and HSL inputs
getInterval() - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Returns the the scan interval of the barcode scanner.
getInterval() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Sets the interval seconds of options
getItemAtIndex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the radio button at the specified index.
getItemCount() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns the number of items.
getItemCount() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Returns the number of items.
getItemCount() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns the number of child Treeitem.
getItemCount() - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns the number of child Treeitem including all descendants.
getItemCount() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the number of radio buttons in this group.
getItemHeight() - Method in class
Returns the item height of Fisheye.
getItemMaxHeight() - Method in class
Returns the item maximal height of Fisheye.
getItemMaxWidth() - Method in class
Returns the item maximal width of Fisheye.
getItemPadding() - Method in class
Returns the item padding of Fisheye.
getItems() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns a Array of all Row are grouped by this group.
getItems() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Returns a list of all Listitem are grouped by this listgroup.
getItems() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Returns the item list.
getItems() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns a readonly list of all descending Treeitem (children's children and so on).
getItems(Array) - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns a readonly list of all descending Treeitem (children's children and so on).
getItems() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the all of radio buttons in this group.
getItemWidth() - Method in class
Returns the item width of Fisheye.
getKey() - Method in class zul.Upload
Returns the uuid of the uploader with its sequential number
getKind() - Method in class
Returns what kind of track it is.
getLabel() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns the value of the Label it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabel() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Returns the displayed selected items text.
getLabel() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Returns the label (never null).
getLabel() - Method in class
Returns a readable description of this track.
getLabel() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns the label of the Listcell or Treecell it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabel() - Method in class zul.sel.Optgroup
Returns the label of the Listcell it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabel() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns the label of the Listcell it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabel() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the label of the Treecell it contains, or null if no such cell.
getLabelEdge() - Method in class
Returns the label edge.
getLastScale() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Linelayout
Returns the scale of space occupied by the last area.
getLeft() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the left of this widget.
getLengthLimit() - Method in class
Get the maximum record length limit, unit is "seconds".
getLevel() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Returns the level this cell is.
getLevel() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the level this cell is.
getLevel() - Method in class zul.sel.Treerow
Returns the level this cell is.
getLineStyle() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Linelayout
Returns the CSS style for the line.
getLinkedPanel() - Method in class
Returns the panel associated with this tab.
getLinkedTab() - Method in class
Returns the tab associated with this tab panel.
getLinkedTreechildren() - Method in class zul.sel.Treerow
Returns the Treechildren associated with this Treerow.
getLinkedTreerow() - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns the Treerow that is associated with this treechildren, or null if no such treerow.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Returns the list box that it belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listfoot
Returns the list box that it belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listfooter
Returns the listbox that this belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listhead
Returns the listbox that this belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Returns the listbox that this belongs to.
getListbox() - Method in class zul.sel.Listitem
Returns the list box that it belongs to.
getListgroup() - Method in class zul.sel.Listitem
Returns the listgroup that this item belongs to, or null.
getListheader() - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Returns the list header that is in the same column as this cell, or null if not available.
getListheader() - Method in class zul.sel.Listfooter
Returns the list header that is in the same column as this footer, or null if not available.
getMargins() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the margins, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
getMarks() - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Returns marks of the rangeslider.
getMax() - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Returns the maximum value of the rangeslider.
getMax() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Sets the maximum time of options
getMax() - Method in class zkmax.slider.Multislider
Returns the maximum value of the multislider.
getMax() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint
Returns the maximum value.
getMax() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleSpinnerConstraint
Returns the maximum value.
getMaxFileCount() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Get the maximum number of files user can upload at once, when number of upload files exceed the maxFileCount, nothing will be uploaded and onMaxFileCountExceed event will be triggered, developer can listen to onMaxFileCountExceed and get the number of upload files by calling event.getData().
getMaxHeight() - Method in class
Returns the maximum height of the crop area in pixel.
getMaximizedMode() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Returns the mode of the maximized panel.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the maxlength.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Returns the maximal length for this cell.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Listfooter
Returns the maximal length for this cell.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecol
Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.sel.Treefooter
Returns the maximal length for this cell.
getMaxlength() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns the maximal length of the label.
getMaxpos() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the maximum position of the slider.
getMaxsize() - Method in class
Get the max size setting of upload video and snapshot, unit is "KB".
getMaxsize() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Get the max size setting of upload file, unit is "KB".
getMaxsize() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the maximum size of the resizing element.
getMaxWidth() - Method in class
Returns the maximum width of the crop area in pixel.
getMedia() - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Returns the media dependencies for this style sheet.
getMenubar() - Method in class
Returns the Menubar that contains this menu, or null if not available.
getMenubar() - Method in class
Returns the Menubar that contains this menuitem, or null if not available.
getMenubar() - Method in class
Returns the Menubar that contains this menuitem, or null if not available.
getMenubar() - Method in class
Returns the Menubar that contains this menuseparator, or null if not available.
getMenupopup() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Returns the ID of the Menupopup (Menupopup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
getMeshBody() - Method in class zul.grid.Column
Returns the rows of the grid that contains this column.
getMeshBody() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Returns the mesh body that this belongs to.
getMeshBody() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecol
Returns the mesh body that this belongs to.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns the mesh widget that this belongs to.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Returns the mesh widget that this belongs to.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeadWidget
Returns the mesh widget that this belongs to.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns the mesh widget.
getMeshWidget() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the mesh widget. i.e.
getMin() - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Returns the minimum value of the rangeslider.
getMin() - Method in class zkmax.slider.Multislider
Returns the minimum value of the multislider.
getMin() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint
Returns the minimum value.
getMin() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleSpinnerConstraint
Returns the minimum value.
getMinHeight() - Method in class
Returns the minimum height of the crop area in pixel.
getMinheight() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns the minimum height.
getMinheight() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the minimum height.
getMinHeights() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns the minimum heights.
getMinpos() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the minimum position of the slider.
getMinsize() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the minimum size of the resizing element.
getMinWidth() - Method in class
Returns the minimum width of the crop area in pixel.
getMinwidth() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns the minimum width.
getMinwidth() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the minimum width.
getMinWidths() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns the minimum widths.
getMode() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the current mode of slider One of "integer", "decimal".
getMode() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the mode.
getMode() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the current mode.
getMold() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns this widget's mold.
getName() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the name of the input of this component.
getName() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Anchornav
Returns the name.
getName() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Returns the frame name.
getName() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Returns the name of this radio button.
getName() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the name of this group of radio buttons.
getName() - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Returns the name of this component.
getNavbar() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navseparator
Returns the Navbar that contains this navseparator, or null if not available.
getNcols() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Rowlayout
The number of columns to divide the row into Default: 12
getNewColor() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpicker
Returns the (Color) of user selected
getNoResultsText() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the no-result text of this component.
getOddRowSclass() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the style class for the odd rows.
getOddRowSclass() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns the style class for the odd rows.
getOddRowSclass() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the style class for the odd rows.
getOffset() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Rowchildren
The number of columns to skip ahead
getOldWidget_(DOMElement) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the widget associated with the given node element.
getOpenTooltip() - Static method in class zul.Widget
Returns the tooltip that is opened, or null if no tooltip is opened.
getOptionIndex_() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
The index for option widget only , not including the listhead.etc
getOrganigram() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Returns the Organigram owning this item.
getOrganigram() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgnode
Returns the Organigram owning this node.
getOrgchildren() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Returns the Orgchildren belong to this item.
getOrgnode() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Returns the Orgnode belong to this item.
getOrient() - Method in class
Returns the orientation of Fisheye.
getOrient() - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Get the chart orientation (vertical or horizontal)
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Linelayout
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Scrollview
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Returns the orient.
getOrient() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the orient.
getOverflowPopupIconSclass() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Returns the overflow sclass name of overflow popup icon of this toolbar.
getPack() - Method in class
Returns the pack alignment of cells of this box (start, center, end) plus an indication stretch option.
getPage() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the page that this widget belongs to, or null if there is no page available.
getPageCount() - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Returns the number of pages.
getPageCount() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the number of pages.
getPageCount() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the number of pages.
getPageIncrement() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the amount that the value of Slider.getCurpos() changes by when the tray of the scroll bar is clicked.
getPageIncrement() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the number of page anchors shall appear at the client.
getPageSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
getPageSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
getPaginal() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the external Paging widget, if any.
getPagingPosition() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns how to position the paging of the widget at the client screen.
getPanel(int, int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Returns the specified panel, or null if not available.
getPanelSpacing() - Method in class
Returns the spacing between Tabpanel.
getParentItem() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the parent tree item, or null if this item is already the top level of the tree.
getPenColor() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the pen color of the signature pad.
getPenSize() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the pen size of the signature pad.
getPlaceholder() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Returns the placeholder text.
getPlaceholder() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Returns the placeholder text.
getPlaceholder() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the placeholder text
getPlaybackRate() - Method in class
Returns the video play speed.
getPlaysinline() - Method in class
Returns the playsinline of this video tag.
getPointIconSclass() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Returns the iconSclass name of this point.
getPointImageSrc() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Returns the source URI of the point image.
getPointStyle() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Returns the CSS style for the point.
getPopup() - Method in class zul.Widget
Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
getPopupNode_(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns the DOM element of the popup.
getPopupSize_() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns [width, height] for the popup if specified by user.
getPopupWidth() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns the width of the popup of this component.
getPosition() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Returns the position of the Menu that contains this palette popup
getPosition(Panel) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Returns an int array[col, row] that indicates the specified panel located within this portal layout.
getPosition() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Coachmark
Returns the position of this coachmark.
getPosition() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Returns the position of this drawer.
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.Center
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.East
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.North
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.South
getPosition() - Method in class zul.layout.West
getPosition() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns how to position the window at the client screen.
getPoster() - Method in class
Returns whether to display a poster before the video play.
getPrecision() - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
Returns the precision.
getPreload() - Method in class
Returns whether and how the video should be loaded.
getPreload() - Method in class
Returns whether and how the audio should be loaded.
getProximitybox() - Method in class
Returns the proximity box
getPushErrorURI(int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the server-push related error.
getQuality() - Method in class
Returns the quality of the Flash movie Default: "high".
getRadiogroup() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Returns Radiogroup that this radio button belongs to.
getRating() - Method in class zul.wgt.Rating
Returns the rating.
getRecordFormat() - Method in class
Get the record video format, e.g., video/webm, video/mp4, video/ogg.
getRecoverId() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Return the recover ID.
getRenderdefer() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the number of milliseconds before rendering this component at the client.
getRGB() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns a color Array in [R,G,B] format, R,G,B are integer
getRotation() - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Returns the rotation angle.
getRounding() - Method in class zul.inp.NumberInputWidget
Returns the rounding mode.
getRowHeight() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the height of the single row.
getRows() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns the rows' size of the viewport.
getRows() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns the rows.
getRows() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns the rows.
getRows() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the rows.
getRowspan() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablechildren
Returns number of rows to span this header.
getRowspan() - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Returns number of rows to span this header.
getRowspan() - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Returns number of rows to span.
getSaturation() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns the color saturation
getSaveLabel() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the label on save button.
getSaveType() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the MIME type for saving signature image.
getScale() - Method in class zul.inp.Decimalbox
Returns the precision scale.
getSclass() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the CSS class of this widget.
getScrolling() - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
as of release 7.0.0, use CSS instead.
getScrollLeft() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the scroll left of the associated DOM element of this widget.
getScrollPosH(Widget) - Static method in class zul.mesh.Scrollbar
Return the horizontal scroll position of the body element of given MeshWidget.
getScrollPosV(Widget) - Static method in class zul.mesh.Scrollbar
Return the vertical scroll position of the body element of given MeshWidget.
getScrollTop() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the scroll top of the associated DOM element of this widget.
getSearchMessage() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Returns the placeholder message of the search text field, or null to use the default message.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Returns the index of the widget in view port.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class
Returns the selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the index of the selected radio button (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Returns the index of the selected item (-1 if no one is selected).
getSelectedItem() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Organigram
Returns the selected item.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Returns the selected item.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the selected item.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Returns the selected radio button.
getSelectedItems() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns all selected items.
getSelectedPanel() - Method in class
Returns the selected tab panel.
getSelectedTab() - Method in class
Returns the selected tab.
getSelectedUuids() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Returns the uuid list of the selected item.
getSelectionRange() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the selection range of the specified input-type element.
getSelectLevel() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the level that a user can select.
getSeparator() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the separate chars of this component.
getShape() - Method in class zul.wgt.Area
Returns the shape of this area.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.Center
The size can't be returned in this component.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.East
Returns the size of this region.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.North
Returns the size of this region.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.South
Returns the size of this region.
getSize() - Method in class zul.layout.West
Returns the size of this region.
getSlidingtext() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the sliding text.
getSnapshotFormat() - Method in class
Get the snapshot image format, e.g., image/png, image/jpeg.
getSortAscending() - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Returns the ascending sorter, or null if not available.
getSortDescending() - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Returns the descending sorter, or null if not available.
getSortDirection() - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Returns the sort direction.
getSpacing() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Rowlayout
The spacing between columns, it should be given as a ratio to the column width.
getSpacing() - Method in class
Returns the spacing between adjacent children, or null if the default spacing is used.
getSpacing() - Method in class
Returns the spacing between adjacent children, or null if the default spacing is used.
getSpacing() - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Returns the spacing.
getSpan() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns number of columns to span this footer.
getSpan() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Return column span hint of this widget.
getSpans() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the spans, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
getSrc() - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Returns the source URI of the PDF file.
getSrc() - Method in class
Returns the source URI of the image.
getSrc() - Method in class
Returns the video source.
getSrc() - Method in class
Returns the src.
getSrc() - Method in class
Gets the source path of Flash movie
getSrc() - Method in class
Returns the source address of this track.
getSrc() - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Returns the URI of the source that contains the script codes.
getSrc() - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Returns the URI of an external style sheet.
getSrc() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Returns the source URI of the image.
getSrclang() - Method in class
Returns the language of the source.
getStart() - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Returns the start position of the scrollbar.
getState() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns the current state according to isIndeterminate() and isChecked().
getStep() - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Returns the step of rangesliderslider.
getStep() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Return the step of double spinner
getStep() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns the step of slider
getStep() - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Return the step of spinner
getStyle() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the CSS style of this widget
getSuppressedErrors() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Return the suppressed errors setting.
getTabbox() - Method in class
Returns the tabbox owns this component.
getTabbox() - Method in class
Returns the tabbox owns this component.
getTabbox() - Method in class
Returns the tabbox owns this component.
getTabbox() - Method in class
Returns the tabbox owns this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the tab order of the input of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabindex() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns the tab order of this component.
getTabpanels() - Method in class
Returns the tabpanels that this tabbox owns.
getTabs() - Method in class
Returns the tabs that this tabbox owns.
getTarget() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Coachmark
Returns the target component of this coachmark.
getTarget() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns the target frame or window.
getTarget() - Method in class
Returns the target frame or window.
getTarget() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns the target frame or window.
getTarget() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the target frame or window.
getTarget() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns the target frame or window.
getText() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the text representing the value in the given format, or an empty etring if value is null
getTextNode() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the DOM element that is used to hold the text, or null if this widget doesn't show any text.
getTime() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the Date that is assigned to this component.
getTimeFormat() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the Time format of the specified format
getTimeZone() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Returns the time zone ID that this timepicker belongs to.
getTimezone() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
getTimeZone() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the time zone that this date box belongs to.
getTimeZone() - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Returns the time zone ID that this time box belongs to.
getTimezone() - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
getTimeZoneLabel() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the label of the time zone
getTitle() - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Returns the title of this panel.
getTitle() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portalchildren
Returns the title of this portalchildren.
getTitle() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Returns the title of this drawer.
getTitle() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Step
Returns the title.
getTitle() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns the title.
getTitle() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns the title of the groupbox.
getTitle() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns the title.
getTitle() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns the title.
getTodayLinkLabel() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the label of the link that jump to today in day view
getTodayLinkLabel() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the label of the link that jump to today in day view
getToolbar() - Method in class
Returns the auxiliary toolbar that this tabbox owns.
getTooltip() - Method in class zul.Widget
Returns the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.
getTooltiptext() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the tooltip text of this widget.
getTop() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the top of this widget.
getTopWidget() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the top widget, which is the first floating ancestor, or null if no floating ancestor.
getTotalSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the total number of items.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Return the tree that owns this cell.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns the Tree instance containing this element.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecol
Returns the tree that it belongs to.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecols
Returns the tree that it belongs to.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treefoot
Returns the tree that it belongs to.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treefooter
Returns the tree that this belongs to.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns the Tree.
getTree() - Method in class zul.sel.Treerow
Returns the Tree instance containing this element.
getTreecol() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Returns the tree col associated with this cell, or null if not available.
getTreecol() - Method in class zul.sel.Treefooter
Returns the tree header that is in the same column as this footer, or null if not available.
getType() - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Returns the encode and decode type of this component.
getType() - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Returns the types which the barcode scanner is dealing with.
getType() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Get the chart's type.
getType() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns the type.
getType() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the type.
getType() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns the type.
getType() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns the button type.
getUndoLabel() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the label on undo button.
getUnformater() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns the unformater.
getUnformater() - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Returns the unformater.
getUpload() - Method in class
Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
getUpload() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
getUpload() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
getUserMedia(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns the Promise whose fulfillment handler receives a MediaStream object when the requested media has successfully been obtained.
getValign() - Method in class
Returns the current valign.
getValign() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the vertical alignment of the whole row.
getValign() - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Returns the vertical alignment of this footer.
getValign() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Returns the vertical alignment of this grid.
getValign() - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Returns the vertical alignment.
getValue() - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Returns the color value
getValue() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Returns the value of color Default: #000000
getValue() - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Returns the value of the barcode image.
getValue() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Tbeditor
Returns editor's content with html format
getValue() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns the value that is assigned to this component.
getValue() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns the value in the String format.
getValue() - Method in class
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class zul.wgt.Progressmeter
Returns the current value of the progress meter.
getValues() - Method in class zkex.slider.Sliderbuttons
Returns the values of this sliderbuttons.
getVersion(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns the version of the specified package, or null if not available.
getVersion() - Method in class
Returns the expected version of the Flash player.
getVflex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns vertical flex hint of this widget.
getViewerClass() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Retrun the custom upload viewer class name.
getVisibleItemCount() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns the number of visible descendant Row.
getVolume() - Method in class
Returns the volume of video.
getVspace() - Method in class
Returns the vertical spacing around an applet.
getVspace() - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
getVueData() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Return the JSON data that used to sync data with server.
getW() - Method in class
Returns the width of the crop area in pixel.
getWeekOfYear() - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Get week numbers of year for a specific date
getWidget() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploader
Return the widget which the uploader belongs to.
getWidget() - Method in class zul.Uploader
Returns the widget which the uploader belongs to.
getWidth() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the width of this widget.
getWidths() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns the widths.
getWmode() - Method in class
Returns the Window mode property of the Flash movie Default: "transparent".
getX() - Method in class
Returns the left related position of the crop area in pixel.
getX() - Method in class zul.layout.Absolutechildren
Returns the current "x" position within parent container component
getY() - Method in class
Returns the top related position of the crop area in pixel.
getY() - Method in class zul.layout.Absolutechildren
Returns the current "y" position within parent container component
getZclass() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the ZK Cascading Style class(es) for this widget.
getZIndex() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the Z index.
getZoom() - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Returns the zoom level.
ghost(Draggable, Offset, String) - Static method in class zk.DnD
Ghost the DOM element being dragged.
globalCommand(String, Map, Map, int) - Method in class zkbind.Binder
Post a global command from the binder.
go(String, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Navigates to the specified URL.
go(DOMElement, int) - Static method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Goes to the active page according to the page number.
GOBACK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
GOHOME - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
GoldenLayout - Class in zkmax.layout
A docker type layout container.
GoldenPanel - Class in zkmax.layout
A layout inner container of GoldenLayout.
Grid - Class in zul.grid
A grid is an element that contains both rows and columns elements.
Group - Class in zkex.grid
Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Grid.
group(boolean, Event) - Method in class zul.grid.Column
Groups and sorts the rows (Row) based on SortWidget.getSortAscending().
group(boolean, Event) - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Groups and sorts the items (Listitem) based on SortWidget.getSortAscending().
Groupbox - Class in zul.wgt
Groups a set of child elements to have a visual effect.
GROUPFIRST - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Groupfoot - Class in zkex.grid
GroupFoot serves as a summary row of group.
GROUPING - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used for thousands separator.
GROUPLAST - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
GROUPNEXT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
GROUPPREVIOUS - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
groupSelect - Variable in class zul.sel.Listbox
Whether to allow Listgroup to be selected Default: false


handle - Variable in class zk.Draggable
The DOM element that represents the handle that the user can drag the whole element (Draggable.node.
HANGULMODE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
HANJAMODE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
HANKAKU - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
hasDataHandler() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Test whether the name of the data attribute exists.
hasGroup() - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Returns whether the grid has group.
hasGroup() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Returns whether Group exists.
hasGroup() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns whether listgroup exists.
hasGroup() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns whether any Optgroup exists.
hasHScroll() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns whether the first matched DOM element has the horizontal scrollbar
hasNext() - Method in class zul.grid.RowIter
Returns true if the iteration has more elements
hasNext() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemIter
Returns true if the iteration has more elements
hasNext() - Method in class zul.sel.TreeItemIter
Returns true if the iteration has more elements
hasVParent() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Check if element has virtual parent
hasVScroll() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns whether the first matched DOM element has the vertical scrollbar
head() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the head element of this document.
HeaderWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a header.
HEADSETHOOK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
HeadWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for headers, the parent of a group of HeaderWidget.
height - Variable in class _global_.Dimension
The height.
HELP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
HIBERNATE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
hide() - Method in class _global_.jq
Hides all matched elements from the DOM.
hide() - Method in class zk.eff.FullMask
Hide the full mask.
hide() - Method in class zk.eff.Mask
Hide the mask.
hide() - Method in class zk.Widget
Makes this widget invisible.
HIRAGANA - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
HIRAGANAKATAKANA - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
historyState(boolean, Object, String, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Pushes or replaces a history state.
Hlayout - Class in
A horizontal layout.
HOME - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Html - Class in zul.wgt
A component used to embed the browser native content (i.e., HTML tags) into the output sent to the browser.
HYPER - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys


i0 - Static variable in class _global_.zUtl
A shortcut of '<i style="height:0;width:0"/>'.
id - Variable in class zk.Widget
The identifier of this widget, or null if not assigned (readonly).
Idspace - Class in zul.wgt
Just like DIV tag but implements IdSpace.
ie - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the DOM API's version if the browser is Internet Explorer, or null if not.
ie9 - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether it is Internet Exploer 9 or later.
iex - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the browser's version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 8) if the browser is Internet Explorer, or null if not.
Iframe - Class in zul.utl
Includes an inline frame.
ignoreDescendantFloatUp_() - Method in class zk.Widget
A widget call this function of its ancestor if it wants to know whether its ancestor prefer ignore float up event of it self.
ignoreDrag_(Draggable) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if the location that an user is trying to drag is allowed.
Image - Class in zul.wgt
An image.
Imagemap - Class in zul.wgt
An image map.
img0 - Static variable in class _global_.zUtl
A shortcut of '<img style="height:0;width:0"/>'.
inAccordionMold() - Method in class
Returns whether it is in the accordion mold.
Include - Class in zul.wgt
An include widget
indexOfItem(ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns the index of the ItemWidget
infoText_() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns the information text of the paging, if Paging.isDetailed() is enabled.
init(Widget) - Static method in class zul.mesh.Scrollbar
Initialize the scrollbar of MeshWidget.
initDrag_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Initializes the widget to make it draggable.
innerHeight() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the height of the viewport (visible part) of the browser window.
innerWidth() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the width of the viewport (visible part) of the browser window.
innerX() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the X coordination of the visible part of the browser window.
innerY() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the Y coordination of the visible part of the browser window.
inPagingMold() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns whether the widget is in paging mold.
inPanelMold() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Returns whether is in panel mold or not.
InputCtrl - Class in zul.inp
The extra control for the InputWidget.
Inputgroup - Class in zul.wgt
An inputgroup.
InputWidget - Class in zul.inp
A skeletal implementation for a input widget.
inRoundedMold() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether is in rounded mold or not.
inScaleMold() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Return whether this widget in scale mold
inSelectMold() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns whether the HTML's select tag is used.
INSERT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
insertBefore(Widget, Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Inserts a child widget before the reference widget (the sibling argument).
insertChildHTML_(Widget, Widget, Desktop) - Method in class zk.Widget
Inserts the HTML content generated by the specified child widget before the reference widget (the before argument).
insertingBefore_ - Variable in class zk.Widget
inServer - Variable in class zk.Widget
Whether this widget has a peer component (readonly).
inSphereMold() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Return whether this widget in sphere mold
Intbox - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding an integer.
intsToString(int[]) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Converts an integer array to a string (separated by comma).
intValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Intbox
Returns the value in int.
intValue() - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Returns the value in int.
invoke(Widget, String, Object...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Invokes the specifed method of the specified widget.
invoke() - Method in class
Invokes the function of the applet running at the client.
isAncestor(DOMElement, DOMElement) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Tests if one element (p) is an ancestor of another (c).
isAncestor(Object, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns if one is ancestor of the other.
isAssignableFrom(Class) - Method in class zk.Class
Determines if the class by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass of, the class represented by the specified Class parameter.
isAssignableFrom(Class) - Static method in class zk.Object
Determines if the class by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass of, the class represented by the specified Class parameter.
isAudio() - Method in class
Return whether to record sound while recording video.
isAutocheck() - Method in class
Returns whether the menuitem check mark will update each time the menu item is selected.
isAutoclose() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Returns whether to automatically close the list if a user is selected any item.
isAutoclose() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Returns whether to automatically close all other nav/navitem on opening nav/navitem.
isAutoCols() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns whether enables the auto adjusting cols size.
isAutocomplete() - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Returns whether to automatically complete this text box by matching the nearest item (Comboitem.
isAutodrop() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Returns whether it is opened automatically when the mouse cursor is near the page edge.
isAutodrop() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns whether to automatically drop the list if users is changing this text box.
isAutodrop() - Method in class
Returns whether to automatically drop down menus if user moves mouse over it.
isAutodrop() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Returns whether to automatically drop the list if users is changing this text box.
isAutohide() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns whether to automatically hide this component if there is only one page available.
isAutohide() - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Returns whether to automatically hide this component if a popup or dropdown is overlapped with it.
isAutoId(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
we cannot really detect at the client if UUID is generated automatically.
isAutopaging() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns whether turn on auto-paging facility when mold is "paging".
isAutoplay() - Method in class
Returns whether to auto start playing the video.
isAutoplay() - Method in class
Returns whether to auto start playing the audio.
isAutoplay() - Method in class
Return true if the Flash movie starts playing automatically Default: true
isAutoRows() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns whether enables the auto adjusting rows size.
isAutoscroll() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether enable overflow scrolling.
isBackgroundIncluded() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns whether the background color and image are included while saved.
isBar() - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Returns whether to display a visual bar as the separator.
isBinding() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns whether this widget is being bound to DOM.
isBothPaging() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns whether the paging is in both mold. i.e.
isBottom() - Method in class
Returns whether it is the bottom orientation.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Returns whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
isChar(char, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns whether the character is according to its opts.
isCheckable() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
As of release 8.0.0, please use ItemWidget.isSelectable()
isChecked() - Method in class
Returns whether it is checked.
isChecked() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns whether it is checked.
isChecked() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns whether it is checked.
isCheckmark() - Method in class
Returns whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
isCheckmark() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
isClass(Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns if the given JS object is a class (Class).
isClipToFit() - Method in class
Return whether to clip video when the source size doesn't fit the tag size setting, for example: if video source is 1280 * 720, but the video tag is <video width="1000px" height="720px" />, it will cut off the sides of the video, preserving the aspect ratio, and also filling in the space.
isClosable() - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Returns whether this panel is closable.
isClosable() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Returns whether it is closeable by user (a button).
isClosable() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether users can open or close the region.
isClosable() - Method in class
Returns whether this tab is closable.
isClosable() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns whether user can open or close the group box.
isClosable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to show a close button on the title bar.
isClosable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether to show a close button on the title bar.
isClosePopupOnTimezoneChange() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether to auto close the datebox popup after changing the timezone.
isCloseVisible() - Method in class zul.wgt.Caption
Whether to generate a close button (determined by parent only).
isCollapsed() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Returns whether it is collapsed.
isCollapsible() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether set the initial display to collapse.
isCollapsible() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to show a toggle button on the title bar.
isCollapsibleVisible() - Method in class zul.wgt.Caption
Whether to generate a collapsible button (determined by parent only).
isColumnsgroup() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Returns whether to enable grouping of the widget with the header context menu.
isColumnshide() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Returns whether to enable hiding of the widget with the header context menu.
isComment() - Method in class zul.wgt.Include
Returns whether to generate the included content inside the HTML comment.
isComplete() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Step
Returns whether this step is complete.
isContainer() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns whether the element is to act as a container which can have child elements.
isContinuous() - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Returns the continuous scanning status of the barcode scanner.
isControls() - Method in class
Returns whether to display the video controls.
isControls() - Method in class
Returns whether to display the audio controls.
isCounterVisible() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portalchildren
Returns whether the counter is visible.
isCreatable() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns whether can create new item, The input will considered to be a new item if it is not exist and this property is true.
isDecimal() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns whether it is a decimal slider.
isDefault() - Method in class
Returns if this track should be enabled by default.
isDetailed() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns whether to show the detailed info, such as Paging.getTotalSize().
isDimBackground() - Method in class
Returns whether to turn whole page to be covered by translucent black except the Video, also called theater mode.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Returns whether it is disabled, Default: false.
isDisabled() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.sel.Optgroup
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class
Returns whether this tab is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Rating
Returns whether this widget is disabled
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Returns whether it is disabled.
isDisplayValue() - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Returns the visibility of the value of barcode component (only for 1D barcode).
isDraggable() - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Returns whether this panel is draggable.
isDroppable() - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Returns whether this panel is droppable by other panels.
isEmpty() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns whether this element contains no child elements.
isEnable() - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Returns the enable status of the barcode scanner.
isError() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Step
Returns whether this step is in error.
isFinish() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploader
Return the upload is finish or not.
isFinish(Widget) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Returns the fileupload of the widget whether is finish or not.
isFixFrozenCols() - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Returns whether to fix the frozen columns.
isFlex() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether to grow and shrink vertical/horizontal to fit their given space, so called flexibility.
isFloatable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to float the panel to display it inline where it is rendered.
isFloating_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is floating.
isFrameRequired() - Static method in class
Check the Tab whether to render the frame
isFrameRequired(Panel) - Static method in class zul.wnd.PanelRenderer
Check the panel whether to render the rounded frame.
isHorizontal() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Return if orient is horizontal or not.
isHorizontal() - Method in class
Returns whether it is a horizontal tabbox.
isIgnoredDragForErrorbox(Draggable, Offset, Event) - Static method in class zul.inp.InputCtrl
Returns whether to ignore the dragdrop for errorbox
isImageLoading() - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Checks whether all the loading images are finish.
isIndeterminate() - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Return whether checkbox is in indeterminate state.
isIndeterminate() - Method in class zul.wgt.Progressmeter
Returns the indeterminate state of the progress meter.
isInplace() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Return whether to display Chosenbox's selection as a comma separate label, under inplace="true", when user clicks the label, it turns into a chosenbox.
isInplace() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether enable the inplace-editing.
isInput() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Tests if all elements are input elements (including textarea).
isInstance(Object) - Method in class zk.Class
Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with this Class.
isInstance(Object) - Static method in class zk.Object
Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with this Class.
isInstant() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether to send onChange event as soon as user types in the input.
isInstantSelect() - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Returns true if onSelect event is sent as soon as user selects using keyboard navigation.
isLeft() - Method in class
Returns whether it is the left orientation.
isLenient() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether or not date/time parsing is to be lenient.
isLinear() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Stepbar
Returns whether the steps in this stepbar are displayed by order.
isListen(String, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if a listener is registered for the specified event.
isLoaded(String, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Tests if a package is loaded (or being loaded).
isLoaded() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Return true if all children of this Orgitem, if any, is loaded.
isLoop() - Method in class
Returns whether to play the video repeatedly.
isLoop() - Method in class
Returns whether to play the audio repeatedly.
isLoop() - Method in class
Returns true if the Flash movie plays repeatly.
isMask() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Returns whether it is masked when opened.
isMaximalHeight() - Method in class
Returns whether to use maximum height of all tabpanel in initial phase or not.
isMaximizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize the panel.
isMaximizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize the window.
isMaximized() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether the panel is maximized.
isMaximized() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether the window is maximized.
isMaximizeVisible() - Method in class zul.wgt.Caption
Whether to generate a maximize button (determined by parent only).
isMaxsizeExceed() - Method in class
Compare record size and max size limit, if record size bigger than max size limit, fire MaxsizeExceed event.
isMayscript() - Method in class
Returns whether the applet is allowed to access the scripting object.
isMinimizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize the panel.
isMinimizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize the window.
isMinimized() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether the panel is minimized.
isMinimized() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether the window is minimized.
isMinimizeVisible() - Method in class zul.wgt.Caption
Whether to generate a minimize button (determined by parent only).
isModel() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Organigram
Returns whether the Organigram is using model to render data.
isModel() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns whether the widget is in model mode or not.
isMovable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether to move the panel to display it inline where it is rendered.
isMultiline() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether it is multiline.
isMultiline() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns whether it is multiline.
isMultiline() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns whether to preserve the new line and the white spaces at the begining of each line.
isMultiple() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Returns whether multiple selections are allowed.
isMultiple() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Returns whether multiple selections are allowed.
isMultiple() - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns whether multiple selections are allowed.
isMuted() - Method in class
Returns whether the video is muted.
isMuted() - Method in class
Returns whether to mute the audio.
isNative() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Since 8.6.2. Please use server-side API instead.
isNav() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navseparator
Returns whether parent is a Nav
isNowrap() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns the nowrap.
isObject(Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Returns whether the given JS object is a ZK object (Object).
isOpen() - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Returns whether the detail is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns whether this container is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Returns whether the content is open
isOpen() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Returns whether this container is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Returns whether this cascader is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Returns the open status of drop down list.
isOpen() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Returns whether this searchbox is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
isOpen() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Returns whether this container is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns whether it is open (i.e., not collapsed.
isOpen() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Returns the open.
isOpen() - Method in class
Returns whether it is open (i.e., not collapsed.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Returns whether the list of combo items is open
isOpen() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether it is open (i.e., not collapsed.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.sel.Optgroup
Returns whether this container is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Returns whether this container is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Returns whether the list of combo items is open
isOpen() - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Returns whether this groupbox is open.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Returns whether the popup is visible.
isOpen() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether this Panel is open.
isOpposite() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Returns whether the first child is displayed in the first area(left/top).
isOutOfRange(boolean, Date) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Check whether the date is out of range between 1900~2100 years
isOverflowPopup() - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Return whether toolbar has a button that shows a popup which contains those content weren't able to fit in the toolbar.
isOverlapped(Offset, Offset, Offset, Offset, int) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns if the specified rectangles are overlapped with each other.
isOverlapped(Offset, Offset, Offset, Offset) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns if the specified rectangles are overlapped with each other.
isOverlapped(DOMElement, int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Tests if the first matched element is overlapped with the specified element.
isPointVisible() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Returns whether the point is visible.
isPopup() - Method in class
Returns whether parent is a Menupopup
isPositionFixed() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Anchornav
Returns whether it would be fixed position when out of current viewport.
isPre() - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Returns whether to preserve the white spaces, such as space, tab and new line.
isPreservedFocus(Widget) - Static method in class zul.db.DateboxCtrl
Returns whether to preserve the focus state.
isPreservedFocus(Widget) - Static method in class zul.inp.InputCtrl
Returns whether to preserve the focus state.
isPreservedMouseMove(Widget) - Static method in class zul.inp.InputCtrl
Returns whether to preserve the mousemove state.
isPressed(String...) - Method in class zk.Event
Indicates whether a key is currently pressed.
isPreviewRecord() - Method in class
Return whether the preview screen is on.
isReadonly() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns whether it is readonly.
isReadonly() - Method in class zul.wgt.Rating
Returns whether this widget is readonly
isRealElement() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns whether the widget has its own element bound to HTML DOM tree.
isRealScrollIntoView() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Checks whether the element is shown in the current viewport (consider both native and fake scrollbar).
isRealVisible(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns whether the first match element is really visible.
isRealVisible(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is really visible, i.e., all ancestor widget and itself are visible.
isRealVisible() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is really visible, i.e., all ancestor widget and itself are visible.
isRecording() - Method in class
Return whether camera is recording.
isRepeats() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Returns whether the timer shall send Event repeatly.
isResizable() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns the resizable.
isRight() - Method in class
Returns whether it is the right orientation.
isRunning() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Returns whether this timer is running.
isScrollable() - Method in class
Returns whether the menubar scrolling is enabled.
isScrollIntoView() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Checks whether the element is shown in the current viewport.
isSelectable() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Returns whether it is selectable.
isSelectable() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns whether it is selectable.
isSelected() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Returns whether this item is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Returns whether it is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns whether it is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Returns whether it is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class
Returns whether this tab is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class
Returns whether this tab panel is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Returns whether it is selected.
isShadow() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether to show the shadow of an overlapped/popup/modal window.
isShowTodayLink() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns whether enable to show the link that jump to today in day view Default: false
isShowTodayLink() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether enable to show the link that jump to today in day view Default: false
isSizable() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeadWidget
Returns whether the width of the child column is sizable.
isSizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Returns whether the panel is sizable.
isSizable() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Returns whether the window is sizable.
isSizedByContent() - Method in class
Returns whether sizing the cell's size by its content.
isSizedByContent() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Returns whether sizing the widget column width by its content.
isSlidable() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether users can slide (preview) the region when clicked on a collapsed region.
isSlide() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether it is slide down.
isSortable_() - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Returns whether the widget is sortable or not.
isSplittable() - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Returns whether enable the split functionality.
isStrictDate() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether or not date/time should be strict.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zkex.grid.Groupfoot
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroupfoot
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isStripeable_() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Returns whether is stripeable or not.
isSubmitByEnter() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns whether it is submitByEnter.
isTabbable() - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Returns whether TAB is allowed.
isTabscroll() - Method in class
Returns whether the tab scrolling is enabled.
isThreeD() - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Whether a 3d chart.
isTimeZonesReadonly() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether the list of the time zones to display is readonly.
isToolbarVisible() - Method in class
Returns if the toolbar is visible.
isToolbarVisible() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Returns the visibility of the toolbar for signature pad.
isTooltipVisible() - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Returns whether it is tooltipVisible.
isTop() - Method in class
Returns whether it is the top orientation.
isTopmost() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgchildren
Returns whether this Orgchildren is topmost.
isTopmost() - Method in class
Returns whether this is an top-level menu, i.e., not owning by another Menupopup.
isTopmost() - Method in class
Returns whether this is an top-level menu, i.e., not owning by another Menupopup.
isTopmost() - Method in class zul.sel.Treechildren
Returns whether this treechildren is topmost.
isVertical() - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Returns whether it is a vertical slider.
isVertical() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Return if orient is vertical or not.
isVertical() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Returns whether it is a vertical tabbox.
isVertical() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Returns if it is a vertical splitlayout.
isVertical() - Method in class
Returns whether it is a vertical box.
isVertical() - Method in class
Returns if it is a vertical box.
isVertical() - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Returns whether it is a vertical slider.
isVertical() - Method in class
Returns whether it is a vertical menubar.
isVertical() - Method in class
Returns whether it is a vertical tabbox.
isVertical() - Method in class zul.wgt.Inputgroup
Returns whether it is a vertical orientation.
isVertical() - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Returns whether it is a vertical separator.
isVertical_() - Method in class
Returns whether the layout is vertical
isVisible(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns whether the first matched element is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns whether the first matched element is visible.
isVisible(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is visible
isVisible() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if this widget is visible
isWatchable_(String, Widget, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns if the given watch shall be fired for this widget.
isWeekOfYear() - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Returns whether enable to show the week number within the current year or not.
isWeekOfYear() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Returns whether enable to show the week number in the current calendar or not.
isWrappedLabels() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Stepbar
Returns whether the labels in children steps is wrapped.
ItemIter - Class in zul.sel
The listitem iterator.
itemIterator() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the list item iterator.
itemIterator() - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns the tree item iterator.
ItemWidget - Class in zul.sel
The item widget for Treeitem and Listitem


j2d(String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Unmarshalls the string back to a Date object.
Jasperreport - Class in zkex.utl
The JasperReport component.
jq - package jq
DOM event object and utilities
jq - Class in _global_
Represents the object returned by the jq function.
jq - Variable in class _global_.jqzk
The associated instance of jq, the object returned by jq(...)
jqzk - Class in _global_
Represents the object returned by the zk function, or by jq.zk.
JUNJAMODE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys


KANAMODE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
KANJIMODE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
KATAKANA - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
KEY11 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
KEY12 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
KeyboardTrap - Class in zk.eff
Applies a keyboard trap that only allows focus moving within an area.
keyCapture - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The widget that captures the keystrokes.
keyData() - Method in class jq.Event
Retrieve the key information of a DOM event.


Label - Class in zul.wgt
A label.
LabelImageWidget - Class in zul
A skeletal implementation for ZUL widgets that support both label and image.
labelOfWeekOfYear(Calendar, int, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Generates the label of the week of year.
lastChild - Variable in class zk.Widget
The last child, or null if no child at all (readonly).
LASTNUMBERREDIAL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Layout - Class in
A skeleton of Vlayout and Hlayout.
LayoutRegion - Class in zul.layout
A layout region in a border layout.
left - Variable in class _global_.Dimension
The left coordinate.
Lineitem - Class in zkmax.layout
A lineitem.
Linelayout - Class in zkmax.layout
A linelayout component for stylistically displaying chronological information.
Listbox - Class in zul.sel
A listbox.
Listcell - Class in zul.sel
A list cell.
listen(Map) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Registers watch listener(s).
listen(Map, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Registers listener(s) to the specified event.
listenOnFitSize_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Listens to onFitSize event.
Listfoot - Class in zul.sel
A row of Listfooter.
Listfooter - Class in zul.sel
A column of the footer of a list box (Listbox).
Listgroup - Class in zkex.sel
Adds the ability for single level grouping to the Listbox.
Listgroupfoot - Class in zkex.sel
GroupFooter serves as a summary listitem of listgroup.
Listhead - Class in zul.sel
A list headers used to define multi-columns and/or headers.
Listheader - Class in zul.sel
The list header which defines the attributes and header of a column of a list box.
Listitem - Class in zul.sel
A listitem.
load(String, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zEmbedded
Load zk source and replace the DOM
load(String, Desktop, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Loads the specified package(s).
load(String, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Loads the specified package(s).
load(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Loads the desired property value.
loadAll(Function, boolean) - Static method in class zk.wgt.WidgetInfo
Loads all packages requires by all widgets.
loadCSS(String, String, String, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Loads a CSS file.
loadCSS(String, String, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Loads a CSS file.
loadImage(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Loads an image before ZK client engine to calculate the widget's layout.
loading - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The number of widget packages (i.e., JavaScript files) being loaded (and not yet complete).
Loadingbar - Class in zkmax.wgt
A loadingbar widget.
loadScript(String, String, String, boolean, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Loads a JavaScript file.
loadScript(String, String, boolean) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Loads a JavaScript file and execute it.
loadXML(String, Function) - Static method in class zk.xml.Utl
Loads XML from the resource at the specified URL.
log(Object...) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Logs an message for debugging purpose.
log(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Logs the message.
LOGOFF - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Long - Class in zk
A long integer.
Longbox - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding an integer.


Macro - Class in zk
A macro widget.
MAILFORWARD - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MAILREPLY - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MAILSEND - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
makeVParent() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Creates a virtual parent for the specified element.
MANNERMODE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Map - Class in _global_
A map in Javascript is as follows.
mapToString(Map, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Converts a map to a string
marginHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the margin height of the first matched element.
margins() - Static method in class _global_.jq
A map of the margin style names: {l: 'margin-left', t: 'margin-top'...}.
marginWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the margin width of the first matched element.
Mask - Class in zk.eff
Applies the mask over the specified element to indicate it is busy.
MEDIAFASTFORWARD - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MEDIAPAUSE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MEDIAPLAY - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MEDIAPLAYPAUSE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MEDIARECORD - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MEDIAREWIND - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MEDIASTOP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MEDIATRACKNEXT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MEDIATRACKPREVIOUS - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Menu - Class in
An element, much like a button, that is placed on a menu bar.
Menubar - Class in
A container that usually contains menu elements.
Menuitem - Class in
A single choice in a Menupopup element.
Menupopup - Class in
A container used to display menus.
Menuseparator - Class in
Used to create a separator between menu items.
MeshWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a mesh widget.
META - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
metaData() - Method in class jq.Event
Retrieve the meta-information of a DOM event.
MICROPHONETOGGLE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MICROPHONEVOLUMEDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MICROPHONEVOLUMEMUTE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
MICROPHONEVOLUMEUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
mimicMouseDown_(Widget, boolean, int) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Called to mimic the mouse down event fired by the browser.
MINUS - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used to represent minus sign.
MODECHANGE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
monthView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the monthView for this calendar
mounting - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether ZK Client Engine has been mounting the peer widgets.
mouseCapture - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The widget that captures the mouse events.
mouseData() - Method in class jq.Event
Retrieve the mouse information of a DOM event.
moveBy(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Moves the browser window.
moveTo(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Moves the browser window to the specified location
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Multislider - Class in zkmax.slider
A Multislider.


name - Variable in class zk.Event
The event name, such as 'onChange'.
Native - Class in zk
A native widget.
Nav - Class in zkmax.nav
A container is used to display navitems, it should be placed inside a Navbar.
Navbar - Class in zkmax.nav
A container that usually contains nav elements.
Navitem - Class in zkmax.nav
A single choice in a Navbar or Nav element.
Navseparator - Class in zkmax.nav
Used to create a separator between nav items.
nChildren - Variable in class zk.Widget
The number of children (readonly).
ncols(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the number of columns of a row.
NEW - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
newFrame(String, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Creates an IFRAME element with the specified ID, src and style.
newHidden(String, String, DOMElement) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Creates a HIDDEN element
newInstance(String, Map) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Creates a widget by specifying the widget name.
newStackup(DOMElement, String, DOMElement) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Creates a 'stackup' (actually, an iframe) that makes an element (with position:absolute) shown above others.
next() - Method in class zul.grid.RowIter
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class zul.sel.ItemIter
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class zul.sel.TreeItemIter
Returns the next element in the iteration.
NEXTCANDIDATE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
nextItem(Widget) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the next item.
nextSibling - Variable in class zk.Widget
The next sibling, or null if this widget is the last child (readonly).
nextUuid() - Static method in class zk.Widget
Returns the next unique UUID for a widget.
node - Variable in class zk.Draggable
The DOM element that is draggable (the whole element).
nodeName(DOMElement, String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns if the node name of the specified element is the same as one of the specified name (case insensitive).
nodeName(DOMElement) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the node name of the specified element in the lower case.
Nodom - Class in zul.wgt
A no-dom widget with comment scope
nonCaptionSkipper - Static variable in class zk.Skipper
An instance of Skipper that can be used to skip the rerendering of child widgets except the caption.
NONCONVERT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NORTH - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The north layout constraint (top of container).
North - Class in zul.layout
A north region of a border layout.
NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Notification - Class in zul.wgt
A notification widget.
now() - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
As of release 5.0.6, replaced with
NumberInputWidget - Class in zul.inp
A skeletal implementation for number-type input box.
NUMLOCK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD0 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD1 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD2 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD3 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD4 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD5 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD6 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD7 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD8 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
NUMPAD9 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys


Object - Class in zk
The root of the class hierarchy.
obsolete(String, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows an error to indicate the desktop is timeout.
Offset - Class in _global_
An offset is a two-element array, where the first element is the X coordinate, and the second the Y coordinate.
offsetHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset height.
offsetHeightCeil() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the actual offset height rounded "up" to the closest integer.
offsetHeightDoubleValue() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset height.
offsetLeft() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset left.
offsetLeftCeil() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the actual offset left rounded "up" to the closest integer.
offsetLeftDoubleValue() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset left.
offsetTop() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset top.
offsetTopCeil() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the actual offset top rounded "up" to the closest integer.
offsetTopDoubleValue() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset top.
offsetWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset width.
offsetWidthCeil() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the actual offset width rounded "up" to the closest integer.
offsetWidthDoubleValue() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the offset width.
onAfterSize() - Method in class zk.Widget
Called to fire the onAfterSize event.
onChangingDelay - Static variable in class zul.inp.InputWidget
The delay for sending the onChanging event (unit: milliseconds).
onChangingForced - Static variable in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Whether to send at least one the onChanging event if it is listened and the content is ever changed.
onChildAdded_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child has been added to this widget.
onChildRemoved_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child has been removed to this widget.
onChildRenderDefer_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child has been delay rendered.
onChildReplaced_(Widget, Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child has been replaced.
onChildVisible_(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
A callback called after a child's visibility is changed (i.e., Widget.setVisible(boolean) was called).
onclick() - Static method in class zul.wgt.Imagemap
Called by imagemap-done.html.
onDrop_(Draggable, Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Called to fire the onDrop event.
onError() - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Register a listener that will be called when the Ajax request failed.
onGroup() - Method in class zul.grid.Column
It invokes, zk.Event) to group list items and maintain SortWidget.getSortDirection().
onGroup() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
It invokes, zk.Event) to group list items and maintain SortWidget.getSortDirection().
onIframeURLChange(String, String) - Method in class _global_._global_
Callback when the URL/bookmark of an iframe has been changed.
onOffline(String, Function) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Register an offline handler for specific annotation.
onStripe(Event) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
A callback function for changing stripe
onSyncScroll(Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
To register one object for the doSyncScroll invocation.
onSyncScroll(Event) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Reset the position on scroll
onzsync(Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
To register one object for the zsync invocation.
OPEN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
open(boolean, boolean) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Do open and close behave of the detail
open() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Drops down the list of items.
open() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Drops down the list of items.
open() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Open the drop down list
open() - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Opens and displays the navitem that belongs to the nav.
open() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Opens the drawer.
open(Widget, String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Opens the file manager to show.
open() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Toast
Opens the toast.
open(Map) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Drops down the list of combo items (Comboitem.
open() - Method in class
Opens the menupopup that belongs to the menu.
open(Widget, String) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Opens the file manager to show.
open() - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Open the dropdown widget of the Combobutton.
open(String, Offset, String, Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Opens the popup.
open(Widget, Offset, String, Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Opens the popup.
openAnima_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
The effect for opening the popup.
openContent() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Show the Menupopup when click the Menu
openFileDialog() - Method in class zul.Upload
trigger file input's click to open file dialog
openPalette() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Open the palette of this colorbox
openPalette() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Open the palette of colorbox
openPicker() - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Open the colorpicker of this colorbox
openPicker() - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Open the colorpicker of this colorbox
opera - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 10.1) if it is Opera, or null if not.
Optgroup - Class in zul.sel
A HTML optgroup tag.
Option - Class in zul.sel
A HTML option tag.
opts - Variable in class zk.Draggable
The options of this draggable.
opts - Variable in class zk.Event
The options (never null).
opts - Variable in class zul.Scrollbar
The opts of this scrollbar controls.
opts - Variable in class zul.WScroll
The opts of this scrollbar controls.
Organigram - Class in zkmax.layout
A container which can be used to draw a hierarchical organizational chart, you can specify a TreeModel to render the data.
Orgchildren - Class in zkmax.layout
An orgchildren.
Orgitem - Class in zkmax.layout
An orgitem.
Orgnode - Class in zkmax.layout
An orgnode.
outer(Widget, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Replaces the widget with the widget(s) generated by evaluating the specified JavaScript code snippet.
outOfRangeValue() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDateConstraint
Returns the message about out of range value
outOfRangeValue() - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleLocalTimeConstraint
Returns the message about out of range value
override(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Overrides a particular method or data member.
override(Function, Function) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Overrides a particular method.
override(Object, Map, Map) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Overrides the properties of a map.


Package - Class in zk
Represents a ZK JavaScript package.
padBorderHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the padding height and the border height of the first matched element.
padBorderWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the padding width and the border width of the first matched element.
paddingHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the padding height of the first matched element.
paddings() - Static method in class _global_.jq
A map of the padding style names: {l: 'padding-left', t: 'padding-top'...}.
paddingWidth() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the padding width of the first matched element.
Page - Class in zk
A page.
PAGEDOWN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
PAGEUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Paging - Class in zul.mesh
Paging of long content.
Panel - Class in zul.wnd
Panel is a container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the perfect building block for application-oriented user interfaces.
Panelchildren - Class in zul.wnd
Panelchildren is used for Panel component to manage each child who will be shown in the body of Panel.
PanelRenderer - Class in zul.wnd
The renderer used to render a panel.
parent - Variable in class zk.Widget
The parent, or null if this widget has no parent (readonly).
parseConstraint_(String) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleConstraint
Parses a constraint into an Object attribute.
parseFloat(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Parses a string to a floating number.
parseInt(String, int) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Parses a string to an integer.
parseMap(String, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Parses the specifie text into a map.
Parser - Class in zk.zuml
The parser of using iZUML(Client-side ZUML).
parseStyle(String) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Parses a string-type CSS style into a map of names and values of styles.
parseXML(String) - Static method in class zk.xml.Utl
Parses and returns the XML document from the specified text.
PASTE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
PAUSE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
pause() - Method in class
Pause recording.
pause() - Method in class
Pauses the audio at the client.
Pdfviewer - Class in zkex.pdfviewer
A PDF file viewer.
PER_MILL - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used for mille percent sign.
PERCENT - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The character used for percent sign.
PLAY - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
play() - Method in class
Plays the audio at the client.
play() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Starts the timer.
Popup - Class in zul.wgt
A container that is displayed as a popup.
Portalchildren - Class in zkmax.layout
The column of Portallayout.
Portallayout - Class in zkmax.layout
A portal layout lays out a container which can have multiple columns, and each column may contain one or more panel.
position(DOMElement, String, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Position the first matched element to the specified location.
position(Dimension, String, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Position the first matched element to the specified location.
position(Widget, Offset, String, Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Sets the popup position.
postCommand(DOMElement, String, Map, Map, int) - Static method in class zkbind.Binder
Post a command to the binder from the give dom element.
postGlobalCommand(DOMElement, String, Map, int) - Static method in class zkbind.Binder
Post a global command from the binder of the give dom element.
POWER - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
POWEROFF - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
prepend(Object, Desktop) - Method in class _global_.jq
Prepend content to the inside of every matched element.
presize_() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Extra handling for min size of popup widget.
PREVIOUSCANDIDATE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
previousItem(Widget) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Returns the previous item.
previousSibling - Variable in class zk.Widget
The previous sibling, or null if this widget is the first child (readonly).
PRINT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
print() - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Prints the content of the browser window.
PRINTSCREEN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
procDelay - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The delay before showing the processing prompt (unit: milliseconds).
process(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Processes the AU response sent from the server.
PROCESS - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
processing() - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns whether ZK Client Engine is busy for processing something, such as mounting the widgets, processing the AU responses and on.
processing - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Whether Client Engine is processing something, such as processing an AU response.
progressbox(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Creates a message box to indicate something is being processed
Progressmeter - Class in zul.wgt
A progress meter is a bar that indicates how much of a task has been completed.
Promise - Class in _global_
The Promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value.
PROPS - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
proxy(Function) - Method in class zk.Object
Proxies a member function such that it can be called with this object in a context that this object is not available.
px(Integer) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Converting an integer to a string ending with "px".
px0(Integer) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Converting an integer a string ending with "px".


Radio - Class in zul.wgt
A radio button.
Radiogroup - Class in zul.wgt
A radio group.
Rangeslider - Class in zkex.slider
A Rangeslider.
Rating - Class in zul.wgt
An icon based rating component.
redirect(String, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Redirects to the specified URL.
REDO - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
redoCSS(int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Forces the browser to redo (re-apply) CSS of all matched elements.
redoSrc() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Forces the browser to re-load the resource specified in the src attribute for all matched elements.
redraw(Array) - Method in class zk.Macro
Generates the HTML fragment for this macro component.
redraw(Array) - Method in class zk.Page
Generates the HTML fragment for this macro component.
redraw(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Generates the HTML fragment for this widget.
redraw_(Array) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Utility to implement Widget.redraw(_global_.Array).
redrawCloseButton(Window, Buffer, int) - Static method in class zul.wgt.ButtonRenderer
Redraws the close button HTML.
redrawCollapseButton(Panel, Buffer, int) - Static method in class zul.wgt.ButtonRenderer
Redraws the collapse button HTML.
redrawEmpty_(Array) - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
a redraw method for the empty message , if you want to customize the message , you could overwrite this.
redrawEmpty_(Array) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
A redraw method for the empty message , if you want to customize the message , you could overwrite this.
redrawHTML_(Skipper, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns the HTML fragment of this widget.
redrawMaximizeButton(Window, Buffer, int) - Static method in class zul.wgt.ButtonRenderer
Redraws the maximize button HTML.
redrawMinimizeButton(Window, Buffer, int) - Static method in class zul.wgt.ButtonRenderer
Redraws the minimize button HTML.
redrawpp_(Array) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Called by ComboWidget.redraw_(_global_.Array) to redraw popup.
RefWidget - Class in zk
A reference widget.
register(Array) - Static method in class zk.wgt.WidgetInfo
Registers an arry of widget information.
register(String, boolean) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Registers a widget class.
registerLibrary(Function, String, Array) - Static method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
A method that register the barcode rendering library.
registerLibrary(Object, String, Array) - Static method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
A method that to register the library into the widget at class level.
relativize() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Makes the position of the element as relative.
remove() - Method in class _global_.jq
Removes all matched elements from the DOM.
removeChild(Widget, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes a child with more control.
removeChild(Widget) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes a child.
removeChildHTML_(Widget, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes the corresponding DOM content of the specified child.
removeFile(DropUploader) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Removes the file item.
removeFile(Uploader) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Removes the file item.
removeHTML_(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes the HTML DOM content.
removeItemAt(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Removes the child radio button in the list box at the given index.
Renderer - Class in zul.db
The renderer used to render a calendar.
renType(String, String) - Static method in class zk.xml.Utl
Renames the type embedded in an URL For example, zk.xml.Utl.renType("/zkdemo/img/whatever-off.gif", "on"); //return "/zkdemo/img/whatever-on.gif" as shown above, it assumes the type is embedded after dash (-).
replaceCavedChildren_(String, Array, String, String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Replaced the child widgets with the specified widgets.
replaceCavedChildrenInOrder_(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Replaced the child widgets with the specified order.
replaceChildHTML_(Widget, DOMElement, Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Replaces the DOM element(s) of the specified child widget.
replaceHTML(Object, Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Replaces the specified DOM element with the HTML content generated this widget.
replaceWidget(Widget, Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Replaces this widget with the specified one.
replaceWith(Widget, Desktop, Skipper) - Method in class _global_.jq
Replaces the match elements with the specified HTML, DOM or Widget.
repos() - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Re-position the window based on the value of Window.getPosition().
reposition() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Reposition popup
requestCamera() - Method in class
Ask user for permissions to get media stream from camera and microphone, after permission is granted, init the video stream and preview screen according to the previewRecord attribute.
requestPath - Variable in class zk.Desktop
The request path.
rerender(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Re-renders after the specified time (milliseconds).
rerender(Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Re-renders the DOM element(s) of this widget.
rerenderLater_() - Method in class zk.Widget
A function that postpones the invoke of rerender function until all the cmds from server are processed.
rerenderNow_(Skipper) - Method in class zk.Widget
Forces the delaied rerendering children or itself to do now.
resendTimeout - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The timeout for re-sending AU request (unit: milliseconds).
resize() - Method in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
Re-sizes this layout component.
resizeBy(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Resizes the browser window.
resizeTo(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Resizes the browser window to the specified size.
resizeWgt(Widget) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Ask the client to re-cacluate the size of the given widget.
restore(Widget, Object) - Method in class zk.Skipper
Restores the DOM elements that are detached (i.e., skipped) by Skipper.skip(zk.Widget, _global_.String).
resume() - Method in class
Resume recording.
revisedHeight(int, boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the revised (calibrated) height, which subtracted the height of its CSS border or padding, for the first matched element if the box-sizing is not in the border-box mode.
revisedOffset(Offset) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Converts the specified offset in the element's coordinate to to the browser window's coordinateReturns the revised (calibrated) offset, i.e., the offset of the element related to the screen.
revisedOffset() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the revised (i.e., browser's coordinate) offset of the selected element.
revisedWidth(int, boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the revised (calibrated) width, which subtracted the width of its CSS border or padding, for the first matched element if the box-sizing is not in the border-box mode.
rightSelect - Variable in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Whether to change a list item selection on right click Default: true (unless the server changes the setting)
rm(Widget) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Removes the widget.
ROMAJI - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
RoundUtl - Class in zul.inp
The RoundUtl used to adjust the display of the rounded input.
Row - Class in zul.grid
A single row in a Rows element.
Rowchildren - Class in zkmax.layout
It is used for placing elements inside the grid created by rowlayout.
RowIter - Class in zul.grid
The row iterator.
Rowlayout - Class in zkmax.layout
Divide the parent container into a row of equal-width columns separated by spacings.
Rows - Class in zul.grid
Defines the rows of a grid.


safari - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Returns the version as double (only the first two part of the version, such as 533.1) if it is Safari-based, or null if not.
SAVE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
save(String, Object) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Saves the desired property value.
save() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Save the Signature.
scale(int) - Method in class zk.Long
Scales the number as value * 10 ^ digits.
script(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Executes the JavaScript.
Script - Class in zul.utl
A component to generate script codes that will be evaluated at the client.
Scrollbar - Class in zul.mesh
The extra Scrollbar for the MeshWidget.
Scrollbar - Class in zul
A Scrollbar used to replace browser native scrollbar on Mesh Element to navigate the content, such as Grid/Listbox/Tree.
scrollbarWidth() - Static method in class _global_.jq
Returns the width of the scrollbar
scrollBy(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Scrolls the content of the browser window.
scroller - Variable in class zul.Scrollbar
The content inside container object that will be scrolled.
scrollIntoView(DOMElement) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Causes the first matched element to scroll into view.
scrollIntoView(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Scrolls the widget or an DOM element into the view
scrollIntoView() - Method in class zk.Widget
Makes this widget visible in the browser window by scrolling ancestors up or down, if necessary.
SCROLLLOCK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
scrollOffset() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Calculates the cumulative scroll offset of the first matched element in nested scrolling containers.
scrollTo() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Scrolls the browser window to make the first matched element visible.
scrollTo(int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Scrolls the contents of the browser window to the specified location.
scrollToIndex(int, double) - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Scroll to the specified row by the given index.
scrollToIndex(int, double) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Scroll to the specified item by the given index, used by Grid and Listbox, this function could be invoked by server-side or client-side, when invoked by client-side, scrollRatio will be undefined.
scrollToIndex(int, double) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Scroll to the specified item by the given index.
Scrollview - Class in zkmax.layout
A container that can scroll containing elements.
Searchbox - Class in zkmax.inp
A dropdown list that allows users to search and select items.
select(int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Selects the first matched element.
SELECT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
select(Widget, int, int) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Selects all text of the specified widget.
select(int, int) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Selects the whole text in this input.
Select - Class in zul.sel
A HTML select tag.
selectAll(boolean, Event) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Selects all items.
Selectbox - Class in zul.wgt
A light weight dropdown list.
selectItem(Option) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
selectItem(ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
SelectWidget - Class in zul.sel
A skeletal implementation for a select widget.
send(Event, int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sends an AU request and appends it to the end if there is other pending AU requests.
sendAhead(Event, int) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sends an AU request by placing in front of any other pending request.
sendAU_(Event, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sends an AU request to the server.
sendNow(Desktop) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Enforces all pending AU requests of the specified desktop to send immediately
sendResult(String, String, int) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Sends the upload result to server.
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Separator - Class in zul.wgt
A separator.
Service - Class in zk
A service utile widget
set(Object, Object, Array, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Sets the given properties from one object to another.
set(Object, String, Object, Object) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Assigns a value to the specified property.
set(String, Object, Object) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a property.
set(String, Object) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a property.
setAction(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the client-side action.
setActive(int) - Method in class
Sets the current active item in this menupopup.
setActiveIndex(int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Stepbar
Sets the index of the active step.
setActivePage(int) - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Sets the active page (starting from 0).
setActivePage(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the active page (starting from 0).
setActivePage(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the active page (starting from 0).
setAlign(String) - Method in class
Sets the alignment of cells of this box in the 'opposite' direction (start, center, end, stretch).
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Sets the horizontal alignment of the whole row.
setAlign(String) - Method in class
Sets the alignment of an applet according to surrounding elements.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Sets the horizontal alignment of this footer.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Sets the horizontal alignment of this column.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Sets the horizontal alignment.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Div
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setAlign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Sets the alignment of any children added to this toolbar.
setAnchor(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Anchorchildren
Sets the width, height relative to parent, anchorlayout.
setAnchorUuid(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the anchor uuid of widget, the anchor allows the dropupload component to anchor to another component and overlay that component when the user drag & drops files to the browser.
setArchive(String) - Method in class
Sets the location of an archive file (URL).
setAreasMatrix(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenLayout
Sets the layout matrix to maintain server and client consistency.
setAspectRatio(double) - Method in class
Sets the ratio of the crop area.
setAttachEdge(String) - Method in class
Sets the attach edge.
setAttr(Widget, String, Object) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Sets the attribute of a widget.
setAttrs(Widget, Array) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Sets the attributes of a widget.
setAudio(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether to record sound while recording video.
setAutocheck(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the menuitem check mark will update each time the menu item is selected.
setAutoclose(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Sets whether to automatically close the list if a user is selected any item.
setAutoclose(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Sets whether to automatically close all other nav/navitem on opening nav/navitem.
setAutoCols(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets whether enables the auto adjusting cols size.
setAutocomplete(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Sets whether to automatically complete this text box by matching the nearest item (Comboitem.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class
Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets whether to disable the anchor after the user clicks it.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets whether to disable the checkbox after the user clicks it.
setAutodisable(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets whether to disable the button after the user clicks it.
setAutodrop(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Sets whether it is opened automatically when the mouse cursor is near the page edge.
setAutodrop(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Sets whether to automatically drop the list if users is changing this text box.
setAutodrop(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to automatically drop down menus if user moves mouse over it.
setAutodrop(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Sets whether to automatically drop the list if users is changing this text box.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets whether to automatically hide this component if there is only one page available.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Sets whether to automatically hide this component if a popup or dropdown is overlapped with it.
setAutopaging(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets whether turn on auto-paging facility when mold is "paging".
setAutoplay(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to auto start playing the video.
setAutoplay(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to auto start playing the audio.
setAutoplay(boolean) - Method in class
Sets wether to play the Flash movie automatically.
setAutoRows(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets whether enables the auto adjusting rows size.
setAutoscroll(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether enable overflow scrolling.
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the background color for the signature pad.
setBackgroundImage(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the background image for the signature pad.
setBackgroundIncluded(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets whether the background color and image are included while saved.
setBackSpace(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Sets the spacing with the next lineitem.
setBadgeText(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Sets the badge text of the nav
setBadgeText(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets the badge text of the navitem
setBar(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Sets whether to display a visual bar as the separator.
setBarWidth(int) - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Sets the width of single bar.
setBgcolor(String) - Method in class
Sets the background color of Flash movie.
setBorder(String) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the border (either none or normal).
setBorder(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets the border.
setBorder(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the border (either none or normal).
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Sets whether the button (on the right of the textbox) is visible.
setCharset(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Sets the character encoding of the source.
setCheckable(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
As of release 8.0.0, please use ItemWidget.setSelectable(boolean)
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether it is checked.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets whether it is checked, changing checked will set indeterminate to false.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Sets the radio is checked and unchecked the others in the same radio group (Radiogroup
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets whether it is checked.
setCheckmark(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
setCheckmark(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Sets whether the check mark shall be displayed in front of each item.
setChildren(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Appends an array of children.
setClearLabel(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the label on clear button.
setClipToFit(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether to clip video when the source size doesn't fit the tag size setting, for example: if video source is 1280 * 720, but the video tag is <video width="1000px" height="720px" />, it will cut off the sides of the video, preserving the aspect ratio, and also filling in the space.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Sets whether this panel is closable.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Sets whether it is closeable by user (a button).
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be closed.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether users can open or close the region.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this tab is closable.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Sets whether user can open or close the group box.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to show a close button on the title bar.
setClosable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether to show a close button on the title bar.
setClosePopupOnTimezoneChange(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether to auto close the datebox popup after changing the timezone.
setCmargins(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the collapsed margin functionality.
setCmargins(String) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the collapsed margins for the element "0,1,2,3" that direction is "top,left,right,bottom"
setCode(String) - Method in class
Sets the applet class to run.
setCodebase(String) - Method in class
Sets a relative base URL for applets specified in Applet.setCode(_global_.String) (URL).
setCollapse(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Sets the collapse of this button.
setCollapse(String) - Method in class
Sets the collapse of this button.
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Sets whether to collapse it.
setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the collapse functionality.
setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether set the initial display to collapse.
setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to show a toggle button on the title bar.
setColor(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Sets the color
setColor(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpalette
Sets the color
setColor(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorpicker
Sets the color
setCols(int) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the columns' size of the viewport.
setCols(int) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the cols.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablechildren
Sets the number of columns to span this header.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Sets the number of columns to span this header.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Listcell
Sets the number of columns to span this cell.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
Sets the number of columns to span this cell.
setColspan(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Sets the number of columns to span.
setColumns(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablelayout
Sets the number of columns.
setColumns(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Sets the number of columns to freeze.
setColumnsgroup(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Sets whether to enable grouping of the widget with the header context menu.
setColumnshide(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Sets whether to enable hiding of the widget with the header context menu.
setColWidth(String) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the width of the single column.
setComment(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Include
Sets whether to generate the included content inside the HTML comment.
setComplete(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Step
Sets whether this step is complete.
setConfig(Map) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Tbeditor
Sets the configuration, but notice that it can only be set in server code
setConfig(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenLayout
Sets the config for goldenlayout init.
setConsistencyBufferSize(int) - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Sets the consistency buffer size (used in 1D barcode).
setConsistencyThreshold(int) - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Sets the consistency threshold (used in 1D barcode).
setConstraint(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Sets the constraint.
setConstraint(String) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Set the date limit for this component with yyyyMMdd format, such as 20100101 is mean Jan 01 2010 Example: between 20091201 and 20091231 before 20091201 after 20091231
setConstraint(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the constraint.
setConstraint(String) - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Sets the constraint.
setConstraint(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the constraint.
setConstraints(String) - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Sets the constraints in JSON format String, if not specify constraints, it will use {video: {facingMode: 'environment'}}.
setConstraints(String) - Method in class
Sets the constraints in JSON format String, if not specify constraints, it will use {audio: this.isAudio(), video: true}.
setContent(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.ContentHandler
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
setContent(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
setContent(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the content of widget.
setContent(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Set the HTML source content.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
setContent(String) - Method in class
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags) that is shown as part of the description.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Sets the content of the script element.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Sets the content of this style tag.
setContent(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Html
Sets the embedded content (i.e., HTML tags).
setContentSclass(String) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Sets the style class used for the content block.
setContentSclass(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Sets the style class used for the content block.
setContentSclass(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the style class used for the content block.
setContentStyle(String) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Sets the CSS style for the content block of the window.
setContentStyle(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Sets the CSS style for the content block of the groupbox.
setContentStyle(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the CSS style for the content block of the window.
setContext(Popup) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
setContext(String) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user right-clicks on the element (aka., context menu).
setContinuous(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Sets the continuous scanning mechanism for barcode scanner, true is enable continue scan mechanism, false is disable the mechanism.
setControls(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to display the video controls.
setControls(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to display the audio controls.
setCoords(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Area
Sets the coords of this area.
setCounterVisible(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portalchildren
Sets whether the counter is visible.
setCreatable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets whether can create new item.
setCreateMessage(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the create message of this component.
setCrossOrigin(String) - Method in class
Sets the Cross-Origin setting of the image.
setCrossorigin(String) - Method in class
Sets the crossorigin of this video tag.
setCssflex(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets whether to use css flex in this component or not.
setCtrlKeys(String) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets what keystrokes to intercept.
setCurpos(double) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the current position of the slider.
setCurrentTime(double) - Method in class
Sets which part of video to play.
setDataXML(String) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Sets the XML string for render the chart data.
setDataXMLPath(String) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Set the url of the chart data .xml file.
setDefault(boolean) - Method in class
Sets if this track should be enabled by default.
setDefaultDateTime(Date) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the default datetime if the value is empty.
setDefaultTzone(String) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Sets default time zone that this calendar belongs to.
setDelay(int) - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Sets the delay, the number of milliseconds between successive action events.
setDescription(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Sets the description.
setDetailed(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets whether to show the detailed info, such as Paging.getTotalSize().
setDetection(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set drag detection area.
setDimBackground(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to turn whole page to be covered by translucent black except the Video, also called theater mode.
setDir(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets the direction.
setDir(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the direction.
setDir(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the direction.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Comboitem
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Optgroup
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this tab is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Rating
Sets whether this widget is disabled
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets whether it is disabled.
setDisplayedTimeZones(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets a catenation of a list of the time zones' ID, separated by comma, that will be displayed at the client and allow user to select.
setDisplayValue(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Sets the visibility of the value of barcode component.
setDomVisible_(DOMElement, boolean, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Changes the visibility of a child DOM content of this widget.
setDraggable(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the identifier of a draggable type for this widget.
setDraggable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Sets whether this panel is draggable.
setDroppable(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the identifier, or a list of identifiers of a droppable type for this widget.
setDroppable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Sets whether this panel is droppable by other panels.
setEmptyMessage(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the emptyMessage.
setEmptyMessage(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Sets the message to display when there are no items
setEmptyMessage(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Sets the message to display when there are no items
setEmptySearchMessage(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Sets the message to display when no matching results was found
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Sets the enable status of barcode scanner, true is enable the scanner function, false is disable the scanner function.
setEnclosingTag(String) - Method in class zk.Macro
Sets the tag name for this macro widget
setEnclosingTag(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Include
Sets the enclosing tag
setError(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Step
Sets whether this step is in error.
setErrorAcceptance(double) - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Sets the error acceptance (used in 1D barcode). 0 means no error allowed, 1 (100%) means no check.
setErrorboxIconSclass(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the custom style icon class name to be applied to the errorbox.
setErrorboxSclass(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the custom style class name to be applied to the errorbox.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Marks this widget's value is wrong and show the error message.
setErrorURI(Map) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the errors specified in a map.
setErrorURI(int, String) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the specified error.
setField(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the specified filed.
setFirstScale(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Linelayout
Sets the scale of space occupied by the first area.
setFixFrozenCols(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets to fix the frozen columns, if true, meaning the user cannot change the size of the frozen columns dynamically.
setFlex(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether to grow and shrink vertical/horizontal to fit their given space, so called flexibility.
setFloatable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to float the panel to display it inline where it is rendered.
setFloating_(boolean, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a status to indicate if this widget is floating.
setFloatZIndex_(DOMElement, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the z-index for a floating widget.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Sets the fontSize of barcode.
setFormat(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Sets the time format
setFormat(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the date format.
setFormat(String) - Method in class zul.inp.FormatWidget
Sets the format.
setFrontSpace(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Sets the spacing with the previous lineitem.
setFrozenCols(int) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the size of the frozen columns.
setH(int) - Method in class
Sets the height of the crop area in pixel.
setHeight(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the height of this widget.
setHeight(String) - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Sets height of the barcode component.
setHeight(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
setHeight(String) - Method in class zul.layout.East
The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
setHeight(String) - Method in class zul.layout.West
The height can't be specified in this component because its height is determined by other region components (North or South).
setHeight(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panelchildren
This method is unsupported.
setHeights(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Sets the heights.
setHex(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
verify the format of color string, and sets the color
setHflex(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets horizontal flexibility hint of this widget.
setHost(String, String, Array) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Defines the URL of the host for serving the specified packages.
setHover(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Sets the image URI.
setHoverImage(String) - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Sets the image URI.
setHref(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets the href.
setHref(String) - Method in class
Sets the href.
setHref(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets the href.
setHref(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the href.
setHref(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the href.
setHspace(String) - Method in class
Sets the horizontal spacing around an applet.
setHspace(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setHSV(int, int, int) - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Stes the color hsv
setIconSclass(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Step
Sets the icon font
setIconSclass(String) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Sets the iconSclass name of this ComboWidget.
setIconSclass(String) - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Sets the icon font
setIconSclass(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Rating
Sets the iconSclass.
setId(String) - Method in class zk.Desktop
This method is voided (does nothing) since the desktop's ID can be changed.
setId(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the identifier of this widget.
setImage(String) - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Sets the image URI.
setImage(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Listitem
Sets the image of the Listcell it contains.
setImage(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Sets the image of the Treecell it contains.
setIndeterminate(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Set whether checkbox is in indeterminate state.
setIndeterminate(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Progressmeter
Sets the indeterminate state of the progress meter.
setInnerWidth(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the inner width of this component.
setInplace(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Set whether to display Chosenbox's selection as a comma separate label, under inplace="true", when user clicks the label, it turns into a chosenbox.
setInplace(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets to enable the inplace-editing function that the look and feel is like a label.
setInputAttributes(Map) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets some additional attributes to the input html tag in the component.
setInsertedText(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Inserts the text at the current cursor position.
setInstant(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets whether to send onChange event as soon as user types in the input.
setInstantSelect(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
Sets the instantSelect attribute.
setInterval(int) - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
Sets the scan rate of barcode scanner, only it works when the continuous is true.
setItemHeight(int) - Method in class
Sets the item height of Fisheye.
setItemMaxHeight(int) - Method in class
Sets the item maximal height of Fisheye.
setItemMaxWidth(int) - Method in class
Sets the item maximal width of Fisheye.
setItemPadding(int) - Method in class
Sets the item padding of Fisheye.
setItems(Object[]) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Set the items.
setItemWidth(int) - Method in class
Sets the item width of Fisheye.
setKind(String) - Method in class
Set what kind of track it is.
setLabel(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Sets the displayed selected items text.
setLabel(String) - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Sets the label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class
Sets a readable description of this track.
setLabel(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Listitem
Sets the label of the Listcell it contains.
setLabel(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Sets the label of the Treecell it contains.
setLabelEdge(String) - Method in class
Sets the label edge.
setLastScale(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Linelayout
Sets the scale of space occupied by the last area.
setLeft(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the left of this widget.
setLengthLimit(int) - Method in class
Set the maximum record length limit, unit is "seconds".
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether or not date/time parsing is to be lenient.
setLinear(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Stepbar
Sets whether the steps in this stepbar are displayed by order.
setLineStyle(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Linelayout
Sets the CSS style for the line.
setListener(String, Function) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a listener It is designed to be called from server.
setListener(Array) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets a listener that can be unlistened easily.
setListeners(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the listener a map of listeners.
setLoaded(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Component developer use only.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to play the video repeatedly.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to play the audio repeatedly.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the Flash movie plays repeatly
setMargins(String) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets margins for the element "0,1,2,3" that direction is "top,left,right,bottom"
setMarks(String) - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Sets the marks information for displaying value marks.
setMask(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Sets whether it is masked when opened.
setMax(int) - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Sets the maximum value of the rangeslider.
setMax(int) - Method in class zkmax.slider.Multislider
Sets the maximum value of the multislider.
setMax(double) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint
Set the maximum value.
setMax(int) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleSpinnerConstraint
Set the maximum value.
setMaxFileCount(int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the maximum number of files user can upload at once, when number of upload files exceed the maxFileCount, nothing will be uploaded and onMaxFileCountExceed event will be triggered, developer can listen to onMaxFileCountExceed and get the number of upload files by calling event.getData().
setMaxHeight(int) - Method in class
Sets the maximum height of the crop area.
setMaximalHeight(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to use maximum height of all tabpanel in initial phase or not.
setMaximizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize the panel, when a panel is maximized, the button will automatically change to a restore button with the appropriate behavior already built-in that will restore the panel to its previous size.
setMaximizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize the window, when a window is maximized, the button will automatically change to a restore button with the appropriate behavior already built-in that will restore the window to its previous size.
setMaximized(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether the panel is maximized, and then the size of the panel will depend on it to show a appropriate size.
setMaximized(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether the window is maximized, and then the size of the window will depend on it to show a appropriate size.
setMaximizedMode(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Sets the mode of the panel to maximize according to "whole" or "column".
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the maxlength.
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Sets the maximal length of each item's label.
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets the maximal length of each item's label.
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Treecol
Sets the maximal length of each item's label.
setMaxlength(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Sets the maximal length of the label.
setMaxpos(double) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the maximum position of the slider.
setMaxsize(int) - Method in class
Set the max size of upload video and snapshot, unit is "KB".
setMaxsize(int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the max size of upload file, unit is "KB".
setMaxsize(int) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the maxsize.
setMaxsize(int) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the maximum size of the resizing element.
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class
Sets the maximum width of the crop area.
setMayscript(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the applet is allowed to access the scripting object.
setMedia(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Sets the media dependencies for this style sheet.
setMenupopup(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Sets the ID of the menupopup (Menupopup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element of each column.
setMin(int) - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Sets the minimum value of the rangeslider.
setMin(Date) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Sets the minimum time of options
setMin(int) - Method in class zkmax.slider.Multislider
Sets the minimum value of the multislider.
setMin(double) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint
Set the minimum value.
setMin(int) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleSpinnerConstraint
Set the minimum value.
setMinHeight(int) - Method in class
Sets the minimum height of the crop area.
setMinheight(int) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets the minimum height in pixels allowed for this panel.
setMinheight(int) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the minimum height in pixels allowed for this window.
setMinHeights(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Sets the minimum heights.
setMinimizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize the panel.
setMinimizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize the window.
setMinimized(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether the panel is minimized.
setMinimized(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether the window is minimized.
setMinpos(double) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the minimum position of the slider.
setMinsize(int) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the minsize.
setMinsize(int) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the minimum size of the resizing element.
setMinWidth(int) - Method in class
Sets the minimum width of the crop area.
setMinwidth(int) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets the minimum width in pixels allowed for this panel.
setMinwidth(int) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the minimum width in pixels allowed for this window.
setMinWidths(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Sets the minimum widths.
setMode(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the mode to integer or decimal.
setMode(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the mode.
setMode(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the mode to overlapped, popup, modal, embedded or highlighted.
setModel(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Organigram
Sets whether the Organigram is using model to render data.
setModel(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets whether the widget is in model mode.
setMold(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets this widget's mold.
setMovable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether to move the panel to display it inline where it is rendered.
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets whether it is multiline.
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Sets whether to preserve the new line and the white spaces at the begining of each line.
setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Sets whether multiple selections are allowed.
setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets whether multiple selections are allowed.
setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Sets whether multiple selections are allowed.
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to mute the video.
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to mute the audio.
setName(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the name of the input of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Anchornav
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
Sets the frame name.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets the name of this component.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Sets the name of this group of radio buttons.
setName(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Sets the name of this component.
setNative() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Since 8.6.2. Please use server-side API instead.
setNoResultsText(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the no-result text of this component.
setNowrap(boolean) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Sets the nowrap.
setOddRowSclass(String) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the style class for the odd rows.
setOddRowSclass(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Grid
Sets the style class for the odd rows.
setOddRowSclass(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Sets the style class for the odd rows.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkex.grid.Detail
Sets whether the detail is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkex.grid.Group
Sets whether this container is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkex.sel.Listgroup
Sets whether this container is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Drops down or closes the list of items.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the drop down list open status, and open/close drop down list as need.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Drops down or closes the list of items.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Sets whether this container is open.
setOpen(boolean, Offset) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Opens or collapses the splitter.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Nav
Sets the open.
setOpen(boolean, Offset) - Method in class
Opens or collapses the splitter.
setOpen() - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Drops down or closes the calendar to select a date.
setOpen(boolean, Map) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Drops down or closes the list of combo items (Comboitem.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be closed.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Opens or collapses the splitter.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Optgroup
Sets whether this container is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Treeitem
Sets whether this container is open.
setOpen(boolean, Map) - Method in class zul.wgt.Combobutton
Drops down or closes the child popup (Popup) (Menupopup, and fire onOpen if it is called with an Event.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Opens or closes this groupbox.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Opens or closes this Panel.
setOpposite(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Sets whether the first child is displayed in the first area(left/top).
setOrient(String) - Method in class
Sets the orientation of Fisheye.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Set the chart orientation.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Set the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Linelayout
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Scrollview
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Sets the orient.
setOrient(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the orient.
setOverflowPopup(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Set whether toolbar has a button that shows a popup which contains those content weren't able to fit in the toolbar.
setOverflowPopupIconSclass(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbar
Sets the overflow sclass name of overflow popup icon of this toolbar.
setPack(String) - Method in class
Sets the alignment of cells of this box (start, center, end) plus an stretch option.
setPageCount(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the number of pages.
setPageIncrement(double) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the amount that the value of Slider.getCurpos() changes by when the tray of the scroll bar is clicked.
setPageIncrement(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the number of page anchors shall appear at the client.
setPageSize(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
setPageSize(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
setPaginal(Paging) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the external Paging widget.
setPagingPosition(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets how to position the paging of the widget at the client screen.
setPanel(Panel, int, int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portallayout
Sets the specified panel via the position(col and row).
setPanelSpacing(String) - Method in class
Sets the spacing between Tabpanel.
setParam(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the param.
setParams(Map) - Method in class
Sets the params map.
setPartialUpdateListContentData() - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Internal use only, for partial update listContent.
setPenColor(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the pen color of the signature pad.
setPenSize(int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the pen size of the signature pad.
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Sets the placeholder text that is displayed when selected item is empty.
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Sets the placeholder text that is displayed when selected item is empty.
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the placeholder text that is displayed when input is empty.
setPlaybackRate(double) - Method in class
Sets the video play speed, type of value is in double, valid value is depending on browser.
setPlaying(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the video is playing.
setPlaysinline(String) - Method in class
Sets the playsinline of this video tag.
setPointIconSclass(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Sets the iconSclass name of the point.
setPointImageSrc(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Sets the source URI of the point image.
setPointStyle(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Sets the pointStyle.
setPointVisible(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Lineitem
Sets whether the point is visible.
setPopup(Popup) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
setPopup(String) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should appear when the user clicks on the element.
setPopupWidth(String) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Sets the width of the popup of this component If the input is a percentage, the popup width will be calculated by multiplying the width of this component with the percentage.
setPosition(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Coachmark
Sets the position of this coachmark.
setPosition(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Sets the position of this drawer.
setPosition(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets how to position the window at the client screen.
setPositionFixed(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Anchornav
Set whether to enable position fix when out of current viewport.
setPoster(String) - Method in class
Sets whether to display a poster before the video play.
setPre(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Sets whether to preserve the white spaces, such as space, tab and new line.
setPrecision(int) - Method in class zk.BigDecimal
Sets the precision
setPreload(String) - Method in class
Sets whether and how the video should be loaded, which could be one of "none", "metadata", "auto".
setPreload(String) - Method in class
Sets whether and how the audio should be loaded.
setPreviewRecord(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether the preview screen is on.
setPushErrorURI(Map) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the server-push related errors specified in a map.
setPushErrorURI(int, String) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Sets the URI for the server-push related error.
setQuality(String) - Method in class
Sets the quality of the Flash movie.
setRadiogroup(Radiogroup) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Sets Radiogroup that this radio button belongs to.
setRating(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Rating
Sets the rating.
setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets whether it is readonly.
setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Rating
Sets whether this widget is readonly
setRecordFormat(String) - Method in class
Set the record video format, e.g., video/webm, video/mp4, video/ogg.
setRecording(boolean) - Method in class
setRecording(true) means start or resume recording.
setRecoverId(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Set the recover ID.
setRenderdefer(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the number of milliseconds before rendering this component at the client.
setRepeats(boolean) - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Sets whether the timer shall send Event repeatly.
setRepos() - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
For internal use only.
setRepos() - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
For internal use only.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Sets the resizable.
setRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class zkex.inp.Color
Sets the color into the color value of this widget in rgb integer
setRotation(int) - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Sets the rotation angle.
setRounding(int) - Method in class zul.inp.NumberInputWidget
Sets the rounding mode.
setRowHeight(String) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the height of the single row.
setRows(int) - Method in class zkmax.big.Biglistbox
Sets the rows' size of the viewport.
setRows(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets the rows.
setRows(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets the rows.
setRows(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Sets the rows.
setRowspan(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Tablechildren
Sets the number of rows to span this header.
setRowspan(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Auxheader
Sets the number of rows to span this header.
setRowspan(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Sets the number of rows to span.
setRunning(boolean) - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Start or stops the timer.
setSaveLabel(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the label on save button.
setSaveType(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the MIME type for saving signature image.
setScale(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Decimalbox
Sets the precision scale.
setSclass(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the CSS class of this widget.
setScriptLoaded(String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Notify ZK that the name of the JavaScript file is loaded.
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to enable the menubar scrolling
setScrolling(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Iframe
as of release 7.0.0, use CSS instead.
setScrollLeft(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the scroll left of the associated DOM element of this widget.
setScrollTop(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the scroll top of the associated DOM element of this widget.
setSearchMessage(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Searchbox
Sets the placeholder message of the search text field.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Sets whether it is selectable.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Sets whether it is selectable.
setSelectAll(boolean, Event) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Selects all items.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Orgitem
Sets whether this item is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets whether it is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Sets whether it is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Sets whether it is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this tab is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radio
Sets whether it is selected.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Selects the item with the given index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Cardlayout
Assign the index of widget will be shown.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the item with the given index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the item with the given index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class
Sets the selected index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Deselects all of the currently selected radio button and selects the radio button with the given index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Selectbox
Selects the item with the given index.
setSelectedItem(Orgitem) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Organigram
Deselects previous selected item and selects the given item.
setSelectedItem(Navitem) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navbar
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
setSelectedItem(ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Deselects all of the currently selected items and selects the given item.
setSelectedItem(Radio) - Method in class zul.wgt.Radiogroup
Deselects all of the currently selected radio buttons and selects the given radio button.
setSelectedItemUuid_() - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
For internal use only
setSelectedPanel(Tabpanel) - Method in class
Sets the selected tab panel.
setSelectedTab(Tab) - Method in class
Sets the selected tab.
setSelectedUuids(String[]) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Cascader
Selects the items with the given uuids.
setSelectionRange(int, int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Sets the selection range of the specified input-type element.
setSelectLevel(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the level that a user can select.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the separate chars of this component.
setShadow(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether to show the shadow of an overlapped/popup/modal window.
setShape(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Area
Sets the shape of this area.
setShowTodayLink(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Sets whether enable to show the link that jump to today in day view
setShowTodayLink(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether enable to show the link that jump to today in day view
setSizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.HeadWidget
Sets whether the width of the child column is sizable.
setSizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets whether the panel is sizable.
setSizable(boolean) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets whether the window is sizable.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
The size can't be specified in this component.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.East
Sets the size of this region.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.North
Sets the size of this region.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.South
Sets the size of this region.
setSize(String) - Method in class zul.layout.West
Sets the size of this region.
setSizedByContent(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether sizing the cell's size by its content.
setSizedByContent(boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets whether sizing the widget column width by its content.
setSlidable(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be slided.
setSlidable(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether users can slide (preview) the region when clicked on a collapsed region.
setSlide(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be slided.
setSlide(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Slides down or up the region.
setSlidingtext(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the sliding text.
setSnapshotFormat(String) - Method in class
Set the snapshot image format, e.g., image/png, image/jpeg.
setSort(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sets the type of the sorter.
setSortAscending(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sets the ascending sorter with "client", "auto", or null for no sorter for the ascending order.
setSortDescending(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sets the descending sorter with "client", "auto", or null for no sorter for the descending order.
setSortDirection(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sets the sort direction.
setSpacing(String) - Method in class
Sets the spacing between adjacent children.
setSpacing(String) - Method in class
Sets the spacing between adjacent children.
setSpacing(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Separator
Sets the spacing.
setSpan(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Sets the number of columns to span this footer.
setSpan(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Sets column span hint of this mesh widget.
setSpans(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Sets the spans, which is a list of numbers separated by comma.
setSplittable(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
Center region can't be enabled the split functionality.
setSplittable(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets whether enable the split functionality.
setSrc(String) - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Sets the source URI of the PDF file.
setSrc(String) - Method in class
Sets the source URI of the image.
setSrc(String) - Method in class
Sets the video source.
setSrc(String) - Method in class
Sets the src.
setSrc(String) - Method in class
Sets the source path of Flash movie and redraw the component
setSrc(String) - Method in class
Sets the source address of this track.
setSrc(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Script
Sets the URI of the source that contains the script codes.
setSrc(String) - Method in class zul.utl.Style
Sets the URI of an external style sheet.
setSrc(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
Sets the source URI of the image.
setSrclang(String) - Method in class
Sets the language of the source.
setStart(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Sets the start position of the scrollbar.
setStep(int) - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Sets the step of rangeslider Default: 1
setStep(double) - Method in class zul.inp.Doublespinner
Set the step of dobule spinner
setStep(double) - Method in class zul.inp.Slider
Sets the step of slider Default: -1 (means it will scroll to the position the user clicks).
setStep(int) - Method in class zul.inp.Spinner
Set the step of spinner
setStrictDate(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether or not date/time should be strict.
setStyle(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the CSS style of this widget.
setStyles() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
As of release 5.0.2, use jq.css(map) instead
setSubmitByEnter(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets whether it is submitByEnter.
setSuppressedErrors(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the suppressed errors setting.
setTabbable(boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets whether TAB is allowed.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Chosenbox
Sets the tab order of the input of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabindex(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets the tab order of this component.
setTabscroll(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to eable the tab scrolling
setTarget(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Coachmark
Sets the target component id of this coachmark.
setTarget(String) - Method in class zkmax.nav.Navitem
Sets the target frame or window.
setTarget(String) - Method in class
Sets the target frame or window.
setTarget(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.A
Sets the target frame or window.
setTarget(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the target frame or window.
setTarget(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the target frame or window.
setText(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the text representing the value in the given format.
setThreeD(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Set true to show three dimensional graph (If a type of chart got no 3d peer, this is ignored).
setTimeZone(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
Sets the time zone ID that this timepicker belongs to.
setTimezone(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Timepicker
setTimeZone(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the time zone that this date box belongs to.
setTimeZone(String) - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Sets the time zone ID that this time box belongs to.
setTimezone(String) - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
setTimeZonesReadonly(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether the list of the time zones to display is readonly.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.GoldenPanel
Sets the title of this panel.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Portalchildren
Sets the title of this portalchildren.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Drawer
Sets the title of this drawer.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Step
Sets the title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zul.layout.LayoutRegion
Sets the title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Groupbox
Sets the title of the groupbox.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panel
Sets the title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Window
Sets the title.
setTodayLinkLabel(String) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Sets the label of the link that jump to today in day view
setTodayLinkLabel(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the label of the link that jump to today in day view
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the toolbar is visible.
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the visibility of the toolbar for signature pad.
setTooltip(Popup) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class zul.Widget
Sets the ID of the popup (Popup) that should be used as a tooltip window when the mouse hovers over the element for a moment.
setTooltiptext(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the tooltip text of this widget.
setTooltipVisible(boolean) - Method in class zkex.slider.Rangeslider
Sets whether it is tooltipVisible.
setTop(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the top of this widget.
setTopmost() - Method in class zk.Widget
Makes this widget as topmost.
setTotalSize(int) - Method in class zul.mesh.Paging
Sets the total number of items.
setType(String) - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Sets the encode and decode type of this component.
setType(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.barscanner.Barcodescanner
A string which is a combination of types separated by commas.
setType(String) - Method in class zkmax.fusionchartz.Fusionchart
Set the chart's type (Chart.PIE, Chart.BAR, Chart.LINE, etc.).
setType(String) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Sets the type.
setType(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Textbox
Sets the type.
setType(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the button type.
setUndoLabel(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Sets the label on undo button.
setUnformater(String) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets the unformater function.
setUnformater(String) - Method in class zul.db.Timebox
Sets the unformater function.
setUpload(String) - Method in class
Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
setUpload(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Button
Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
setUpload(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Toolbarbutton
Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this button is used for file upload.
setValign(String) - Method in class
Sets the vertical-align to top or bottom.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.grid.Row
Sets the vertical alignment of the whole row.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.FooterWidget
Sets the vertical alignment of this footer.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Sets the vertical alignment of this grid.
setValign(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Cell
Sets the vertical alignment of this grid.
setValue(String) - Method in class zkex.inp.Colorbox
Sets the value of color
setValue(String) - Method in class zkmax.barcode.Barcode
Sets the value that will be encoded to the barcode image.
setValue(String) - Method in class zkmax.inp.Tbeditor
Sets the editor's content, and one can specify html tags to decorate the content
setValue(Date) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Assigns a value to this component.
setValue(Object, boolean) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Sets the value in the String format(assumes no locale issue).
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.sel.ItemWidget
Sets the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.sel.Option
Sets the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Checkbox
Sets the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Label
Sets the value.
setValue(int) - Method in class zul.wgt.Progressmeter
Sets the current value of the progress meter.
setValues(int[]) - Method in class zkex.slider.Sliderbuttons
Sets the values of this sliderbuttons.
setVersion(String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Sets the version of the specified package.
setVersion(String) - Method in class
Sets the expected version of the Flash player.
setVertical(boolean) - Method in class zul.wgt.Inputgroup
Sets whether it is a vertical orientation.
setVflex(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets vertical flexibility hint of this widget.
setViewerClass(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Dropupload
Set the custom upload viewer class name, if was not specified, will use ZK default upload viewer.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets whether this widget is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
This component can't be hidden.
setVolume(double) - Method in class
Sets the volume of video.
setVspace(String) - Method in class
Sets the vertical spacing around an applet.
setVspace(String) - Method in class zul.wgt.Image
as of release 6.0.0, use CSS instead.
setVueData(String) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Fragment
Set the JSON data for synchronizing data with server.
setW(int) - Method in class
Sets the width of the crop area in pixel.
setWeekOfYear(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Calendar
Sets whether enable to show the week number within the current year or not.
setWeekOfYear(boolean) - Method in class zul.db.Datebox
Sets whether enable to show the week number in the current calendar or not.
setWidth(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the width of this widget.
setWidth(String) - Method in class zul.layout.Center
The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).
setWidth(String) - Method in class zul.layout.North
The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).
setWidth(String) - Method in class zul.layout.South
The width can't be specified in this component because its width is determined by other region components (West or East).
setWidth() - Method in class zul.sel.Treecell
The width can't be specified in this component.
setWidth(String) - Method in class zul.wnd.Panelchildren
This method is unsupported.
setWidths(String) - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Sets the widths.
setWmode(String) - Method in class
Sets the Window Mode property of the Flash movie for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser.
setWrappedLabels(boolean) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Stepbar
Sets whether the labels in children steps is wrapped.
setX(int) - Method in class
Sets the left related position of the crop area.
setX(int) - Method in class zul.layout.Absolutechildren
Sets current "x" position within parent container component.
setY(int) - Method in class
Sets the top related position of the crop area.
setY(int) - Method in class zul.layout.Absolutechildren
Sets current "y" position within parent container component.
setZclass(String) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the ZK Cascading Style class(es) for this widget.
setZIndex(int, Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Sets the Z index.
setZoom(double) - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Sets the zoom level.
Shadow - Class in zk.eff
The shadow effect.
shallCheckBorder(Window) - Static method in class zul.wnd.WindowRenderer
Returns whether to check the border's height.
shallChildROD_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns whether a new child shall be ROD.
shallFireSizedLaterWhenAddChd_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Returns whether a widget should fireSized later when addChd was invoked Default: false.
shallIgnoreClick_(Event) - Method in class zk.Widget
Check whether to ignore the click which might be caused by Widget.doClick_(zk.Event) Widget.doRightClick_(zk.Event), or Widget.doDoubleClick_(zk.Event).
shallIgnoreESC() - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Returns whether to ignore the ESC keystroke.
shallIgnoreSelect_(Event, ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.SelectWidget
Returns whether to ignore the selection.
shallIgnoreSelect_(Event, ItemWidget) - Method in class zul.sel.Tree
Returns whether to ignore the selection.
shallStackup_() - Method in class zul.wgt.Popup
Returns whether to instantiate a stackup when, _global_.Offset, _global_.String, _global_.Map) is called.
shallUpdate_(Widget) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Returns shall be update or not
SHIFT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
show() - Method in class _global_.jq
Shows all matched elements from the DOM.
show() - Method in class zk.Widget
Makes this widget visible.
show(String, Map) - Static method in class zkmax.wgt.Toast
Shows a toast.
show() - Method in class zul.inp.Errorbox
Opens the popup.
show() - Static method in class zul.wgt.Notification
Shows a notification.
showBusy(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows the busy message covering the whole browser window.
showBusy(String, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows the busy message covering the specified widget.
showError(String, String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Called to shown an error if a severe error occurs.
showError_(String) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Create a Errorbox widget, and show the error message
showNotification(String, String, String, String, String, Offset, int, boolean) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows a notification popup.
Signature - Class in zkmax.wgt
A signature pad for user to sign a signature on it with save, undo, clear method.
SimpleConstraint - Class in zul.inp
The default constraint supporting no empty, regular expressions and so on.
SimpleDateConstraint - Class in zul.inp
A simple date constraint.
SimpleDoubleSpinnerConstraint - Class in zul.inp
A simple double spinner constraint.
SimpleLocalTimeConstraint - Class in zul.inp
A simple time constraint.
SimpleSpinnerConstraint - Class in zul.inp
A simple spinner constraint.
SINGLECANDIDATE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Size - Class in _global_
A size is a two-element array, where the first element is the width, and the second the height.
skip(Widget, String) - Method in class zk.Skipper
Skips all or subset of the descendant (child) widgets of the specified widget.
skipped(Widget, Widget) - Method in class zk.Skipper
Returns whether the specified child widget will be skipped by Skipper.skip(zk.Widget, _global_.String).
Skipper - Class in zk
A skipper is an object working with Widget.rerender(int) to rerender portion(s) of a widget (rather than the whole widget).
slideDown(Widget, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Slides down (show) of the matched DOM element(s).
slideDown(DOMElement, Map) - Static method in class zk.eff.Actions
Slides down to display this widget.
slideDown_(DOMElement) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Slides down the drop-down list.
slideIn(Widget, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Slides in (show) of the matched DOM element(s).
slideIn(DOMElement, Map) - Static method in class zk.eff.Actions
Slides in to display this widget.
slideOut(Widget, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Slides out (hide) of the matched DOM element(s).
slideOut(DOMElement, Map) - Static method in class zk.eff.Actions
Slides out to hide this widget.
Slider - Class in zul.inp
A slider.
Sliderbuttons - Class in zkex.slider
A Sliderbuttons.
slideUp(Widget, Map) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Slides up (hide) of the matched DOM element(s).
slideUp(DOMElement, Map) - Static method in class zk.eff.Actions
Slides up to hide this widget.
slideUp_(DOMElement) - Method in class zul.inp.ComboWidget
Slides up the drop-down list.
smartUpdate(String, Object, int) - Method in class zk.Widget
Smart-updates a property of the peer component associated with this widget, running at the server, with the specified value.
snap_(Offset) - Method in class zk.Draggable
Snaps the dragging position.
snapshot() - Method in class
Take a snapshot.
SOFT1 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
SOFT2 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
SOFT3 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
SOFT4 - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
sort(String, Event) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
Sorts the data.
sorting(Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class zul.mesh.SortWidget
The default implementation to compare the data.
SortWidget - Class in zul.mesh
A skeletal implementation for a sortable widget.
SOUTH - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The south layout constraint (bottom of container).
South - Class in zul.layout
A south region of a border layout.
SPACE - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Space - Class in zul.wgt
Space is a Separator with the orient default to "vertical".
spaceless - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether is always the same as Widget.uuid.
Span - Class in zul.wgt
The same as HTML SPAN tag.
SPELLCHECK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Spinner - Class in zul.inp
An edit box for holding a constrained integer.
Splitlayout - Class in zkmax.layout
A layout container which is used to divide a component into two components.
Splitter - Class in
An element which should appear before or after an element inside a box (Box).
stamp() - Static method in class _global_.zk
Logs the information of all stamps made by zk.stamp(String, boolean).
stamp(String, boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Make a time stamp for this momemt; used for performance tuning.
STANDBY - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
start() - Method in class
Start recording.
start() - Static method in class zkmax.wgt.Loadingbar
Start a Loadingbar.
start(Object) - Static method in class zul.Upload
Starts the uploader to upload a file.
start() - Method in class zul.Uploader
Starts the uploader to upload
startProcessing(int) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Set a flag, zk.processing, to indicate that it starts a processing.
startsWith(String) - Method in class _global_.String
Returns whether this string starts with the specified prefix.
stateless(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class _global_.zk
Declares the desktop is used for the stateless context.
Step - Class in zkmax.wgt
A step.
Stepbar - Class in zkmax.wgt
A stepbar.
stop() - Method in class jq.Event
Stops the event propagation.
stop(Event) - Static method in class jq.Event
Stops the event propagation of the specified event.
stop(Map) - Method in class zk.Event
Stop the event propagation.
stop() - Method in class
Stop recording.
stop() - Method in class
Stops the audio at the client.
stop() - Method in class zul.utl.Timer
Stops the timer.
stopped - Variable in class zk.Event
Indicates whether the event propagation is stopped.
stopStreaming() - Method in class
Stop getting media stream from user's camera and microphone.
String - Class in _global_
A string.
stringToInts(String, int) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Converts a string separated by comma to an array of integers.
stripe() - Method in class zul.grid.Rows
Stripes the class for each row.
stripe() - Method in class zul.sel.Listbox
Stripes the class for each item.
Style - Class in zul.utl
The style component used to specify CSS styles for the owner desktop.
submit() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Submit the selected form.
submit(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Submit a form.
Submit - Class in zul.fud
A Submit Button.
SUBTRACT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
sumStyles(String, Array) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the summation of the specified styles.
SUPER - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Swipe - Class in zk
A swipe object used to make a DOM element swipe-able.
SYMBOL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
SYMBOLLOCK - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
sync(int) - Static method in class zk.Desktop
Checks if any desktop becomes invalid, and removes the invalid desktops.
sync() - Method in class zk.eff.FullMask
Synchronizes the visual states of the full mask with the specified element and the browser window.
sync() - Method in class zk.eff.Mask
Synchronizes the visual states of the mask with the specified element and the browser window.
sync() - Method in class zul.Upload
Synchronizes the visual states of the element with fileupload
syncAllErrorbox() - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Ask the client to sync all the errorboxes and its reference widget position on the desktop.
syncAttr() - Method in class
Synchronize the zk attributes
syncColMenu() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup
Synchronizes the menu
syncColMenu() - Method in class zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget
Synchronizes the menu of this widget.
syncErrorbox(Widget) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Ask the client to sync a target widget and its errorbox position.
syncScroll() - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Synchronizes the scrollbar according to Frozen.getStart().
syncScrollByParentBody() - Method in class zul.mesh.Frozen
Synchronizes the scrollbar according to parent ebody scrollleft.
syncSize() - Method in class zkmax.layout.Splitlayout
Synchronizes the size immediately.
syncSize() - Method in class
Synchronizes the size immediately.
syncSize() - Method in class zul.mesh.MeshWidget
Synchronizes the size immediately.
syncSize() - Method in class
Synchronizes the size immediately.
syncSize(Map) - Method in class zul.WScroll
Syncs the scrolling area and control bar size.


TAB - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
Tab - Class in
A tab.
Tabbox - Class in
A tabbox.
Tablechildren - Class in zkmax.layout
The cell of Tablelayout.
Tablelayout - Class in zkmax.layout
Tablelayout lay outs a container as an HTML table whose columns can be specified, and rowspan and colspan of its child can also be specified to create complex layouts within the table.
tabletUIEnabled - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether to enable the tablet UI.
Tabpanel - Class in
A tab panel.
Tabpanels - Class in
A collection of tab panels.
TabRenderer - Class in
The renderer used to render a Tab.
Tabs - Class in
A collection of tabs (Tab).
target - Variable in class zk.Event
The target widget (readonly).
Tbeditor - Class in zkmax.inp
A component which is similar to ckeditor but is lightweight and efficient.
textAttrs_() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Attributes for the text control.
Textbox - Class in zul.inp
A textbox.
textSize(String) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Use jqzk.textWidth(_global_.String) instead for better performance.
textWidth(String) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the width of the text if it is placed inside the first matched element.
throttle(Function, int) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Creates and returns a new, throttled version of the passed function, that, when invoked repeatedly, will only actually call the original function at most once per every wait milliseconds.
Timebox - Class in zul.db
An input box for holding a time (a Date Object, but only Hour & Minute are used.
Timepicker - Class in zkmax.inp
An input box for holding a time (a Date Object, but only HOUR and MINUTE are used).
Timer - Class in zul.utl
Fires one or more timer after a specified delay.
tipDelay - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The delay before showing a tooltip (unit: milliseconds).
title(String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Changes the brower window's titile.
titleHTML(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Generates the title of the content HTML.
titleOfWeekOfYear(Calendar) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Generates the title of the week of year.
Toast - Class in zkmax.wgt
A toast widget.
today(String) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns today.
today(boolean) - Static method in class _global_.zUtl
Returns today.
todayView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the today link for this calendar
toggleFullscreen() - Method in class zkex.pdfviewer.Pdfviewer
Toggles full-screen mode.
toggleItemSelection(Option) - Method in class zul.sel.Select
If the specified item is selected, it is deselected.
toggleLight(boolean) - Method in class
Toggle the theater mode by add or remove Class.
toJSON(Object, Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
Encodes a JavaScript object to a JSON string.
Toolbar - Class in zul.wgt
A toolbar.
Toolbarbutton - Class in zul.wgt
A toolbar button.
top - Variable in class _global_.Dimension
The top coordinate.
toStyleOffset(int, int) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Converts an offset (x,y) from absolute coordination to the element's style coordination, such that you can assign them to the style (
touchEnabled - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether to apply touch mode.
Track - Class in
A representation of <track>.
Tree - Class in zul.sel
A container which can be used to hold a tabular or hierarchical set of rows of elements.
Treecell - Class in zul.sel
A treecell.
Treechildren - Class in zul.sel
A treechildren.
Treecol - Class in zul.sel
A treecol.
Treecols - Class in zul.sel
A treecols.
Treefoot - Class in zul.sel
A row of Treefooter.
Treefooter - Class in zul.sel
A column of the footer of a tree (Tree).
Treeitem - Class in zul.sel
A treeitem.
TreeItemIter - Class in zul.sel
Tree item iterator.
Treerow - Class in zul.sel
A treerow.
trim() - Method in class _global_.String
Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.


unAfter(String, Function) - Method in class zk.Service
Unregisters a callback after some command executed.
unAfter(String, Function) - Method in class zkbind.Binder
Unregisters a callback after some command executed.
unbind(Skipper, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbinds this widget.
unbind_(Skipper, Array, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Callback when a widget is unbound (aka., detached) from the DOM tree.
unbindChildren_(Skipper, Array, boolean) - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbinds the children of this widget.
unbindDoubleTap_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbind double click event to the widget on tablet device.
unbindSwipe_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbind swipe event to the widget on tablet device.
unbindTapHold_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Unbind right click event to the widget on tablet device.
uncloneDrag_(Draggable) - Method in class zk.Widget
Undo the visual effect created by Widget.cloneDrag_(zk.Draggable, _global_.Offset).
UNDO - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
undo() - Method in class zkmax.wgt.Signature
Undo the signature.
undoVParent() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Undoes the creation of a virtual parent of the first matched element.
unError() - Static method in class _global_.zAu
Unregister a listener for handling errors.
UNIDENTIFIED - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
unlisten(Map) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Removes watch listener(s).
unlisten(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Removes a listener from the specified event.
unlistenAll(String) - Static method in class _global_.zWatch
Removes all listener of the specified watch.
unlistenOnFitSize_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Unlistens to onFitSize event.
unloading - Static variable in class _global_.zk
Indicates whether the browser is unloading this document.
unSyncScroll(Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
To unregister one object for the doSyncScroll invocation.
unzsync(Object) - Static method in class _global_.jq
To unregister one object for the zsync invocation.
update(int, int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadViewer
Updates the status of the file being uploaded.
update(int, int) - Method in class zul.Uploader
Updates the status of the file being uploaded.
update(int, int) - Method in class zul.UploadViewer
Updates the status of the file being uploaded.
updateCells_() - Method in class zul.sel.Listheader
Updates the cells according to the listheader
updateChange_() - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Updates the change to server by firing onChange if necessary.
updateDomClass_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Updates the DOM element's CSS class.
updateDomContent_() - Method in class zul.LabelImageWidget
Updates the DOM tree for the modified label and image.
updateDomStyle_() - Method in class zk.Widget
Updates the DOM element's style.
updateFile(DropUploader, int, int) - Method in class zkmax.wgt.DropUploadManager
Updates the status of the file item.
updateFile(Uploader, int, int) - Method in class zul.UploadManager
Updates the status of the file item.
updateMesh_(String, Object) - Method in class zul.mesh.HeaderWidget
Updates the whole mesh widget.
updateSelectionDirectly() - Method in class zul.sel.Select
Internal used only
upload(String, File) - Method in class zkbind.Binder
Post a upload command to the binder
upload() - Method in class
Upload a blob data and fire an event according to eventName.
Upload - Class in zul
Helper class for implementing the fileupload.
Uploader - Class in zul
Default file uploader for the upload widget.
UploadManager - Class in zul
Default file upload manager to manage the uploading files in a panel.
UploadViewer - Class in zul
Default file viewer to see the upload status.
Utl - Class in zk.xml
Utilities for parsing XML and others.
uuid(Widget, String) - Method in class zk.AuCmd1
Rename UUID.
uuid - Variable in class zk.Widget
uuid(String) - Static method in class zk.Widget
Converts an ID of a DOM element to UUID.


validate(Widget, Object) - Method in class zul.inp.SimpleConstraint
validation for flag, validate date if val is date
validate_(Object) - Method in class zul.inp.InputWidget
Make the SimpleConstraint calls the validate for val, if SimpleConstraint is exist
validateStrict(String) - Method in class zul.inp.Combobox
called by SimpleConstraint
version - Static variable in class _global_.zk
The version of ZK, such as '5.0.0'
vflexHeight() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the maximal allowed height of the first matched element.
Video - Class in
A video player Only works for browsers supporting HTML5 video tag.
viewportOffset() - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the X/Y coordinates of the first matched element relative to the viewport.
Vlayout - Class in
A vertical layout.
VOICEDIAL - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
vparentNode(boolean) - Method in class _global_.jqzk
Returns the virtual parent of the first matched element.


WAKEUP - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
WEST - Static variable in class zul.layout.Borderlayout
The west layout constraint (left side of container).
West - Class in zul.layout
A west region of a border layout.
Widget - Class in zk
A widget, i.e., an UI object.
Widget - Class in zul
The base class for ZUL widget.
widget - Variable in class zul.WScroll
The widget object that owns the control object.
WidgetInfo - Class in zk.wgt
Information of widgets.
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Desktop
The widget name (desktop).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Macro
The widget name (macro).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Native
The widget name (native).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Page
The widget name (page).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.RefWidget
The widget name (refWidget).
widgetName - Variable in class zk.Widget
The widget name of the widget.
width - Variable in class _global_.Dimension
The width.
Window - Class in _global_
Window object representing an open window in a browser.
Window() - Constructor for class _global_.Window
Window - Class in zul.wnd
A window.
WindowRenderer - Class in zul.wnd
The renderer used to render a window.
wrongValue(Object...) - Method in class zk.AuCmd0
Shows the error messages for the specified widgets.
WScroll - Class in zul
A wave Scrollbar used to scroll the specific content and provides four controls to navigate the content, such as Home/Previous/Next/End, and also supports the mousewheel control.


XMLHttpRequest - Class in _global_
The XMLHttpRequest specification defines an API that provides scripted client functionality for transferring data between a client and a server.
XMLHttpRequest() - Constructor for class _global_.XMLHttpRequest


yearView(Calendar, Array, Map) - Static method in class zul.db.Renderer
Renderer the yearView for this calendar


zAu - Class in _global_
The AU Engine used to send the AU requests to the server and to process the AU responses.
zEmbedded - Class in _global_
A collection of embedded ZK utilities.
ZENKAKU - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ZENKAKUHANAKU - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
zk - package zk
ZK JavaScript extension and utilities
zk - Variable in class _global_.jq
The associated instance of jqzk that provides additional utilities to jQuery.
zk - Class in _global_
A collection of ZK core utilities.
zk(Event, Widget) - Static method in class jq.Event
Converts a DOM event (Event) to a ZK event (Event).
zk.canvas - package zk.canvas
Canvas - 2D command-based drawing.
zk.eff - package zk.eff
The effects, such as mask and shadow.
zk.wgt - package zk.wgt
Utilities to handle widgets, such as the information about widgets.
zk.xml - package zk.xml
XML utilities.
zk.zuml - package zk.zuml
iZUML utilities.
zkbind - package zkbind
zkbind - Class in _global_
A collection of ZK bind utilities.
zkex.grid - package zkex.grid
Additional grid related widgets, such as detail and group.
zkex.inp - package zkex.inp
Additional input related widgets and utilities, such as color.
zkex.layout - package zkex.layout
Additional layout related widgets and columlayout. - package
zkex.pdfviewer - package zkex.pdfviewer
zkex.sel - package zkex.sel
Additional selectable related widgets, such as listgroup.
zkex.slider - package zkex.slider
zkex.utl - package zkex.utl
Additional utility widgets and utilities, such as jasperreport.
zKeys - Class in _global_
A collection of constants for KeyboardEvent.key values.
zkmax.barcode - package zkmax.barcode
zkmax.barscanner - package zkmax.barscanner
zkmax.big - package zkmax.big
zkmax.fusionchartz - package zkmax.fusionchartz
zkmax.inp - package zkmax.inp
zkmax.layout - package zkmax.layout
Additional layout related widgets, such as portallayout and tablelayout. - package
zkmax.nav - package zkmax.nav
zkmax.slider - package zkmax.slider
zkmax.wgt - package zkmax.wgt
ZOOMIN - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
ZOOMOUT - Static variable in class _global_.zKeys
zsync() - Static method in class _global_.jq
To invoke the zsync method of the registered objects.
zsync(Map) - Method in class zk.Widget
Synchronizes a map of objects that are associated with this widget, and they shall be resized when the size of this widget is changed.
zul - package zul
The container related widgets, such as window, groupbox, tabpanel, panelchildren. - package
The box widgets, such as hbox and vbox.
zul.db - package zul.db
The date related widgets, such as datebox and calendar.
zul.fud - package zul.fud
zul.grid - package zul.grid
zul.inp - package zul.inp
The input related widgets, such as textbox and combobox.
zul.layout - package zul.layout
The layout widgets, such as borderlayout. - package
The multimedia widgets, such as applet and audio. - package
The menu related widgets, such as menubar and menuitem.
zul.mesh - package zul.mesh
The two-dimensional mesh related widgets.
zul.sel - package zul.sel
The selectable widgets, such as listbox and tree. - package
The tabbox related widgets, such as tabbox and tabpanel.
zul.utl - package zul.utl
The utility widgets, such as iframe and script.
zul.wgt - package zul.wgt
The basic widgets, such as button and div.
zul.wnd - package zul.wnd
The window related widgets, such as window and panel.
zUtl - Class in _global_
The basic utilities.
zWatch - Class in _global_
An utility to manage watches.


_global_ - package _global_
The global namespace in JavaScript (i.e., the window object).
_global_ - Class in _global_
It is not really a class but a collection of global functions and variables.
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