Hierarchy (view full)



$oid: number = 0

The object ID. Each object has its own unique $oid. It is mainly used for debugging purpose.

Trick: you can test if a JavaScript object is a ZK object by examining this property, such as `if (o.$oid) alert('o is a ZK object');`

Notice: zk.Class extends from zk.Object (so a class also has $oid)

cometURI?: ((dt) => string)

Type declaration

    • (dt): string
    • Parameters

      Returns string

desktop?: Desktop
$oid: any


  • get $class(): typeof ZKObject
  • The class that this object belongs to.

    Returns typeof ZKObject


  • The constructor.


    • Optional props: Record<string, unknown> | (() => void)

    Returns void

    Default Value

    it does nothing so the subclass needs not to copy back
    (also harmless to call back).




    as of 10.0 released. Using ES6 constructor instead.

  • Determines if this object is an instance of the class represented by the specified Class parameter. Example:

    if (obj.$instanceof(zul.wgt.Label, zul.wgt.Image)) {


    • Rest ...klass: any[]

      the Class object to be checked. Any number of arguments can be specified.

    Returns boolean

    true if this object is an instance of the class

  • Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments. It is like Function's call() that takes any number of arguments.

    Example: ```ts multiply: function (n) { return this.$super('multiply', n + 2); } ```

    Type Parameters

    • M extends "$init" | "$supers" | "_$ais" | "_$supers" | "_$proxies" | "_$super" | "_importantEvts" | "afterCreated_" | "afterInit" | "$class" | "get$Class" | "$oid" | "$instanceof" | "$super" | "proxy" | "desktop" | "start" | "stop" | "cometURI" | "_nfail" | "_retryCount" | "_retryDelay" | "_ajaxTimeout" | "_stopped" | "_req" | "_asending" | "visibilityChanged" | "_send" | "_onRespReady" | "_asend" | "_retry" | "_respSuccess" | "_respFailure"

    • F extends any


    • mtd: M

      the method name to invoke

    • Rest ...args: Parameters<F>

      any number of arguments

    Returns ReturnType<F>

    the object being returned by the method of the superclass.

  • Invokes a method defined in the superclass with any number of arguments. It is like Function's call() that takes any number of arguments.

    It is similar to ZKObject.$super, but this method works even if the superclass calls back the same member method. In short, it is tedious but safer.

    Example: ```ts foo.MyClass = zk.$extends(foo.MySuper, { multiply: function (n) { return this.$super(foo.MyClass, 'multiply', n + 2); } ```

    Notice that the class specified in the first argument is not the super class having the method. Rather, it is the class that invokes this method.

    Type Parameters

    • M extends "$init" | "$supers" | "_$ais" | "_$supers" | "_$proxies" | "_$super" | "_importantEvts" | "afterCreated_" | "afterInit" | "$class" | "get$Class" | "$oid" | "$instanceof" | "$super" | "proxy" | "desktop" | "start" | "stop" | "cometURI" | "_nfail" | "_retryCount" | "_retryDelay" | "_ajaxTimeout" | "_stopped" | "_req" | "_asending" | "visibilityChanged" | "_send" | "_onRespReady" | "_asend" | "_retry" | "_respSuccess" | "_respFailure"

    • F extends any


    • klass: typeof ZKObject

      the class that invokes this method.

    • mtd: M

      the method name to invoke

    • Rest ...args: Parameters<F>

      any number of arguments

    Returns ReturnType<F>

    the object being returned by the method of the superclass.





  • Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments. It is like Function's apply() that takes an array of arguments.

    Example: ```ts multiply: function () { return this.$supers('multiply', arguments); } ```

    Type Parameters

    • M extends "$init" | "$supers" | "_$ais" | "_$supers" | "_$proxies" | "_$super" | "_importantEvts" | "afterCreated_" | "afterInit" | "$class" | "get$Class" | "$oid" | "$instanceof" | "$super" | "proxy" | "desktop" | "start" | "stop" | "cometURI" | "_nfail" | "_retryCount" | "_retryDelay" | "_ajaxTimeout" | "_stopped" | "_req" | "_asending" | "visibilityChanged" | "_send" | "_onRespReady" | "_asend" | "_retry" | "_respSuccess" | "_respFailure"

    • F extends any


    • name: M

      the method name to invoke

    • args: Parameters<F>

      an array of arguments. In most case, you just pass arguments (the built-in variable).

    Returns ReturnType<F>

    the object being returned by the method of the superclass.

  • Invokes a method defined in the superclass with an array of arguments. It is like Function's apply() that takes an array of arguments.

    It is similar to zk.Object.$supers, but this method works even if the superclass calls back the same member method. In short, it is tedious but safer.

    Example: ```ts foo.MyClass = zk.$extends(foo.MySuper, { multiply: function () { return this.$supers(foo.MyClass, 'multiply', arguments); } ```

    Notice that the class specified in the first argument is not the super class having the method. Rather, it is the class that invokes this method.

    Type Parameters

    • M extends "$init" | "$supers" | "_$ais" | "_$supers" | "_$proxies" | "_$super" | "_importantEvts" | "afterCreated_" | "afterInit" | "$class" | "get$Class" | "$oid" | "$instanceof" | "$super" | "proxy" | "desktop" | "start" | "stop" | "cometURI" | "_nfail" | "_retryCount" | "_retryDelay" | "_ajaxTimeout" | "_stopped" | "_req" | "_asending" | "visibilityChanged" | "_send" | "_onRespReady" | "_asend" | "_retry" | "_respSuccess" | "_respFailure"

    • F extends any


    • klass: typeof ZKObject

      the class that invokes this method.

    • name: M

      the method name to invoke

    • args: Parameters<F>

      an array of arguments. In most case, you just pass arguments (the built-in variable).

    Returns ReturnType<F>

    the object being returned by the method of the superclass.





  • Specifies a function that shall be called after the object is initialized, i.e., after zk.Object.$init is called. This method can be called only during the execution of zk.Object.$init.

    It is an advance feature that is used to allow a base class to do something that needs to wait for all deriving classes have been initialized.

    Invocation Sequence:

    • The most derived class's $init (subclass)
    • The based class's $init (if the derived class's $init invokes this.$supers('$init', arguments))
    • The first function, if any, be added with afterInit, then the second (in the same order that afterInit was called)...


    • func: CallableFunction

      the function to register for execution later

    Returns void




    as of 10.0 released. Using afterCreated_ instead.

  • Type Parameters

    Returns T

    the class of the subsclass which extends from zk.Class.



  • Proxies a member function such that it can be called with this object in a context that this object is not available. It sounds a bit strange at beginning but useful when passing a member of an object that will be executed as a global function.

    Example: Let us say if you want a member function to be called periodically, you can do as follows. ```ts setInterval(wgt.proxy(wgt.doIt), 1000); //assume doIt is a member function of wgt ```

    With proxy, when doIt is called, this references to wgt. On the other hand, the following won't work since this doesn't reference to wgt, when doIt is called. ```ts setInterval(wgt.doIt, 1000); //WRONG! doIt will not be called with wgt ```

    Notice that this method caches the result so that it will return the same proxied function, if you pass the same function again.

    Type Parameters

    • A extends unknown[]

    • R


    • func: ((...args) => R)

      a method member of this object

        • (...args): R
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: A

          Returns R

    Returns ((...args) => R)

    a function that can be called as a global function (that actually have this referencing to this object).

      • (...args): R
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: A

        Returns R

  • Type Parameters

    • A0

    • A extends unknown[]

    • R


    • func: ((arg0, ...args) => R)
        • (arg0, ...args): R
        • Parameters

          • arg0: A0
          • Rest ...args: A

          Returns R

    Returns ((arg0, ...args) => R)

      • (arg0, ...args): R
      • Parameters

        • arg0: A0
        • Rest ...args: A

        Returns R

  • Type Parameters

    • A0

    • A1

    • A extends unknown[]

    • R


    • func: ((arg0, arg1, ...args) => R)
        • (arg0, arg1, ...args): R
        • Parameters

          • arg0: A0
          • arg1: A1
          • Rest ...args: A

          Returns R

    Returns ((arg0, arg1, ...args) => R)

      • (arg0, arg1, ...args): R
      • Parameters

        • arg0: A0
        • arg1: A1
        • Rest ...args: A

        Returns R

  • Type Parameters

    • A0

    • A1

    • A2

    • A extends unknown[]

    • R


    • func: ((arg0, arg1, arg2, ...args) => R)
        • (arg0, arg1, arg2, ...args): R
        • Parameters

          • arg0: A0
          • arg1: A1
          • arg2: A2
          • Rest ...args: A

          Returns R

    Returns ((arg0, arg1, arg2, ...args) => R)

      • (arg0, arg1, arg2, ...args): R
      • Parameters

        • arg0: A0
        • arg1: A1
        • arg2: A2
        • Rest ...args: A

        Returns R

  • Type Parameters

    • A0

    • A1

    • A2

    • A3

    • A extends unknown[]

    • R


    • func: ((arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, ...args) => R)
        • (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, ...args): R
        • Parameters

          • arg0: A0
          • arg1: A1
          • arg2: A2
          • arg3: A3
          • Rest ...args: A

          Returns R

    Returns ((arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, ...args) => R)

      • (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, ...args): R
      • Parameters

        • arg0: A0
        • arg1: A1
        • arg2: A2
        • arg3: A3
        • Rest ...args: A

        Returns R

  • Parameters

    • dt: undefined | Desktop
    • cometURI: undefined | ((dt) => string)
    • Optional retryCount: number
    • Optional retryDelay: number
    • Optional ajaxTimeout: number

    Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Determines if the class by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass of, the class represented by the specified Class parameter. Example:

    if (klass1.isAssignableFrom(klass2)) {


    • cls: typeof ZKObject

      the Class object to be checked, such as zk.Widget.

    Returns boolean

    true if assignable

  • Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with this Class. This method is equivalent to [[zk.Object#$instanceof]. Example:

    if (klass.isInstance(obj)) {

    Type Parameters


    • this: T
    • o: unknown

      the object to check

    Returns o is InstanceType<T>

    true if the object is an instance