Interface IRowlayout

    • Field Detail

      • DEFAULT

        static final IRowlayout DEFAULT
        Constant for default attributes of this immutable component.
    • Method Detail

      • getWidgetClass

        default java.lang.String getWidgetClass()
        Returns the client widget class.

        Default: "zkmax.layout.Rowlayout"

        Specified by:
        getWidgetClass in interface IComponent<IRowlayout>
      • withWidth

        default IRowlayout withWidth​(@Nullable
                                     java.lang.String width)
        Specified by:
        withWidth in interface IHtmlBasedComponent<IRowlayout>
        width - The width of the component.

        Default: null

        A modified copy of the this object
      • withHflex

        default IRowlayout withHflex​(@Nullable
                                     java.lang.String hflex)
        Specified by:
        withHflex in interface IHtmlBasedComponent<IRowlayout>
        hflex - The horizontal flex hint.

        Default: null

        A modified copy of the this object
      • getNcols

        default int getNcols()
        Returns number of columns to divide the row into

        Default: 12

      • withNcols

        IRowlayout withNcols​(int ncols)
        Returns a copy of this immutable component with the specified ncols.

        Sets the number of columns to divide the row into

        ncols - The number of columns to divide the row into

        Default: 12.

        A modified copy of the this object
      • getSpacing

        default java.lang.String getSpacing()
        Returns spacing between columns should be given as a ratio to the column width. e.g. "1/3", "33.3%", or "0.3333"

        Default: 20.0/60.0 = 0.3333...

      • withSpacing

        IRowlayout withSpacing​(java.lang.String spacing)
        Returns a copy of this immutable component with the specified spacing.

        Sets the spacing between columns should be given as a ratio to the column width.

        spacing - The spacing between columns should be given as a ratio to the column width.

        Default: "0.333333333333333".

        A modified copy of the this object
      • ofId

        static IRowlayout ofId​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns the instance with the given id.
        id - The id to identify this component