
From Documentation

Since 9.5.0

  • Available for ZK:
  • ee.png

Label a Component

To name a component with ARIA attribute by adding the aria-label client attribute to the component, please refer to ZK_Developer's_Reference/Accessibility#Specify_ARIA_Attributes

Keyboard Support

ArrowUp Moves focus one cell Up. If focus is on the top cell in the column, focus does not move.
ArrowDown Moves focus one cell down. If focus is on the bottom cell in the column, focus does not move.
ArrowLeft Moves focus one cell to the left. If focus is on the left-most cell in the row, focus does not move.
ArrowRight Moves focus one cell to the right. If focus is on the right-most cell in the row, focus does not move.
Enter / Spacebar When the Detail/Group is focused, open/close the Detail/Group. When the sortable column is focused, press enter/spacebar to sort it.
Alt + ArrowDown When the Column with menupopup is focused, open the menupopup.