Processing... Click, drag or wheel your mouse to adjust the volume and power.
Description & Source Code
Knob is a new Slider mold providing an angular slider to change the input value like turning a knob. It supporting mouse click/drag/wheel as well as text input. slider_knob.zul
<zk> <vlayout spacing="0px" hflex="1"> <hlayout spacing="10px" hflex="1"> <groupbox title="VOLUME" width="240px" height="280px" closable="false"> <slider mold="knob" width="100%" height="100%" maxpos="11" curpos="7" step="1" angleArc="240" strokeWidth="25"/> </groupbox> <vlayout spacing="0px"> <groupbox title="BASS" width="120px" height="140px" closable="false"> <slider mold="knob" width="100%" height="100%" curpos="65" step="1" angleArc="240" strokeWidth="13"/> </groupbox> <groupbox title="TREBLE" width="120px" height="140px" closable="false"> <slider mold="knob" width="100%" height="100%" curpos="45" step="1" angleArc="240" strokeWidth="13"/> </groupbox> </vlayout> </hlayout> <groupbox width="370px" title="Other Controls"> <hlayout hflex="1" sclass="otherControls" spacing="0"> <vlayout hflex="1"> A<slider orient="vertical" height="100px" curpos="20" /> </vlayout> <vlayout hflex="1"> B<slider orient="vertical" height="100px" curpos="90" /> </vlayout> <vlayout hflex="1"> C<slider orient="vertical" height="100px" curpos="10" /> </vlayout> <vlayout hflex="1"> D<slider orient="vertical" height="100px" curpos="30" /> </vlayout> <vlayout hflex="1"> E<slider orient="vertical" height="100px" curpos="70" /> </vlayout> <vlayout hflex="1"> F<slider orient="vertical" height="100px" curpos="50" /> </vlayout> </hlayout> </groupbox> </vlayout> <style> .otherControls .z-vlayout-inner { text-align: center; } .otherControls .z-vlayout-inner > * { display: inline-block; } </style> </zk>
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