class |
Accessibility |
An options for configuring accessibility for the chart.
class |
AccessibilityPoint |
Options for descriptions of individual data points.
class |
AccessibilitySeries |
Accessibility options global to all data series.
class |
ActiveWhen |
Define a condition for when a track should be active and not.
class |
Animation |
An animation class to set the overall animation for all chart updating.
class |
Annotation |
A basic type of an annotation.
static class |
Annotation.Point |
This object defines the point to which the label or shape will be connected.
class |
AnnotationLabel |
A label for the annotation.
class |
AnnotationLabelAccessibility |
Accessibility options for an annotation label.
class |
AnnotationLabelOptions |
Options for annotation's labels.
class |
AnnotationShape |
A shape for the annotation.
class |
AnnotationShapeOptions |
Options for annotation's shapes.
class |
AnnounceNewData |
An options for announcing new data to screen reader users.
class |
Axis |
A chart can have from 0 axes (pie chart) to multiples.
class |
AxisAccessibility |
Accessibility options for an axis.
class |
AxisLabels |
The axis labels show the number or category for each tick.
class |
AxisTitle |
An option for axis' title
class |
Breadcrumbs |
Options for the breadcrumbs, the navigation at the top leading the way up through
the traversed levels.
class |
Break |
Represents a break in the axis.
class |
BubbleLegend |
The bubble legend is an additional element in legend which presents the scale of the bubble series.
static class |
BubbleLegend.Labels |
Options for the bubble legend labels.
static class |
BubbleLegend.Range |
Options for specific range.
class |
Caption |
The chart's caption, which will render below the chart and will be part of exported charts.
class |
Chart |
An Chart options regarding the chart area and plot area as well as general
chart options.
class |
Cluster |
Options for marker clusters, the concept of sampling the data values into larger
blocks in order to ease readability and increase performance of the JavaScript charts.
class |
ClusterLayoutAlgorithm |
Options for layout algorithm.
class |
Color |
class |
ColorAxis |
A Color Axis used for heat map plots only
class |
ColorVariation |
A configuration object to define how the color of a child varies from the
parent's color.
class |
ConnectorOptions |
Options for the connector in the Series on point feature.
class |
ContextTracks |
Context tracks for this series.
class |
Credits |
A credits option to put a credits label in the lower right corner of the
class |
Crosshair |
Configure a crosshair that follows either the mouse pointer or the hovered point.
class |
Data |
The Data module provides a simplified interface for adding data to a chart from sources like CVS, HTML tables or grid views.
class |
DataClass |
A data class or range for the choropleth map.
class |
DataSorting |
Options for the series data sorting.
class |
DateTimeLabelFormats |
For a datetime axis, the scale will automatically adjust to the appropriate
class |
DefaultInstrumentOptions |
Default sonification options for all instrument tracks.
class |
DefaultSpeechOptions |
Default sonification options for all speech tracks.
class |
Depth |
Map to tremolo depth, from 0 to 1.
class |
Drilldown |
Options for drill down, the concept of inspecting increasingly high
resolution data through clicking on chart items like columns or pie slices.
class |
DrillUpButton |
Options for the drill up button that appears when drilling down on a series.
class |
Exporting |
Options for the exporting module.
class |
ExportingAccessibility |
Accessibility options for the exporting menu.
class |
ExportingButton |
Options for the export button.
class |
FocusBorder |
Options for the focus border drawn around elements while navigating through them.
class |
Frequency |
Frequency in Hertz of notes.
class |
GapBetweenNotes |
Gap in milliseconds between notes if pitch is mapped to an array of notes.
class |
Global |
The Global object is global and it can't be set on each chart initiation.
class |
GlobalContextTrack |
Context tracks to add globally, an array of either instrument tracks, speech tracks, or a mix.
class |
GlobalTrack |
Global tracks to add to every series.
class |
Halo |
A Halo options
class |
HaloAttributes |
A Halo attributes options
class |
Highpass |
Mapping options for the highpass filter.
class |
KeyboardNavigation |
An options for keyboard navigation.
class |
Labels |
HTML labels that can be positioned anywhere in the chart area.
class |
LabelsItem |
An option for Labels
class |
Lang |
The language object is global and it can't be set on each chart initiation.
class |
LangAccessibility |
Configure the accessibility strings in the chart.
class |
LangAnnounceNewData |
Default announcement for new data in charts.
class |
LangAxis |
Axis description format strings for lang accessibility.
class |
LangChartTypes |
Chart type description strings.
class |
LangExporting |
Exporting menu format strings for accessibility module.
class |
LangLegend |
Language options for accessibility of the legend.
class |
LangRangeSelector |
Range selector language options for accessibility.
class |
LangScreenReaderSection |
Language options for the screen reader information sections added before and after the charts.
class |
LangScreenReaderSectionAnnotations |
Language options for annotation descriptions.
class |
LangSeries |
Lang configuration for different series types.
class |
LangSeriesSummary |
Lang configuration for the series main summary.
class |
LangSeriesTypeDescriptions |
Descriptions of lesser known series types.
class |
LangSonification |
Language options for sonification.
class |
LangTable |
Accessibility language options for the data table.
class |
LangZoom |
Chart and map zoom accessibility language options.
class |
Legend |
The legend is a box containing a symbol and name for each series item or
point item in the chart.
class |
LegendAccessibility |
Options for configuring accessibility for the legend of the chart.
class |
LegendKeyboardNavigation |
Options for keyboard navigation for the legend.
class |
LegendNavigation |
Options for the paging or navigation appearing when the legend is overflown.
class |
LegendTitle |
A title to be added on top of the legend.
class |
Level |
Set options on specific levels.
class |
LevelSize |
Determines the width of the ring per level.
class |
LinearGradient |
A linear gradient is a smooth transition from one color to another.
class |
Loading |
The loading options control the appearance of the loading screen that covers
the plot area on chart operations.
class |
LowMarker |
Options for the lower markers of the dumbbell-like series.
class |
Lowpass |
Mapping options for the lowpass filter.
class |
Mapping |
Mapping options for the audio parameters.
class |
Marker |
The options for the marker
class |
MenuItem |
class |
Navigation |
A collection of options for buttons and menus appearing in the exporting
class |
NavigationButton |
A collection of options for buttons appearing in the exporting module.
class |
NoData |
An option for no data message
class |
Node |
A collection of options for the individual nodes.
class |
NoteDuration |
Note duration determines for how long a note plays, in milliseconds.
class |
OnPoint |
Options for the Series on point feature.
class |
Options |
The global options for Highcharts
class |
Pan |
Pan refers to the stereo panning position of the sound.
class |
Pane |
Applies only to polar charts and angular gauges.
class |
PaneBackground |
A option of background for Pane.
class |
ParallelAxes |
Common options for all yAxes rendered in a parallel coordinates plot.
class |
Path |
The paths include options describing the point image.
class |
PDFFont |
Settings for a custom font for the exported PDF.
class |
Pitch |
Musical pitch refers to how high or low notes are played.
class |
PlayDelay |
Milliseconds to wait before playing, comes in addition to the time determined by the time mapping.
class |
PlotBand |
A colored band stretching across the plot area marking an interval on the
class |
PlotLabel |
Text labels for the plot bands and plot lines
class |
PlotLine |
A plot line stretching across the plot area, marking a specific value on one
of the axes.
class |
PlotShadow |
Whether to apply a drop shadow to the plot area.
class |
Point |
The Point object can be accessed in a number of ways.
static class |
Point.ArrayPoint<T> |
Represents an array like point without any key.
class |
PointAccessibility |
Accessibility options for a point.
class |
PointGrouping |
Options for grouping data points together when sonifying.
class |
Position |
A position option to specify the position for buttons or labels.
class |
RadialGradient |
A radial gradient is a smooth transition from one color to another.
class |
Rate |
Rate mapping for speech tracks.
class |
ResetZoomButton |
The button that appears after a selection zoom, allowing the user to reset
class |
Resonance |
Map to filter resonance in dB.
class |
Responsive |
Allows setting a set of rules to apply for different screen or chart sizes.
static class |
Responsive.Condition |
Under which conditions the rule applies.
static class |
Responsive.Rule |
A rule for responsive settings.
class |
ScreenReaderSection |
Accessibility options for the screen reader information sections added before and after the chart.
class |
ScrollablePlotArea |
Options for a scrollable plot area.
class |
Separator |
Options object for Breadcrumbs separator.
class |
Series |
The Series object is the JavaScript representation of each line, area series,
pie etc.
class |
SeriesAccessibility |
Accessibility options for a series.
class |
SeriesKeyboardNavigation |
Options for keyboard navigation for the series.
class |
SeriesNavigation |
An options for the keyboard navigation of data points and series.
class |
SeriesSonification |
Sonification/audio chart options for a series.
class |
Shadow |
A shadow option to set for the chart
class |
Sonification |
Options for configuring sonification and audio charts.
class |
Speed |
Map to tremolo speed, from 0 to 1.
class |
StackLabels |
The stack labels show the total value for each bar in a stacked column or bar
class |
StackShadow |
Relevant only for pictorial series.
class |
State |
A state options.
class |
States |
A wrapper object for all the series options in specific states.
class |
Subtitle |
The chart's subtitle
class |
Time |
Time mapping determines what time each point plays.
class |
Title |
The chart's main title.
class |
Tooltip |
Options for the tooltip that appears when the user hovers over a series or
class |
Track |
Tracks for this series.
class |
TraverseUpButton |
Options for the button appearing when traversing down in a diagram.
class |
Tremolo |
Mapping options for tremolo effects.
class |
Volume |
The volume of notes, from 0 to 1.
class |
XAxis |
The X axis or category axis.
class |
YAxis |
The Y axis or value axis.
class |
YAxisLabels |
A axis labels option for YAxis
class |
YAxisTitle |
A axis title option for YAxis
class |
ZAxis |
The Z axis or category axis.
class |
Zone |
Defining zones within a series