ZK Charts Release Notes

Released on Oct. 12, 2021

ZK Charts 8 (version number is a major release upgrading its underlying Highcharts library to 8.0.4, bringing more than 30 bug fixes and one new chart - the radial bar chart from Highcharts. Please refer to Highcharts's changelog. In addition, an issue (ZKCHARTS-113) regarding full screen resizing is fixed.

ZK Charts brings a variety of charting options to your doorsteps, the intuitive API allows you to present your server-side data on the client as ZK Charts handles the client-server of data for you transparently.

Moreover, the comprehensive API provides all the client side functionality available to the developer from the server-side in Java. This is a distinct advantage to developers as it allows them to achieve their goals using mature technology they love.

What's New

  • New Features
  • Bugs fixed
    • ZKCHARTS-113 - The chart does not display the original size after exiting full screen mode

    For more information, please go to the documentation